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If you want to have a blog, but don’t have the time or energy to post thoughtful or silly articles regularly; or if you

really want to stay connected with your friends no matter where you are - here is a new service for you. It’s called “Twitter.”

Maybe you’re really busy. Maybe you don’t have much to say. Or maybe you’re just lazy. No problem! This free service is an addictive[上瘾的] concoction[混合物] of blogs, google maps, personal websites and text messaging - all bottled into one network and delivered to users in real time. Users no longer need computers or blogs. Messages can be typed by cell phone. Just remember to keep it short: posts are limited to 140 characters. And the topic is, invariably[总是], “What are you doing?”

Now anywhere from two friends to 2,000 friends can know where you are every minute of every hour of every day.

Despite its popularity, tech critics say most of the postings are meaningless. I know, it’s totally silly and shallow[浅薄的], but that’s precisely why Twitter is on its way to becoming the next big thing. Cyberjunkies[网络沉迷者] need a new thrill, and what better than a service that combines social networking, blogging and texting? Dozens of other companies are trying to do the same thing, but thus far, only Twitter has figured out how to make it easy.



