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完美住所 第5期

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设计师:Martyn Lawrence-Bullard


对于Jimmy Choo的时尚执行人Tamara Mellon来说,选择诺丁山这个地理位置确实让人有些出乎意料,但吸引人们的,正是这里散发出的爱德华时代的魅力和绵延4500平方英尺的单层面积,这恰好证明了Tamara和她的女儿Araminta的选择是多么的明智,不容置疑,这里的确是伦敦的一个完美住所。作为一名出色的设计师,Martyn Lawrence-Bullard曾经为Cher和Christina Aguilera等名流主持设计,因此他也绝对有能力将这座位于伦敦的公寓打造得富丽堂皇且具有异域风情。Tamara和设计师Martyn是很多年的好朋友,Tamara之所以选择Martyn作为其新家的设计师,是因为她相信Martyn的设计风格和设计灵活性非常符合自己的生活习性和个性。他们俩还曾经一同去过土耳其和摩洛哥,度过了一个难忘的购物之旅,在那里,设计师Martyn帮Tamara搜集了许多具有当地特色的精美“珍藏品”。


同时,通过一系列描绘,诸如Andy Warhol, Jean-Michel Basquiat以及 Damien Hirst等传奇人物的经典华丽的图像,进一步提升了空间的美学效果。在设计卧室的时候,让人印象深刻的是一幅镶边挂毯和两个床头柜,其中,挂毯颇具18世纪伊斯坦布尔特色,床头柜则用珍珠母镶嵌而成,是典型的叙利亚风格,一眼望去极富艺术感。这样的设计不仅达到了空间装饰风格的统一性和协调性,而且给整个主卧空间披上了一层浪漫神秘的面纱。



Although the Notting Hill address was a bit of an unusual choice for Jimmy Choo’s fashion executive Tamara Mellon, it was the Edwardian charm and the sprawling single story 4,500 square feet which proved to be the perfect London abode for Mellon and her daughter Araminta. Martyn Lawrence-Bullard, who has designed for celebrities such as Cher and Christina Aguilera, was able to create a luxurious and exotic retreat out of Mellon’s London flat. Even though Mellon and Lawrence-Bullard had a long-standing friendship, it was due to her belief that he demonstrates a flexibility that enables him to truly adapt style to suit the client’s personality, that she chose him to design her new home. Together they went on shopping expeditions to Turkey and Morocco where Lawrence-Bullard helped Mellon collect elegant and exotic treasures.

The space features an unusual mixture of fine furniture and museum quality art in order to accurately define Tamara Mellon who embodies the fashionable, fabulous, and well traveled. Lawrence-Bullard exquisitely demonstrates this in her living room which is a formal and luxurious space perfect for hosting one of her celebrity filled parties. The home’s aesthetic is also enhanced by a collection of magnificent photographs produced by legends such as Andy Warhol, Jean-Michel Basquiat, and Damien Hirst. However, balance is achieved in her bedroom which truly serves as a sanctuary. Featuring a unique 18th century embroidered tapestry from Istanbul and a Syrian mother-of-pearl inlaid chest, Lawrence-Bullard’s design defines romance and mystery.

Looking into the room of Mellon’s daughter, one is immediately aware of the feminine energy and the elements of fantasy. Truly a room fit for a princess, Lawrence-Bullard managed to create a place that could be considered a magical kingdom for any young girl.

Overall, the home personifies all of the things which make up the enchanting beauty, intelligence, ambition, and grace of Tamara Mellon. Only Martyn Lawrence-Bullard could have taken the visions and desires of such a dynamic woman and produced a space that is the essence of exotic luxury and whimsy.