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一、of one’s own,on one’s own

of one’s own的意思是“(某人)自己的”,一般用作定语。例如:

I have a bike of my own我自己有一辆自行车。

On one’s down的意思是“独自地”“独立地”,一般用作状语。例如: He birected the film on his own他独立导演了那部电影。

二、sick for,sick of

这两个形容词词组由于介词不同,词义不同。Sxck for是“渴望”“思慕”,等于eagerfor 例如:

Mary is sick for a trip to china玛丽渴望到中国作一次旅行。

Sick of是“对……感到厌烦(或讨厌)”,等于tired of。例如:I am sick of his long,empty speeches.


I an sick of being treated that way.我讨厌被人那样对待。

三、to have words.to have word

to have words(和某人)争吵,而to have word表示“听到新闻、消息或报告”。例如:

Smith and Johnson had words 史密斯和约翰吵了架。

We had word Tom went abroad.我们听说汤姆出国了。

四、be absent from,be absent in

be absent from的意思是“不在(某处)”。例如:

She was absent from work with a cold她因感冒没去上班。

Be absent in意思是“(不在这里)在……”(在in后跟的地点名词之处)。

例如:He Was absent in Beijing last week上周他(不在这里)在北京。

五、anything but,nothing but

这两个词组中的but都是except的意思,它们的区别在于:anything but的意思是“决不是……”有时相当于汉语中的“就(绝对)不…‘就(绝对)没有”,是强语气否定,等于far ftom,not atall.否定后面所跟的那个词语(名词,形容词或动词)。例如:

He is anything but a farmer 他决不是个农民。

He is anything but careful 他很不认真。

I’ll do anything but apologize to him除了向他道歉以外,任何事我都肯做。

Nothing but的意思是“只是……而已”“毫无疑问地是…“只”“净(尽)”“除了……以外什么也没有”。后面也跟名词、形容词或动词,等于only。例如:He is nothing but a singer.他只不过是个歌唱家而已。

The joke is nothing but vulgar那笑话真是够庸俗的了。

She did nothing but cry all day她终日只是哭泣。

六、Keep house.keep the house

Keep hoUse是“管理家务或当家”,而keep the house是指一个人不爱离家外出,即“居家不外出”或“足不出户”,例如:His sister keeps hoUse for him她姐姐替他管家。

Peter says he’ll keep the house until we return彼此说,他等我们回来了再出去。

My father travels a lot,but my mother always keeps the house.
