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凭借公司近年在澳洲资源领域取得的显著成效,凭借自己丰富的创业经验和良好的人脉关系,在集团公司拥有投资银行和证券公司的基础上, 陈静希望搭建一个更大的平台,帮助中国企业去澳洲投资、兼并,上市融资,真正有效地让中国企业实现“走出去”的愿望。





Entrepreneur Documents Chinese Immigrants in Australia

By Fang Hong

I first knew of Chen Jing because of her book entitled “Chinese New Immigrants in Australia”. I received a copy from the editor-in-chief of Qianjiang Voice of Overseas Chinese, who commented that the writer was a most unusual woman. Then I came to know more about Chen Jing because of her 20-episode television documentary called “Chen Jing’s Diary: Stories of Chinese Immigrants in Australia”. It is considered the best documentary on Chinese adults and students rediscovering themselves through academic study, struggle, and survival in Australia. Then I met her in person at Zhejiang Federation of Overseas Chinese. She is a beauty typical of the women you see in the south of the Yangtze River Delta.

She has played various roles in her life: mother, wife, entrepreneur, woman of letters, television host, reporter, editor, director. And she is a very unusual Zhejiang entrepreneur in Australia. Among all the titles and positions she holds, she is a special deputy to CPPCC Zhejiang Branch and a visiting justice of Australia.

It would take a long documentary to tell her story in Australia. She arrived in Melbourne, Australia in 1990 when she was in her early twenties. Engaged in international trade, she found a new application for kangaroo skin. She sent the raw kangaroo skin back to China for research and development. She founded a joint venture in Hangzhou, her hometown, to produce golf gloves made of kangaroo skin. It was the first bucket of gold Chen and her husband got in Australia. In the mid 1990s, the couple turned their attention to the estate development. Today, Melbourne-based Asia-Pacific Group is a large business in the field of resources, estate, logistics, investment into finance and entertainment.

While leaving the business operation to her husband, she turned to another field: cultural exchanges between China and Australia. She regarded her new direction as her second endeavor. Once a college media major, Chen Jing spent six years and 10 million RMB making two documentaries, one being the eight-episode “Young Chinese Students in Australia” and the other being “Chen Jing’s Diary: Stories of Chinese Immigrants in Australia”. She made them almost single-handedly. She was the producer, scriptwriter, director, and host of the two projects.

The eight-episode documentary, her very first media work, followed the real life of four Chinese youngsters studying and living in Australia. Wang Dian was one of the four Chinese youngsters Chen Jing followed. Wang was 16 when the story began and 21 when the story ended. The documentary was widely screened across China. News media covered the sensational report. Beijing Daily and Zhejiang Daily assigned pages to introduce the documentary and its production background. Television studios in Shanghai, Guangdong, and Zhejiang, places which send large numbers of youngsters overseas for academic study, screened the documentary three times at short intervals as the audiences demanded.

This documentary was made at the cost of 300,000 Australian dollars but the return was only 20,000 Australian dollars. Though a financial loss, the documentary was widely recognized in Australia. More people became willing to work with her.

Chen Jing holds that you need to do something for the mainstream society and Chinese community if you want to be recognized by the mainstream society of Australia. She became a visiting justice by the Australian Government after she made the documentary.

Her second documentary, “Chen Jing’s Diary: Stories of Chinese Immigrants in Australia”, was a five-year project with a cost of 500,000 Australian dollars. The documentary features in-depth stories covering a larger scope of Chinese life in Australia. In the episodes, a Chinese woman marries a foreigner; another Chinese woman breaks her family and marriage just in order to go abroad; a journalist operates his newspaper and then turns it into a media group; a newspaper struggles; old parents join their immigrantchildren only to find ideological conflict in their new lives; a Chinese student gambles away all his money and gets his student visa revoked by the Australian authorities; a Chinese woman artist marries someone in order to obtain the green card; a woman writer maintains a relationship in exchange of financial security; a sex worker pays back her husband’s gamble debts; a Chinese male prostitute in his fifties does not speak English at all.

Unlike other producers and directors, Chen Jing did not work with finished scripts before the camera rolled. She did not determine a topic in advance. She got the all the raw materials on the film first. Then she would study the footage and see what got revealed. Usually an episode took shape only in the post-production stage.

And her truthful account is by no means naturalistic. The truth in her documentary touches the soul of life. Some topics and footages were so sensitive that she had to talk with the people many times before they agreed to let her do the story her way. She disliked videotaping secretly or videotaping setups according to prepared scripts, for she felt such shots took people out of context. She followed her subjects and talked with them. One episode alone took her five years and 10,000-hour footage.

“The process of and the value in making documentaries is enjoyable,” says Chen Jing. “I have accumulated some wealth after more than a decade of hard business work. I can only use a limited part of the money. What value can I find for the wealth? I wanted to record history and give my compatriots a frame of reference when they consider the option of going abroad. I also want to give foreigners a frame of reference so that they can better understand Chinese culture.”

“My documentaries are now in the collection of some Australian libraries. This means more than monetary value,” Chen comments. “We are overseas Chinese, and some of us must take it upon ourselves to promote cultural exchanges. I believe cultural exchanges always precede trade between two nations. The new-generation of Chinese must take this responsibility. It is never right to make money and remain satisfied with a purse full of money.”

Chen has put a period to her documentary-making passion. The year 2011 marks the entrepreneur shifting her attention to business again. With a platform of an investment bank and a securities company in their business, Chen and her husband now hope to help Chinese enterprises enter Australian financial and corporate circles. Australia offers big potentials in natural resources, which China needs badly. Enterprises from Zhejiang can definitely buy or merge with Australian resources businesses to ensure that Zhejiang will have abundant supply of resources for its future growth and prosperity.

Chen is happily married with three children.