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名师答疑 第5期

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问:问We are so used to them that we often do not even realize how we see and hear in a day. 一句中so...that能否用such...that来替换?

答:不能替换。so...that和such...that都表示“如此……以至于……”,that引导结果状语从句;so修饰形容词、副词或many, much, little, few后加名词,而such则修饰名词或代词。

例如:There was so much noise outside that we couldn’t hear the teacher. 外面非常吵,我们都听不到老师的话。

He walked in such a hurry that we couldn’t catch up with him. 他走得如此匆忙,我们跟不上他。

【扩展一】如出现单数名词前有形容词,such和so可互换,构成:so+adj.+a/an+n.=such+a/an+adj.+n.。注意名词前的little 不表示“少”,而是“小”(young/small)时,须用such修饰,不可以用so。

例如:This is so interesting a book/such an interesting book that I can’t lay it down. 这本书非常有趣,我有点爱不释手。

I have never seen such little cat that I can’t help holding it in my hands. 我从没见过这么小的猫咪,以至于忍不住将它捧在手里。


例如:So difficult is the problem that nobody can deal with it. 问题很难,没有人能处理。

So carelessly did he drive that he knocked into a tree. 他开车不小心撞到了树上。


This is so hard a problem that we can’t work it out. 这是如此难的题,以致我们算不出。

This is so hard a problem as we can’t work out. 这是我们无法算出的难题。

前一句中的that引导状语从句,that在句中不作成分;后一句中的as引导定语从句,as在句中作work out的宾语,不可省略。

问:问Not all ads play tricks on us though. 一句中not放在句中时句意是否改变了?

答:句意没有改变。all, both, every, always, altogether, wholly, quite, everything, everybody,everywhere等词与not出现在同一句中,无论是放在一起或分开,都表示部分否定,意为“并不是所有的,并不是两个都,并不总是……”。

例如:The child does not always play tennis. 那孩子并不总是打网球。

All that glitters is not gold.(= Not all that glitters is gold.) 闪光的并非都是金子。

【扩展】neither, not...any, not...either, none, no one, nobody, nothing, nowhere, never等表示全部否定。

例如:None of the questions is easy to answer. 每个问题都不容易回答。

问:问Also important are the sales targets―the amount which they think they will sell in a future period. 一句中为何要倒装?

答:该句是由于句子平衡的需要而倒装。该句的主语为the sales target,后面破折号是对主语的解释,故作表语的also important位于句首时,句子要全部倒装,使句子平衡。作表语的形容词、动词的ing形式、动词的过去分词等位于句首时,句子要完全倒装。

例如:Standing in front of the house is a high mountain, with snow covering its top. 房子前有座高山,大雪覆盖了山顶。

Gone are the days which we spent together playing basketball. 我们一起打篮球的日子一去不复返了。

【扩展】表示地点的介词短语和up, down, here, there, in, out, away, off等副词位于句首时,句子也要完全倒装。但副词位于句首时,主语如是人称代词,则句子不倒装。

例如:Between the two cities lies a highway. 两城市之间有条公路。

The door opened, and in he came, with a book in his hand. 门开了,他走了进来,手里拿着书。


例如:The door opened , and in came the teacher, with a book in his hand. 门开了,那个老师走了进来,手里拿着书。

问:问That is why we are considering designing a new package for our chocolate bar as well. 一句中why能否改成because?

答:不能。this/that is why...意为“那是……的原因”,this/that is because...意为“那是因为……”,why和because都引导表语从句;this/that is why...可转换成this/that is the reason why...。


He failed in the final exam. That was because he hadn’t work hard enough.

He hadn’t work hard enough. That was why he failed in the final exam.

【扩展】在this/that is后还可加where, when, how等词引导的表语从句,意为“这/那是……的地方/时间/方式”;而且都可转换成“先行词+定语从句”,分别是:the place where, the time when, the way(that/in which)。

例句:We paid a visit to a school yesterday. This was where I worked as an English teacher. 我们昨天参观了一所学校,这是我当过英语教师的地方。

The teacher divided us into five groups and got us to discuss together. That was how we could work out the problem. 老师把我们分成五组并让我们一起讨论,这是我们能解决问题的方法。