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1 before作为连词时的基本意义是“在……之前”,用于表示时间或顺序。

(1)You cant borrow books from the school library you get your student card (2009上海,32)

A beforeB if

C whileD as


(2)―How long do you think it will be China sends a manned spaceship to moon?

―Perhaps two or three years(2006 福建)

A whenB until

C thatD before


2 表示“过了多久才……”,说明主句的持续时间比较长而从句的动作缓缓来迟。

(1)A dozen ideas were considered the chief architect decided on the design of the building(2006 上海)

A. becauseB before

C weatherD unless


(2)The American Civil War lasted four years the North won in the end (2005广东,30)

A afterB before

C whenD then


(3)Several weeks had gone by I realized the painting was missing (2004宁夏,39)

A asB before

C sinceD when


3 表示从句动作还没来得及发生或完成,主句动作就已经发生或完成了,意为“尚未……就”,“没来得及……就”,常用于beforecan/could…。

―Why didnt you tell him about the meeting? (2006四川,35)

―He rushed out of the room I could say a word

A beforeB until

C whenD after


4 表示“以免,以防,趁……还没有……”,强调动作的必要性,以避免或防止从句动作的发生。

He made a mistake, but then he corrected the situation it got worse(2003北京)

A untilB when

C beforeD as

【解析】选C。由made a mistake和转折词but可知本题句意是“他犯了一个错误,但在事情进一步恶化之前他改变了形势。”故正确答案为C项。

5 用于 “It will be/would be+一段时间+before[WW(]…[WW)]”句型中,表示“还要过多长时间才……”;用于“It was+一段时间+before[WW(]…[WW)]”句型中,表示“过了多长时间才……”,强调时间的“长”。

(1) Im sorry youve been waiting so long, but itll still be some time Brian get back (2008北京,34)

A beforeB since

C tillD after

【解析】选A。It will be +一段时间+before从句表示“还要过多久才……”,符合句意。

(2)The field research will take Joan and Paul about five months; it will be a long time we meet them again (2007安徽,21)

A afterB before

C sinceD when


(3)He was told that it would be at least three more months he could recover and return to work (2007江西,29)

A whenB before

C sinceD That

【解析】选B。before用于“It would be+一段时间+before[WW(]…[WW)]”句型中表示“要多长时间才……”。

(4)It was some time we realized the truth (2005山东)

A whenB until

C sinceD before

【解析】选D。before用于句型“It was+时间段+before [WW(]…[WW)]”中表示 “过了多长时间才……”。

6 用于句型“It wont be/was not+一段时间+before[WW(]…[WW)]”中,意为“不久就……”,“没过多长时间就……”,强调时间的“短”。

John thinks it wont be long he is ready for his new job (2010陕西,20)

A whenB after

C beforeD since

【解析】选C。It wont be long before…意思是“用不了多久就会……”。when引导时间状语从句时意为“当……的时候”或“这时”;after表示“……以后”;since表示“自从……”,后接一个过去的时间或过去的某件事,均不符合题意。

7 before和hardly连用,表示“刚一……就……”。该结构主句常用过去完成时,当hardly位于句首时,要用倒装语序。

The girl had hardly rung the bell the door was opened suddenly, and her friend rushed

out to greet her (2010福建,26)

A before B until

C as D since


8 before句型与since 及 when句型的区别。


(1)“It be+时间段+since引导的时间状语从句”表示“自从……已经有多长时间了”。主句用一般现在时或现在完成时。

It is almost five years we saw each other last time (2005北京,春招)

A beforeB since

C afterD when


“It is/has been +一段时间+since从句”意为“自从……已经(多久)了”,since从句中谓语动词用过去时态。

(2)“It be+时间点+when引导的时间状语从句”表示“某个动作发生时是某个时间”。主句谓语动词可以是一般过去时,也可以是一般将来时。

Because of the heavy traffic, it was already time for lunch break she got to her office (2010四川,20)

A sinceB that

C whenD until


