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hroughout college, Matt had a friend named Mark. As good friends, the two went bowling together, they knew everything about each other, and they hung out. Also, they overcame many problems together. They were really good friends.

On Matt’s twenty-fourth birthday, their life changed. On thenightbeforehisbirthday, Mark called Matt,“Hi!”His voice sounded strange. He continued,“I have an important project to work on. I’m having some problem with this. Maybe, you could come over and help me with it by giving me some new ideas. Could you?”Matt asked,“What time?”Mark kept silent for a minute, and then he said,“8 p.m. is good for you?”Then Matt answered,“OK! See you later.”At that night, it was Matt’s birthday. So, he didn’t want to spend his birthday helping Mark withhisproject.Mattwenttoaclubwithsomeotherguys.

The next morning, Matt noticed that Mark was acting differently. When he went to talk to Mark, Mark ignored him completely. He left the classroom without saying one word. As Mark was walking away, Matt said in an angry voice,“You are selfish. You are just thinking about yourself. I was having fun on mybirthday.Whycan’tyouunderstandit?”

While he was saying it, Mallory, one of his classmates, stood up and started to say,“How can you say such thing to Mark?You don’tknow whathappened!Lastnight, he called you many times, but he didn’t get any answer from you. He worried about what was going wrong with you. He took his car and drove all night looking for you.”Matt started to apologize to Mallory andtohimself, saying,“Whydid hedoit?Hecould work on the project by himself, and...”At that time Mallory spoke angrily,“Shut up! He had prepared a surprise party for you, and we waitedforyouorforacallallnightlong.”

Tears fell from her eyes. Matt didn’t know what to say or whattodo.Beforehesaidanything,shelefttheclassroom. Hesat down and stayed there for a long time. He looked around the classroom.Itwascoldandplainwithouthisfriends.大学里,马特有一位名叫马克的朋友。作为好友,两人一起打保龄球,一起出去玩,对对方的一切无所不知,而且还一起克服了很多困难。他们是名副其实的挚友。



