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Writing Tips――英文写作常识 (1)

Many readers asked me about how to improve their writing skills. I personally think writing is the most important and also the most difficult part in learning English as a second language. Today, we’ll talk about some basic rules in English writing. If, somehow, your teacher taught you things that are different from what I am going to tell you below, please follow your teacher, because she or he is the one who will grade your paper.




She came to see him, but he was not home.


She came to see him; he was not home.

以下为 “跑句”(run-on sentence), 错误句法:

She came to see him, he was not home.

She came to see him he was not home.


She came to see him but he was not home.




John’s father is a professor, his mother is a nurse, and all his three older brothers are serving in the Army.


John’s father has been teaching in this college for 30 years; his mother married his father after she got her nursing degree; all his three older brothers joined the Army after high school and later served in Iraq.

c. 分号加连接词

John’s father has been teaching in this college for 30 years; his mother married his father after she got her nursing degree; and all his three older brothers joined the Army after high school and later served in Iraq.

在上下文清楚的情况下, 有时也可以用句号加连接词

John’s father has been teaching in this college for 30 years. His mother married his father after she got her nursing degree. And all his three older brothers joined the Army after high school and later served in Iraq.

(3) 连接词组


a. There are several things on the table: a pen, a book, and a pair of glasses.

b. There are several things on the table: a pen, a book and a pair of glasses.


(4) 词组排列的格式



At the train station, he hugged his father, his mother, and all his brothers.


... and that government, of the people, by the people, for the people, shall not perish from the earth (Abraham Lincoln).


He is a war hero in World War Ⅰ, World War Ⅱ, and the Korean Conflict.

d.简单在前, 复杂在后

... that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness (US Declaration of Independence).

(5) 逗号的用法





Because he did a good job in sales, the company promoted him to the sales manager position.

The company promoted him to the sales manager position because he did a good job in sales.


Because of his good work, the company promoted him to the sales manager position.

The company promoted him to the sales manager position because of his good work.



He went to New York in January, 1980, and stayed there for the rest of his life.

On November 8th, 1956, his first son was born.


Abraham Lincoln made his famous Gettysburg address on November 19th, 1863, in Gettysburg, Pennsylvania.

He lived in New York, the United States, for 20 years.

(6) 引号及其他标点符号



“Creative governments will always be ‘out of channels,’” he told a New York Times reporter.

He was known to the local people as “the big dude.”


Dr. King said in his famous “I have a dream” speech: I have a dream that my four little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin but by the content of their character.

He was known to the local people as “the big dude”; the locals liked him very much.


This morning, did you drive by the “Bird Nest”?

Kennedy asked in 1961: “Were we truly men of courage―with the courage to stand up to one’s enemies―and the courage to stand up, when necessary, to one’s associates?”

So much for writing tips for one day. I hope today’s column will be of some help to you when you write your next essay in English.省略 if you have a question or would like to share a thought. Take good care and keep in touch.
