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Attribution Study in English Teaching and Learning in China

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Abstract: attribution is elaborated on in the essay from the perspective of English teaching and learning. A literature review is presented both in general and specific skills of English in the field.

Keywords: Attribution; general and specific skills

The field of language teaching and learning has seen a shift in focus from teachers to learners since mid 1970s. As one of the interior individual learner factors, attribution is gaining the concern of linguists and language teachers both at home and abroad. This essay provides literature review on attribution study in english teaching and learning both in general and specific skills in china.

1. Attribution in General

In 20th century, there appeared many researchers from China constituting a substantial body of research on attribution in the area of second language acquisition, and English in particular.

Xu Xianqiao and Li Min [1] focuses the general correlation between attribution and English teaching in college, they indicate that students who attribute their successes of language study to their own learning abilities and efforts are more likely to feel happy and proud of themselves, these positive feelings may help them to enhance their confident to learn language better. Lan Xiaoxiao[2] goes through her study of attribution on English learners and believes that effort is the most important factor to attribute success to. Learners should be told that effort is controllable, and it is the main reason of successful learning, it helps learners to stimulate their learning motivation. Su Honglei and Wang Qiuhong [3]’s study is a general survey of senior middle school students’ attribution inclination in English learning. The survey based on questionnaires shows that students of different grades and different sexes will attribute their English learning to different aspects. The paper also put forward some countermeasures to solve the problem. Lv Yan and Deng Guidong [4] have done a research of freshmen’s attribution preference of English learning. The results of English learning survey show that the attribution preference of freshmen is pleasing no big difference between the low achievers and the high ones except that the former are more concerned with the factors of study methods.

2. Attribution in Specific English Skills

In order to improve English learners’ efficiency and heighten their achievement, many studies have done in specific skill practice in terms of listening, reading, writing and speaking.

2.1 Attribution in Listening

Su Huanhong’s [5]research finds out that listening comprehension is the biggest problem for listening study and learning strategy and listening skills are the main factors that students attribute their listening problems to.

2.2 Attribution in Reading

Chang Wenge [6] believes that teaching students to regulate and control their controllable factors effectively can improve their performance in advanced intensive reading. He holds that if students attribute their failure to controllable factors, such as their efforts or learning strategies, etc., they may possess a good attitude in reading and make a great process. Zhang Yunqing[7]’s study focuses on different attribution on reading ability among college students and work out many methods of great significance for teachers to know students better and to teach them more efficient.

2.3 Attribution in Writing

English writing reflects learners’ comprehensive abilities of thinking, understanding and linguistic application ; Yi[8] has done a research to explore error sources in intermediate students’ English writing. She gets all the errors in writing into three categories, discourse errors, grammatical errors and vocabulary errors. As a result, she attributes students’ writing errors to interlingual interference and intralingual interference. Zhang Yulan and Wang Xiaohui [9] think that university students should be skilled in English writing. Through their survey, Zhang and Wang find out that there are many problems in students’ writing, namely, spelling, part of speech and grammar. Through an investigation, Yu keyin and Tan Wei’s [10] analyses the cause of error from means of relocation and over-generalization.

2.4 Attribution in Listening

Zhang Qinzong [11] has done an attribution study of college students’ motivation in oral English learning, based on the data of college students’ attribution of their success or failure in oral English studying survey. He analyses characteristics and tendencies of their attribution and notes that incorrect attribution has a negative impact on their later study motivation.


[1] 徐先乔, 李敏. 成败归因与大学英语教学. [J]. 内江科技, 2006 (08): 55-57.

[2] 兰笑笑. 英语学习成功者的归因研究.[J]. 三峡大学报(人文社会科学版), 2007 (06): 213-215.

[3] 苏红蕾, 王秋红. A Survey of Senior Middle School Students’ Attribution Inclination in English Learning.[J]. 宁波教育学院学报, 2008 (03): 102-112.

[4] 吕燕, 邓桂东. A Survey of freshmen’s Attribution Preference of English Learning [J]. 安徽工业大学学报(社会科学版), 2008 (01): 120-122.

[5] 苏焕红. 中学生英语听力理解障碍归因及对策.[J]. 广东教育 (教研版), 2008, (08).

[6] 常. 论高年级英语精读教学中的可控性归因.[J]. 长春师范学院学报(人文社会版), 2008, (05): 125-128.

[7] 张云清. 高中学生英语阅读能力强弱的归调查.[J]. 福建农林大学学报 (哲学社会科学版), 2007 (04): 176-179.

[8] 易冬凤. 高中英语写作错误归因. [D]. 南京师范大学, 2004.

[9] 张玉兰,王小卉. 大学生英语写作常见错误分析及对策.[J].河南职技师院学报, 1995,(02).

[10] 俞可音, 谭玮. 运用错误分析理论探讨大学英语写作错误归因.[J]. 天津外国语学院学报, 2002, (03).

[11] 张庆宗. 英语口语中动机归因对高校英语口语教学的启示.[J]. 四川外语学院学报, 2004, 20(01): 144-147.