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说明文 第4期

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2.层次要分明。说明事物要注意条理,否则就不可能说清复杂的事物。例如说明事物的结构,就要按照构造的顺序来说明,或从上到下,或从前到后,或由外到里,或由主到次。又如说明四季的变化,就要按照时间的顺序(spring, summer, autumn, winter)来写。







You are warmly welcomed to our school. I'm Wu Dong.I'm very glad to be your guide. First, I'd like to tell you something about our school. It was set up in 1957. The number of students is over 1,200, and the number of the teachers is about 100. There are altogether 20 classes. Besides the teaching buildings, we have a library for different kinds of subjects, and a school-run workshop.

We have four classes in the morning and two in the afternoon. After classes, we join in various activities, such as ball games, painting, singing and dancing.

Now let me show you around our school. This way, please.




My Pencil-box

I have a very beautiful pencil-box. I like it very much. One day six years ago when I was in the primary school, my mother took me to a shop to buy the pencil-box. I still remember that first I saw a big and beautiful one, but it was not strong enough. I didn't like it at all. Then we continued to look for another pencil-box. Suddenly I saw a very small but nice one, and it was also stronger than others. So I was very glad ① to buy it, on which ② we only spent five yuan.

I looked at the pencil-box carefully. There were two cats and some mice on it. The cats didn't want to eat the mice. They seemed to be very friendly. They even played together happily. How funny!

Since I had the pencil-box, I could put my articles (用品)for study such as rubber,ballpens, knife, ruler in it. When I was doing my lessons or homework ③, I could use some of them freely.Since then I wasn't afraid to lose them any longer. The box became my good friend. How good and convenient(方便) !

Now I am in Junior Three. The pencil-box is still with me. The picture of cats and mice can't be seen any more, but it doesn't matter. It is even much nicer. It has given me a lot of help in my study. Though there are more things in it than before, it didn't make any word of complaint (怨言). Oh, what a good and honest, quiet friend! I can get on very well with it for ever.










作者能用已学的语言材料,写出对文具盒的特殊感情,值得称道。文章写得生动有趣,语句较通顺,层次分明,写出了对文具盒的喜爱。文章中运用极好的词语和句型有:take sb.to do sth. not strong enoughnot ...at all, look for, more than...,since then,spend...on,look at,there be, such as, not...any longer, not...any more, it doesn't matter, a lot of等。此外,还恰当地使用了时间状语从句、并列句、since引导的从句,这些均值得读者学习。


①"to buy it"应改为"to have it"。按照习惯用法,如果在商店里购买商品时,可以说::I want to buy sth.”而拿定主意,准备付钱买下此物时,一般不用buy而要说“I will have it”或“I will take it.”注意:have作“买”讲时,是持续动词,可以与一段时间状语连用。如:He has had the wathch for a year. 但but没有此种用法,因为它是暂短动词。②文章题目是"My Pencil―box",因此,主语we应改为I才符合英语惯例。另外,根据only习惯用法,在这里应置于 spent之后才正确。③“…was doing...”应改成“…did…”才符合英语句法原则。