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Section A(1a-2c)教学设计

开篇:润墨网以专业的文秘视角,为您筛选了一篇Section A(1a-2c)教学设计范文,如需获取更多写作素材,在线客服老师一对一协助。欢迎您的阅读与分享!

摘 要:本课选自人教版新目标英语八年级上册第十一单元的第一课时。主要学习常见的家务活动短语,学会礼貌地提出请求和请求得到别人的允许以及如何作答。在学习中使学生受到爱的教育,学会爱父母,爱家庭,爱劳动,学会礼貌地与人交往。


中图分类号:G423.02 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1002-7661(2012)15-0135-01



掌握本课重点词汇及短语:do chores,do the dishes,sweep the floor,take out the trash,fold,make the bed

掌握本课重点句型:(1)Could you please clean your room? Yes, sure. /Sorry, I can’t. I have to do my homework.(2)Could I use your car? Yes, you can. / No, you can’t. I have to go out.

2. 能力目标:







1. 掌握本课重点单词及短语(听、说、读、写四会)。

2. 熟练运用所学重点句型进行口头交际。





根据教学内容和教学目标,利用多媒体通过游戏、小组竞赛,pairwork, groupwork等活动,尽量创设真实情景,让学生在熟悉的语境中学会并运用新知识。


Step 1:Lead-in.

1. Let students enjoy a video clip.

2. Ask students some questions.

Questions:(1)What are Snow White and little animals doing? (2)What house chores are they doing?


Step 2:Present the new phrases.

1. Show students some pictures of house chores and learn the new phrases.

2. Let students read the phrases after the teacher and then memorize them.


Step 3:Check the new phrases about house chores.

1. Memory Challenge


2. 小组竞赛,制作家务活动项目表。

T: Yes, our parents are really very hard. Every day they need to go to work. After work they need to do many house chores for us. Boys and girls, would you like to share more house chores with your parents?

Let’s make a house item and paste it on the wall in your room and let it remind you share more house chores with your parents.

(设计说明: 通过记忆挑战游戏以及创设情境让各小组开展竞赛动手制作家务活动项目表两项活动既激发了学生的学习兴趣,又从说和写的方面检测了学生的家务活动短语掌握情况。并且该环节渗透了丰富的情感教育,使学生体会到父母的辛苦,并主动为父母分担一些家务。)

Step 4:引入目标语言一 “Could you please do sth?”

使用本班教室卫生状况的一些真实图片,让学生说出三种表达法并比较哪一种语气最委婉。Sweep the floor!/Can you sweep the floor? /Could you please sweep the floor? 从而引出目标语言一:Could you please do…? Yes, sure. Sorry, I can’t. I have to …


Step 5:Listen to 1b

What kinds of chores do Peter and his mother do? Check Peter’s mother or Peter.
