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Dress: anti-cold down wadded coat + thermal wear + cashmere sweater + scarf and hat for the top; cotton trousers + cashmere trousers + camel wool padded cotton trousers + down wadded trousers.


在芬兰拉普兰地区的罗瓦涅米(Rovaniemi)以北8公里处的北极圈上,有一个圣诞老人村(Santa Claus's House)。每天都有游客来到这里一睹圣诞老人的真面容。

8 kilometers to the north of Rovaniemi, Lapland is the Santa Claus's House, which is visited all year round by tourists who wish to meet face to face with Santa Claus.

Have you ever wished to fly to Lapland when you read the Wonderful Adventures of Nils? Mostly in the Arctic Circle, Lapland is at the north end of Europe. You can fly from Beijing direct or transfer via Copenhagen to Helsinki, and continue north for 2 hours until you reach Ivalo airport, the gateway to Lapland. Await you there is a world of pureness, of ice, snow, pine and cedar. In this vast and mystic land lives the Sami, the descendants of indigenous European herdsmen. Till today, the Sami still lead a simple lifestyle herding reindeer away from the bustle and hustle of cities. In the Lapland winter, we followed the Sami onto a romantic journey.

Reindeer Sledding

Don’t know what to do at daytime? Don’t worry. There are plenty of interesting activities you could join in. On top of the list is Reindeer Sledding. Even though a 2 hour ride costs 120 Euros, most travelers to the North Pole would not hesitate to try out the ride of the Santa Claus.

The reindeer in Finland are often found roaming free, but they are not wild animals but owned and herded by the Sami people. We booked a reindeer safari for the first day and the owner of the reindeer farm dressed in colorful Sami traditional clothes and boots and trousers made of reindeer hide picked us up from the hotel. The first thing after we arrived at the farm was to change into a warmer one piece anti-cold down wadded coat and snowshoes. Each sleigh seats two passengers and is pulled by a reindeer assigned by the farm owner according to the weight and height of the passengers. At close range, the reindeer is quite odd-looking. Without the antlers, I might easily mistake it as a calf, except for its extremely short tail.

The safari set off with 5 to 6 reindeer in a row. They trudged ahead and took us across the pine tree forest as fast as a slow moving ox, which made us doubt how Santa Claus could send gifts to kids all over the world in this slow ride. But we enjoyed everything during the 2 hours-- the vague rainbow in the sky, the chilly air, the clean forest, the snow capped pine trees, and the squeak of snow.

After the ride, the Sami took out a basket of lichen for us to feed the reindeer. We then entered a warm lounge where we enjoyed refreshments and stories told by the Sami women. They showed us Guinness-record-size weird-looking antlers as well as cute little ones that could fit on a child’s head. In the end, each of us was given a reindeer ride license valid up to five years. It was said that if we show it to a reindeer in the wild, it will knelt down so we can ride on it.





Ice Fishing

On the second day we traveled to a place called Bear Lake. Even though we’re merely a few kilometers to the periphery of the arctic, we are surrounded by acres of pine tree forests with the frozen lake stretching for miles, many of which are good for ice fishing. At dawn, our guide introduced us to a pack of huskies and asked us to keep “talking” to them to help them remain focused. According to him, the lead dog, named Dash, could even scare out and hunt wild rabbits down while pulling sleighs ahead. He shouted out a loud “Hike” and the huskies darted ahead.

Upon arrival, each of us was handed a pair of plastic boot, a bag of food and bait, and an orange drill. We stepped on the ice both excited and anxious, wondering if the ice beneath our feet would crack and we would be swimming in ice-cold water. “Don’t worry. The ice is so thick it can even support the weight of a truck.” Our guide broke silence. But we were doubtful and it seemed to show on our faces. To reassure us, he took out an ice drill and bore a hole into the ice. It took him approximately five minutes, and once he reached the water, we poke our heads through the hole and felt slightly more convinced.The ice layer is about 30-40cm thick. The lake freezes each year from October to March, and pods of salmon and rainbow trout live in this lake all year round. There were already people fishing while drinking vodka. We found ourselves a comfortable spot and proceeded to drill our holes. It took more strength than I’d imagined, but soon enough, I’m ready to drop my line.

We pulled out a less-than-40cm plastic fishing rod, put on the bait, dropped into the hole, and once it reached the bottom of the lake, pulled up 50 cm and locked the pulley. Some say ice-fishing depends on 99% skill and 1% luck. The rainbow trout always swim in one place, if you are lucky enough to drill the hole above them, you will be able to get a catch within munities. Otherwise you may need to change your location. We were soon engulfed by a calm soothing silence, except for the occasional wolf howling echoing in the distance. The guide told us that the Sami has always enjoyed being surrounded by nature. Besides ice-fishing, they also lead excursions on snowmobiles and snowshoes, cross-country skiing and dog sledding.








Northern lights can be seen from September to March. In September and October when the lakes are not frozen, you could see northern lights reflections on the lakes.

向导还镇定地告诉大家,前一日太阳有一次剧烈的爆发,一般来说18~24个小时之后,也就是这个时段,地球会迎来极光的高潮……他的话引来小规模惊呼,让极光狩猎者愈发期待。 行车中,忽然一只小小的动物出现在车前部的灯光里,灵活的身体,长长的尾巴,一眨眼窜到路旁的黑暗中去了——“Fox!”——向导介绍说。未来得及压下惊奇,一只驯鹿横过马路,在灯光里成了剪影,鹿角如巨大的树枝一般完美。寻极光的路上,惊喜不断,乐趣多多。而拉普兰的天空,就像露天音乐厅;夜晚的北极光,宛如一首波澜壮阔的交响乐,乐长3小时,作曲、指挥、演奏者均为大自然!



Night Sky Symphony

The nights in Lapland are full of hope and miracle. After dusk, you can either wait at an observation point, or drive in the wild to seek the northern lights.

Before we left for Kittila to watch the northern lights, we had a Sami dinner at an aboriginal wooden hut, where we were served with seasonal hunt. A Sami elderly shared with us their close tie to reindeer, “We do not feed reindeer, the reindeer feeds us”. The hut furnishing is simple but adequate, a water jar, several sleep bags, an open fireplace, and a water ejector equipped toilet outside in a separate hut.

Our guide, a strong and tall Sami, drove us all the way north to the joint Finnish, Norwegian and Russian border area. Every now and then, he would stop the car and turn off the lights so we could step out to take photos. We were lucky to have a whole night of northern lights, some in the shape of bridge, spreading across the sky, some in light green, rolling like a long sleeve and thinning like haze, and some like rainbow, dancing in the sky with its beautiful colors.

Under the vast lighted sky, the guide told us how to configure our cameras, how they head reindeer, and the Sami legend about northern lights. According to local folklore, the lights were caused by a magical fox sweeping its tail across the snow, spraying it up into the sky.

When he told us in calm voice that a sun eruption the day before would supercharge the northern lights 18 to 24 hours later, about the time we were out there, we applauded in excitement. Just then, a small animal appeared in the flashlight. “Fox”, exclaimed the guide. A while later, a reindeer crossed the road again, leaving behind a tree-like shade of its antlers. In the concert hall of the boundless sky, we enjoyed a 3-hour magnificent symphony of northern lights, written, conducted and played by Mother Nature.

Apart from ice fishing, reindeer sledding, and northern lights seeking, you could also try here skiing, snowmobile, or Finnish bath -- jumping between sauna bath and freezing water until you are fully relaxed.

Lapland promises wonder and amazement every day and night, all you need is to hop on a flight.