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In Tehran in 1978, hundreds of thousands of people are in the streets, calling for the end of the Iranian monarchy[君主制]. Marjane is a little girl, and she and her family are swept up in the turbulent[动荡的] events: the Shah[伊朗国王] falls, Islamic revolution takes hold and war breaks out between Iran and Iraq.

Events in Persepolis are familiar to viewers in Tehran. Thirty-five year old Mohammed says he was surprised at the impact Persepolis had on him.

Mohammed: We could really touch it and feel it and we could really understand it and absorb it. That was the

reason that we really enjoyed the movie.

Stylistically, Persepolis is an unusual animated film. It is drawn in a flat style in stark[完全] black and white, very much like the drawings in Marjane Satrapi’s graphic novel, from which the film was adapted. But the animation in Persepolis is anything but simple, says Nelufar.

Nelufar: I really like the technique of the film, because it’s sort of like putting away the Disney clichés[陈腐的题材]. It was, in a way, combination of Eastern theatrical[戏剧的] style with…I don’t know, modern Western films?

To protect Marjane from the Iraqi bombs and

missiles[导弹], her parents sent her to Europe and safety. But the young teenager cannot adapt. She falls sick and must return to Tehran. In Iran, she is unable to conform to[遵照]

the changing political culture. She turns Punk, champions[支持]

heavy metal Rock, challenges the Islamic dogma[教条] of her teachers, and later falls into a deep depression.

Nelufar: I can see the same thing she has [saw]注.

Nelufar says she and her friends have gone through some of the same experiences that young Marjane did in the film. Mohammed found himself surprisingly wrapped up in[迷上] Marjane’s struggle.

Mohammed: For this person, who comes back again at the…after couple of years to Iran, still it’s very difficult to adapt yourself with the situation that still was going on in Iran. That’s why maybe the reason that, for her, was difficult to find her way.

Eventually, Marjane pulls herself together[重新振作], and struggles to assert[坚决维护] her individuality in the society that appears to have no interest in individual identity. But her parents fear that her behavior could land her in prison, and they persuade her to leave Iran again, this time for Paris. Still, the end gives a feeling of hope, Nelufar says, adding she wishes Persepolis had won the Oscar.











