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中图分类号:Q949.9 文献标识码:A 文章编号:0439-8114(2012)21-4779-03

Investigation on Insecticidal Plant Resources in Ningxia

SHEN Rui-qing1,GUO Cheng-jin1,ZHANG Li-rong1,ZHANG Ping2,YANG Jin3

(1.Institute of Plant Protection, Ningxia Academy of Agriculture and Forestry Sciences / Ningxia Key Laboratory of Plant Diseases and

Pest Control, Yinchuan 750002,China;2. Ningxia College of Vocational and technology,Yinchuan 750033, China;

3.School of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, North University for Nationalities, Yinchuan 750021,China)

Abstract: Insecticidal plant resources were investigated by methods of collecting samples, checking records and asking local people in Ningxia from 2008 to 2011. The results showed that there were 56 species belonging to 16 families in Ningxia, of which the species of Compositae were the most(15 species), and Leguminosae ranked secondly with 8 species, and Euphorbiaceae ranked thirdly with 5 species. These insecticidal plant resources distributed in whole Ningxia and laid a foundation for rational development and utilization of insecticidal plant resources.

Key words: insecticidal plant; plant resource; investigation; Ningxia

宁夏回族自治区位于中国西北部北纬35°14′-39°23′和东经104°17′-107°39′之间,地处黄河中上游,处在我国三大自然区域的交汇、过渡地带,地理位置特殊,分布着草原、荒漠、森林、灌丛、草甸、沼泽、水生植被、盐生植被及栽培植被等多种类型。据统计,全区共有维管植物1 839种,隶属于128科609属[1,2]。丰富和较为独特的植物资源为开发和利用植物杀虫剂方面提供了很大潜力。但除个别学者做过一些初步调查外,很少有人对宁夏杀虫植物资源进行过系统研究[3-5]。为了搞清宁夏杀虫植物资源,为这些植物资源的合理利用特别是植物源农药的开发提供依据,在2008~2011年间,笔者通过采用实地标本采集鉴定、查阅文献和走访群众等方法对宁夏境内的杀虫植物资源做了较为系统的调查和研究[6-15],现将结果报告如下。

1 调查方法


2 调查结果


2.1 菊科(Compositae)

沙蒿(Artemisia desertorum Spreng.),分布于宁夏全区各地;万寿菊(Tagetes erecta L.),分布于宁夏引黄灌区;南牡蒿(Artemisia eriopoda Bge.),分布于贺兰山地区;猪毛蒿(Artemisia scaparia Waldst et Kit.),分布于宁夏全区各地;狭叶青蒿(Artemisia dracunculus L.),分布于宁夏贺兰山地区;艾蒿(Artemisia argyi Levl et Vant.),分布于宁夏全区各地;旋覆花(Inula japonica Thunb.),分布于宁夏全区各地;菊芋(Helianthus tuberosus L.), 分布于宁夏全区各地;火绒草[Leontopodium leontopodioides (Willd.)Beauv.], 分布于宁夏全区各地;烟管头(Carpesium cernuum L.),分布于宁夏六盘山地区;狼把草(Bidens tripartite L.), 分布于宁夏贺兰山地区;三叶鬼针草(Bidens pilosa L.),分布于宁夏全区各地;莴苣(Lactuca sativa L.),分布于宁夏全区各地;苍耳(Xamthium sibiricum Patrin et Widder),分布于宁夏全区各地;天名精(Carpesium abrotanoide L.),分布于宁夏六盘山各地。