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(本文摄影 郑红)

Architect and Museum in His Hometown

By Zhu Jinlong

On October 6, 2006, the 90-year-old Chinese-American architect Ieoh Ming Pei attended the unveiling ceremony of Suzhou Museum, which he designed for his second hometown. The new museum is located in an old section of Suzhou, an ancient city near Shanghai.The renowned architect lovingly named the museum his “most beloved, youngest daughter”. Although Master Pei insists that only time can correctly evaluate an architectural work the residents of Suzhou think differently. Since its opening to public, they have kept coming to admire the masterpiece.

The local people love it for a reason. The Pei family has been in Suzhou for more than 300 years, though such a short family history in Suzhou sounds nothing if compared with the 2,500-year history of the ancient city. When the idea of building a new museum in the old city first came up, the local people had reasons to expect that I. M. Pei would probably like to design the new museum for his hometown, who had been an advisor to the city government for the urban planning since 1996.

In 2000, the local government approached the master to consider creating a legacy for Suzhou. The master hesitated that he was probably too old to do the job and suggested that the New York-based Pei Partnership Architects, helmed by his sons, could best do the job. But after learning that the new museum would be built in the old section of the city adjoining a complex of 19th-century historical structures and two gardens, “Humble Administrator’s Garden” and “Lion Grove”, listed as UNESCO World Heritage sites, the master commented that as it was a “hallowed ground” for such a museum, his sons probably could not be up to such a challenge because they did not know very much about Suzhou. This remark gave the local government some hope that the master would go out of retirement and get into action again.

Seven days after the Spring Festival in 2002, a delegation of five people sent by the Suzhou government arrived in New York to meet with I.M. Pei. They came to the master’s office, where beyond all expectations, the visitors saw references, drawings on the walls and a site model on a table and they immediately recognized that all this was about the new museum. They were overjoyed that the master had been thinking about it. The master agreed to attend the signing ceremony to be held in Suzhou.

In April, 2002, I. M. Pei came to Suzhou. He did a field study around the new site for two hours and then listened to local master architects carefully at two professional seminars on the museum project. Excited, Pei decided to come out of retirement and meet the challenge. He wanted to be the designer. He confessed, “I have been retired for 12 years, but today I want to rise to the challenge. Suzhou is my hometown and I accept this challenge. The last challenge will be the toughest one.”

Back in New York, the master shut himself up in his office. He did not even admit his colleagues from the architect firm into his office. He called the firm frequently for reference materials, including poetries of the Tang (6108-960) and Song (960-1279) dynasties, and compact discs of Kunqu Opera plays. If information on some subjects about Suzhou was not available in USA, he would get it from the Suzhou Government by express delivery. He asked Suzhou Museum for complete information on categories of more than 30,000 exhibits in the museum’s collections. The master dedicated himself enthusiastically for six months. Sometimes he would get up at midnight to jot down his inspiration. His assistants commented that they had never seen the master working like this.

In the early November 2002, Master Pei completed a conceptual design and a preliminary design. A 1:300 model was made. He sent drawings and documents to all those masters who had attended the two forums in April for their comments and suggestions. He asked the Suzhou Government to send a delegation again to New York to inspect the preliminary work.

The experts involved unanimously agreed that it was a perfect design and well embodied all the considerations that had come up at the forums, though a few tiny details needed to be further discussed.All of them were of the same opinion that this new museum would be another world cultural heritage in the future.

In an interview, Master Pei mentioned several times the Chinese elements in architectural designs. With his roots in China and in Suzhou, the master wished that the modern Chinese architecture could maintain Chinese essence. The principle embodied in the design of the new Suzhou Museum was it should be Chinese, it should be Suzhou and it should be original.

Ieoh Ming Pei put his heart and soul into the new museum in Suzhou. He not only arrived for the groundbreaking ceremony in December 2003, but also came to the construction site three times for inspection during the building period. And every time he spent more than 6 hours a day at the site. Half a month before the museum was scheduled to open to the public, the master arrived in Suzhou and worked for more than 12 hours at the museum the next day.

The museum is something the Suzhou residents have never seen before but feel quite familiar with. Pei, who loves geometrical forms, applied his geometrical ideas to the new museum which blends well with the surrounding delicate gardens and low-rise brick residences. The museum highlights the traditional white-wall black-roof motif that typifies the architectural style of the southern Yangtze River delta. The gardens fully highlight the finest elements of Suzhou which is renowned for its style of exquisite gardens. The 15,000-square-meter museum has exhibition galleries, an auditorium, a museum shop, administrative and curatorial offices, a research library & study center and extensive art storage facilities and several gardens.

(Translated by David)