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1. “You’ve done very well this time.” “It’s really kind ______.”

A. for you to say soB. for you saying so

C. of you to say so D. of you saying so

2. It is better to lose one’s life than ______.

A. if you lose your spirit

B. losing his spirit

C. to lose one’s spirit

D. your spirit getting lost

3. “I can’t work it out this way.” “Why not ______ it some other way?”

A. try to do B. try doing

C. trying to doD. trying doing

4. LittleJimshouldlove______tothe theatre this evening.

A. to be taken B. to take

C. being takenD. taking

5. Since you find it difficult ______ a decision, you’d better ______ a discussion with your parents.

A. reach, have

B. reaching, have

C. reach, having

D. to reach, have

6. Hewouldrathergo than ______ here for the night.

A. to stay B. stay

C. stayingD. stayed

7. My father hates ______. He never allows me ______.

A. to smoke, to smoke

B. smoking, smoking

C. smoke, smoking

D. smoking, to smoke

8. The girl was beginning ______.

A. get angry

B. to get angry

C. getting angry

D. angry

9. There isn’t any difference between the two. I really don’t know ______.

A. where to choose

B. which to choose

C. what to choose

D. to choose which

10. She didn’t know whether to sell her books or ______.

A. to keep them for reference

B. if she should keep them for reference

C. keeping them for reference

D. kept for reference


1. When the sun is down, the stars are bright enough to be seen.

2. It takes you ten minutes to get there.

3. You can see the clouds sail across the sky.

4. I hope to see him soon.

5. His wish is to become an engineer.

6. Men eat to live, but not live to eat.

7. I have a lot to tell you.

8. They will buy tickets to watch the ball game.

9. It is not right to be always thinking of oneself.


1. 你愿意跟我一起去吗?

2. 我怎样才能帮助孩子们,让他们不为考试而烦恼?

3. 我宁可步行也不愿坐汽车。

4. 老板让他从早干到晚。

5. 他拒绝回答任何问题。

6. 为什么在这儿呆这么久?

7. 我不会换电池。

8. 你最好现在去找他。

9. 李先生做了一台收音机听新闻。

10. 程先生花了差不多三年的时间写这本书。

11. 林先生是一位好共事的人。

12. 离开之前别忘了关灯。

13. 上课时间到了,学生停止说话了。

14. 不要再推迟写信的时间了。

15. 李涛开始意识到他错了。

16. 现在大多数的孩子都喜欢玩。

17. 我的收音机需要修理了。

18. 她学习英语没有困难。


一、1. C2. C3. B4. A5. D6. B7. D8. B9. B10. A

二、1. to be seen(状语) 2. to get there(主语)3. sail(宾语补足语)4. to see(宾语)5. to become(表语)6. to live(状语), to eat(状语)7. to tell(定语)8. to watch(状语)9. to be always thinking of oneself(主语)


1. 误:Would you like going with me?

正:Would you like to go with me?

分析:would like 意为“想要;愿意”,后接名词、代词和动词不定式(短语),不接动名词。

2. 误:How can I help the children not worry about their exams?

正:HowcanIhelpthechildrennotto worry about their exams?


3. 误:I prefer walking to go by bus.

正:I prefer walking to going by bus.


4. 误:The boss made him to work from morning till night.

正:The boss made him work from morning till night.

分析:make是一个使役动词,动词不定式作它的宾语补足语时要省去to。初中英语课本中适用这一规律的动词有12个,可用下面这个口诀帮助记忆:“两听”、“四看”、“一感觉”,使役动词有三个,help, find 后可带可不带,所以它们排在外。“两听”即hear, listen to;“四看”即see, watch, notice, look at;“一感觉”即feel;三个使役动词即let, have 和make;help和find 后可带to,也可不带to。

5. 误:He refused answering any question.

正:He refused to answer any question.


6. 误:Why to stay here so long?

正:Why stay here so long?

分析:“Why + 不带to的动词不定式(短语)”结构的疑问句含有“责备”或“不同意”的意思,说明做某事是愚蠢的或没有意义的。

7. 误:I don’t know to change the battery.

正:I don’t know how to change the battery.

分析:know 后接“疑问词 + 不定式”结构作宾语,不能直接接动词不定式(短语)。

8. 误:You’d better to go and find him now.

正:You’d better go and find him now.

分析:had better常出现在提出建议或劝告的句子中,其后接不带to的动词不定式(短语)。其否定形式通常为“had better not do sth”。

9. 误:Mr Li made a radio listen to the news.

正:Mr Li made a radio to listen to the news.


10. 误:Mr Cheng spent almost three years to write the book.

正:Mr Cheng spent almost three years (in) writing the book.

分析:spend 意为“花费”时,常用“spend...on sth”和“spend...(in) doing sth”结构,一般不用“spend...to do sth”。

11. 误:Mr Lin is a good man to work.

正:Mr Lin is a good man to work with.


12. 误:Don’t forget turning off the light before you leave.

正:Don’t forget to turn off the light before you leave.

分析:forget 和remember 后可接动词不定式(短语),也可接动名词(短语)。 但用不定式(短语)一般表示还没有发生的动作,而用动名词(短语)一般表示已经发生的动作。句中“关灯”的动作还未发生,所以要用不定式,不用动名词。

13. 误:It’s time for class. The students stopped to talk.

正:It’s time for class. The students stopped talking.

分析:stop doing sth 意为“停止(不再)做某事”,其中的动名词是宾语;stop to do sth意为“停下来(开始)做某事”,其中的不定式是目的状语。

14. 误:Don’t put off to write the letter.

正:Don’t put off writing the letter.


15. 误:Li Tao began seeing that he was wrong.

正:Li Tao began to see that he was wrong.

分析:begin和start意为“开始”,后面既可接不定式,也可接动名词,但以下三种情况下,一般要接不定式:(1)begin和start后接see, realize, understand 等表示心理状态或精神状态的动词时;(2)begin和start是进行时态时;(3)主语是物而不是人时。

16. 误:Most of the children enjoy to play now.

正:Most of the children enjoy playing now.


17. 误:My radio wants to mend.

正:My radio wants to be mended.

或My radio wants mending.


18. 误:She has no difficulty to study English.

正:She has no difficulty in studying English.

分析:“做某事没有困难”在英语中的习惯说法是“have no difficulty in doing sth”。