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10th Anniversary of Huaxia Chinese School

By Qin Feng, our special reporter in United States

In this May, some 500 Chinese met at the Empire Restaurant in the northern New Jersey in celebration of the 10th anniversary of the Huaxia Chinese School.

As China gradually opened up to the outside world, more and more Chinese students came to the United States. Many brought their families over and made homes in the new land. At that time, there were a few weekend Chinese schools sponsored by people from Taiwan. These schools offered courses in the Chinese in the ancient form and the phonetic notation system using symbols, which the Chinese kids found impossible. Their parents also balked. Some parents met and tried to find a solution to the problem. Why not set up a school where the simplified Chinese could be taught for children?

A Chinese school came into being bearing the name Huaxia, an ancient term for China. In the initial period, the school couldn make the ends meet. Parents and friends helped. Some bought textbooks out of their own pockets from the overseas affairs office of the State Council back home, and donated them to the school. Some managed to find classrooms for the school free of charge.

Before the first term started, there were 50 pupils enrolled and 7 teachers engaged. When the local residents of Chinese origin heard of the school, the news spread. On the day the new term started official, 25 more students signed up. When the first semester came to end, there were 105 pupils. A right-wing man from Taiwan wrote a story in a local Chinese newspaper blaming the Chinese school for wanting to promote the simplified Chinese in America. The detractor’s story turned out to be a plus for local residents of Chinese origin. More parents sent their kids to the school. When the autumn semester started, there were 220 students. Some parents even drove their kids more than 100 miles to the weekend language course. There were calls for branch schools. So in the second year, two branches were founded. And the student population grew to 1,000. After 10 years, now Huaxia Chinese School has 10 branch schools with 5,000 students and 450 teachers across America. It is the fastest growing Chinese school overseas.

The school is a non-profit organization for the purpose of making contribution to the assimilation of the Chinese culture into the American culture.Most teachers and other staff workers are volunteers. The school board is composed of parents and supervises the school administration. The principal is elected by voters every two years. The school decides whom to employ as teachers. It also holds lectures and forums to enhance the teachers?quality. There are many qualified teaching talents to work as volunteers. Though they are busy they always manage to find time to teach at Huaxia. Thanks partly to the achievements of the Huaxia Chinese School, Chinese has been officially chosen as a foreign language for middle school students in the United States.

Huaxia provides opportunities for the local Chinese families to form closer ties. When a Huaxia school appears in a neighborhood, Chinese families meet when their kids study in classrooms. Parents make friends and form clubs for entertainments and recreations. There are organized activities for enthusiasts for singing and dancing, and sports. Parents meet to play pokers and mahjong, or play chess. Investors meet to do homework together on stocks and securities. Huaxia also offers lectures for parents on important subjects: how to help kids get into the best American universities, how to manage the pension, how to do well in job interviews, and how to start business in America.

Huaxia Chinese School today is more than a language training organization. It brings the Chinese communities together. In addition to a large number of after-class activities for children around the year, Huaxia holds an annual gala in celebration of the Chinese culture. It is a big occasion for the local Chinese community. It’s easy to attract the talented Chinese and former celebrities to appear. Huaxia also invites celebrated performers from China to the gala.

(Translated by David)