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The statue of Goethe and Schiller in front of the Deutches National Theater at Weimar


Schiller worked, slept and died in this room.

安葬歌德与席勒的皇家陵墓 The Goethe-Schiller mausoleum in Weimar


A statue of Goethe in Frankfurt


A Schiller Monument in Dresden

Great Friendship between Goethe and Schiller

By Yu Wen

It is a very ancient idea, probably for thousands of years, in China that some men of letters tend to despise each other for no apparent reasons. For these Chinese who believe that some men of letters are bound to despise each other, they would be greatly surprised to learn that Johann Wolfgang von Goethe (17491832) and Johann Christoph Friedrich von Schiller (1759-1805), two great German men of letters, had an admirable friendship.

Goethe was born in Frankfort. His time saw Germany break into 360 small states. After his “The Sorrows of Young Werther” gained European fame, Goethe at the age of 26 came to Weimar in 1775 and held a succession of offices. Schiller, ten years younger than Goethe, also made his reputation when he published The Robbers and Intrigue and Love. In 1787 he came to Weimar in the hope of finding employment. But he failed to be appreciated by the Duke. Though Goethe and Schiller saw each other on some social occasions, they did not talk due to the difference of their social statuses.

Schiller’s life took an upward turn toward the end of 1788. Through Goethe’s recommendation, Schiller was appointed Professor of History and Philosophy at Jena University. This employment gave Schiller a stable life. In 1793, Schiller started a literary periodical and invited Goethe to contribute. Somewhat tired of the life and work at the court, Goethe saw the invitation as a way to write creatively again. In July 1794, Goethe and Schiller met at a seminar on natural sciences held in Jena. Unexpectedly they hit it off immediately. They talked and talked forgetting lunch. And they continued to talk enthusiastically in the following days. Seven years after Schiller came to Weimar, the two great men of letters found each other and founded a lifelong friendship.

Goethe later invited Schiller to stay with him in Weimar for two weeks. In 1799, Schiller moved to Weimar. The family first stayed at Goethe’s house and then moved into a house purchased with financial help from Goethe. Schiller’s wife and some relatives found employment with the help of Goethe. It was in Weimar that Schiller wrote The Maid of Orleans, William Tell and the Wallenstein trilogy. Goethe served as honorary director and advisor to these plays.

Schiller encouraged Goethe to finished works he had left as sketches, among which was Faust Part One. Goethe confided in Schiller that the playwright had given him second youth, saying he became a poet again at the time when he had almost stopped writing.

The friendship between the two giant men of letters enabled them to work together on Xenien, a collection of more than 500 short satirical poems in which both Goethe and Schiller challenge opponents to their philosophic vision.

In early 1805, both Goethe and Schiller fell ill. Goethe came to visit Schiller toward the end of April. The two went to see an opera together. It was their last meeting. On May 9, Schiller died from tuberculosis at the age of 46.

On August 10, Goethe attended Schiller’s funeral. During their relationship, the two men of letters altogether wrote more than 1,000 letters to each other. Goethe edited the letters and published the letters in four volumes. The book is regarded as a great gift to the German people.

In 1926, Goethe moved the remains of Schiller to his home and in December 1826, Goethe made arrangements to bury Schiller at the best cemetery at Weimar.

Goethe passed away in March 1832. His coffin was placed side by side with that of Schiller in the same mausoleum. The giants stay together forever.

Today, Weimar is a quiet town with a population of 65,000. Thanks to Goethe and Schiller, Weimar is widely recognized as a city of world renown. In front of the Deutches National Theater stands the Goethe-Schiller Monument. The two bronze figures depict the great friendship between the two great men of letters. Over the past 200 years, the theater has staged numerous performances of the two men’s plays.

Schiller’s former residence is a three-storied house in light beige. The street where the house is located is Schiller Street. Schiller bought the house with the help of Goethe in 1802. The house was sold after the death of Schiller in 1805. It was bought back by the local community and turned into Schiller Museum. Goethe’s former residence and summer villa are kept intact. In 1896, the Goethe-Schiller archives were set up in Weimar. In 1953, a memorial center for German literary classics was founded and the headquarters of the institution was set in Weimar.