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How do comics reflect the countries they were created in? As a series featuring collaborating[合作] artists from around the world concludes, a global look at comic styles offers a glimpse[一看] into national cultures.

The cult[崇拜者] of comic has many followers. Some love the characters, some are in awe of[对……十分崇敬] the artwork.

While the simplicity[简明] and soul of the comic is universal[普遍的], the pages can vary[变化] according to the countries they were created in.

“There are different styles and themes[主题],” says Tim Pilcher注1, author of The Essential Guide to World Comics注2 and the chairman of the Comic Book Alliance[联盟]. “These approaches[方法] can make the comics very different.”

While the comic industries in Japan, Europe and the US are well established, in the Middle East it took more time.

The first comic book superheroes were created in 2005. Aya, Zein, Jalila and Rakan from Middle Eastern Heroes have dark pasts that have transformed[转变] them into superheroes. Landmarks[地标] such as the Sphinx appear in the background, reinforcing[加强] the setting and the relevance[中肯] to its readers.







India’s comic book history goes back much further. Amar Chitra Katha is a comic book series based on stories from Indian classics. Sprawling[蔓延] epics[史诗] are condensed into[使压缩] comic strip[连环漫画] form.

Cartoonist[漫画家] Pran Kumar’s Chacha Chaudhary, is another Indian favourite. Chacha, the wise old man uses his intelligence to outwit[以智取胜] his enemies and storylines[故事情节] include cricket matches and chapatti[薄煎饼] eating.

“I wanted to create something that is Indian, that covers themes that are important and relevant[有关的] to India,”says Kumar. “I started making comics in the 1960s but everyone was reading Western ones, I thought why not create an indigenous[土生土长的] comic, based on local themes.”

In Japan, manga are read by children and adults alike. Subject matter varies wildly, from adventure stories to romance and the X-rated[限制级的]. The industry is fast and disposable[可任意使用的]. Artists can turn out 20 to 30 pages a week resulting in phonebook[通讯簿] size booklets[小册子], devoured[如饥似渴地阅读] and then discarded[丢弃].

“Because they are so long, you can get things like a bead[水珠] of sweat on someone’s forehead moving downwards over three pages,” adds Pilcher. “There is a character called Gon, who is a tiny dinosaur[恐龙], it has these amazingly detailed and beautiful landscapes[风景画]. People love it.”




