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Greene: Well, I’m looking at your new book, and the title is Can I Wear My Nose Ring to the Interview? and you actually write that yes, you can wear the nose ring. So why…why do you say that?

Ellen Reeves: Actually, the…the question…the title is a real question. It comes from many of the young people that I’ve 1)counseled. And at least they’re asking the right question, which is, basically, “How do I present myself professionally as I job hunt?” But I do say yes because you have to be true to yourself. But just understand, there are people out there who won’t hire you.

Greene: Because of a nose ring?

Reeves: Because of a nose ring. It depends on…on absolutely the culture of the organization. And the thing is, there are companies where it’s just fine.

And look, if you…you’re a nose ring wearer whatever is your nose ring, whatever is your thing if that’s what you need to do, then you’ve got to find a nose-ring-friendly environment. And, of course, wearing a nose ring has nothing to do with your capacities on the job, but it’s about understanding the professional situation.

Greene: I’m so curious. You…you’ve gotten people asking you, “Can I wear my nose ring?” What…what are some of the other questions?

Reeves: Well, some of the other questions about, things like, “What do I do with myself in the waiting room?” This is one of my favorite questions. Again, that’s very 2)insightful, because here are things not to do. In this cell phone culture in which young people seem to think that the world is their 3)phone booth, a thing not to do is to be sitting there 4)recounting your 5)exploits of the night before in full…in full 6)earshot of the receptionist, who may go back and report to her boss on what she just heard. And then it’s over for you.

Greene: What are some of the other common mistakes that you see on, you know, first time 7)resumes or…or people going on interviews?

Reeves: Every single line on a resume is code for “I can do this. This is what I can do for you, and this is the best I can be.” So if I see a 8)typo, this is classic. What you’re saying to me is I don’t 9)proofread; you need to supervise my work; I am not 10)meticulous.

Again, every line is precious. So I tell people please don’t waste valuable resume real estate on things that are obvious, like objectives. What is your objective when you’re applying for a job? It’s to get that job. You can save three lines and, instead, use those lines to share 11)measurable 12)deliverables.

For example, if I say that I’m looking for help fundraising and you’ve sold 13)girl scout cookies, and you’re the best girl scout and raised 14)revenue, you know, by 10% in your neighborhood, that counts. That’s what I want to see.

Greene: And I guess we’re in the world of…of Facebook now. I mean, does…does that give potential employers an opportunity to sort of 15)poke around in your life more than you might want?

Reeves: It absolutely does, and they absolutely will. And I hear a lot of young people say, “That’s not fair.” Well, wake up. Facebook and these social networking sites have become professional spaces, whether we like it or not. So when you post Facebook pictures of yourself doing belly-shots in a bar, I can’t hire you.

And it’s not that I care what you’re doing on the weekend, unless it’s illegal, but the 16)gross lack of judgment that you’re showing by posting these things shows that I can’t trust you with clients. I can’t trust you with 17)confidential information. You’ve just shown that you have no 18)tact, no 19)diplomacy, and…

and not an understanding of what’s a professional situation.

Greene: And are companies actually doing that? I mean, do they have people going in looking at

Facebook pages and into your private life when you’re getting ready to come in?

Reeves: I have heard that there are employees whose 20)sole job is to scan these social networking sites.















