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At last, summer arrived and we took to the road.

Thousands of miles. We crossed all of Europe by the southern route. Windows open. We were going to the Middle East. It was an unbelievable discovery to see how interesting the universe became as soon as you traveled with Monsieur Ibrahim.

Since I was clutching the steering wheel and concentrating on the road, he would describe the landscapes, sky, clouds, villages, and people to me. Monsieur Ibrahim’s chatter, his voice as thin as cigarette paper, the flavor of his accent, the

images, exclamations, and surprises, followed by the most 1)diabolical tricks, all that is what the road from Paris to Istanbul means to me. I did not see Europe, I heard it.

“Oh, now, Momo, we’ve reached the

2)affluent―look, there are garbage cans.”

“Garbage cans, so what?”

“When you want to know whether you’re in a rich or poor area, you should look at the

garbage cans. If you see garbage cans but no trash, it’s wealthy. If you see trash next to the garbage cans, then it’s neither rich nor poor―it’s a tourist district. If you see trash without any garbage cans, then it’s poor. And if the people live in the trash, then it’s very, very poor, indeed. Here we’re in a rich area.”

“Well sure, it’s Switzerland.”

“Oh no, Momo, not the highway. All the highway is good for is to tell you to keep moving, there’s nothing to see. That’s for idiots who want to go as fast as possible from one point to another. We’re not doing geometry here, we’re traveling. Find me some pretty little roads that show us all there is to see.”

“You can tell it’s not you who is doing the driving, Monsieur Ibrahim.”

“Listen, Momo, if you don’t want to see anything, then you take a plane, like everyone else.”

“Is it poor here, Monsieur Ibrahim?”

“Yes, this is Albania.”

“And there?”

“Stop the car. You smell this? It smells of happiness, this is Greece. People don’t move, they take the time to watch us pass by, they breathe. You see, Momo, all my life I worked hard, but I worked slowly, taking my time. I didn’t just want to ring up numbers or watch the customers

3)parade in and out, no. Slowness, that’s the secret of happiness. What do you want to do later on?”

“Don’t know, Monsieur Ibrahim. Yes, I do. I’ll work in import-export.”

Now I’d scored a point. I had found the magic word. Monsieur Ibrahim couldn’t stop talking about import-export. It was a

serious word and yet adventurous, a word that evoked journeys, ships, pac-kages, big turnovers, a word as heavy as the syllables that it rolled over―import-export!

“Let me introduce my son Momo to you, who will be in import-export one day.”

We had plenty of games. He had me go into religious places 4)blindfolded so that I would guess the religion by its scent.

“It smells like candles here. It’s 5)Catholic.”

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“Yes, it is 6)Saint Anthony.”

“This is 7)incense. It’s 8)orthodox.”

“You’re right, it’s 9)Saint Sophia.”

“And here it smells like feet. It’s Muslim. But I mean, really, it stinks too much …”

“What! It’s the 10)Blue Mosque! A place that smells of human bodies isn’t good enough for you? Is that because your feet never smell? A place of prayer that smells of men, is made for men, with men inside, that’s disgusting to you? You really have some very Parisian ideas, don’t you! I find the smell of socks comforting. I remind myself that I am no better than my neighbor. I smell myself, I smell us, and so I already feel better!”

In the evening in the village squares, I tried to talk to the girls a bit. I did my utmost but it wasn’t going terribly well, while Monsieur Ibrahim did nothing but drink his 11)anise 12)Suze and smile with that sweet and calm look of his and, well, within an hour he always had lots of people around him.

“You move too much, Momo. If you want to have friends, you shouldn’t budge.”

“Monsieur Ibrahim, do you think I’m good-looking?”

“You’re very handsome, Momo.”

“No, that’s not what I mean. Do you think that I’ll be good-looking enough to

attract any girl … without having to pay?”

“In a few years they will be paying for you!”

“Still … for now … it’s all rather quiet.”

“Obviously, Momo, have you noticed how you’re going about it? You stare at them as if wanting to say: ‘See how handsome I am.’ Well, of course they laugh. You should look at them as if you want to say: ‘I’ve never seen anyone more beautiful than you.’ For an ordinary man, I mean a man like you and me―not 13)Alain Delon or Marlon Brando―your looks are what you find in the woman.”

We watched the sun slide between the mountains and the sky turn violet. Dad stared at the evening star.

“A ladder has been placed before us by which to escape, Momo. First man was mineral, then vegetable, then animal―and he can’t forget the animal part, and often has a tendency to be one again―then he became man, endowed with knowledge, reason, and faith. Can you imagine the distance you’ve already covered, from dust to today? And later, when you have gone beyond your human condition, you will become an angel. You’ll be done with earth. When you dance, you have a foretaste of that.”

“Maybe. I, for one, don’t remember anything. Do you remember having been a plant, Monsieur Ibrahim?”

“Well, what do you think I’m doing when I sit there without moving for hours on my stool in the grocery store?”









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