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内伊首先花了好几个星期的时间,整天泡在图书馆里,查找关于游戏开发的资料。此后,他在业余时间里,每天坚持编写几个小时的程序,遇上不懂的问题,他就往图书馆里跑。在一个多月的时间里,他终于编写了4 000多行的游戏代码,完成了游戏的设计开发。其实这款游戏主要集中了几款相似游戏的优点,再加上他自己对游戏的独到见解而已。他把它命名为“泡泡球”。内伊的母亲通过网络联系上了苹果游戏开发的相关部门,希望苹果可以在其手机游戏商店里摆放儿子的这款游戏。




Robert Nay, 14, is a crazy Apple product user and more a game player. He often plays various games with Apple products.

He is the best player and always tops his peers. One day when he had no more interest in current mobile games, he suddenly got an impulse to make his own game. His idea winned support from his family and friends.

At first, Nay spent all the day hunting up references on game development in the library for weeks. He would run there whenever he had a question. For more than a month, Nay spent a couple of hours each day on the game. Ultimately, he finished designing the game codes of over 4,000 lines, and completing the design and development of the game. Nay concentrated the merits of similar games, and coupled them with his originality. He named it “Bubble Ball”. Nay’s mother got in touch with Apple’s game development division on the Internet, hoping it could display her son’s “Bubble Ball” in the Apple App Store.

“Bubble Ball” is highly praised by Apple’s authoritative game development engineers. Therefore, it has been the first exception to enter the Apple App Store, a game not invented by an Apple designer. Quite surprisingly, it was downloaded one million times in the two weeks after its release from the Apple App Store, and the figure soon surpassed two million. It replaced “Angry Birds” as Apple’s most popular free game application.

Nay didn’t join Apple Corp after his success, however. He built his own game company with the backing of his family. His website provides the downloading of games to cyber citizens and charges some fees, which have brought him abundant benefits each year.

It’s absolutely true that dreams can never exist in only dreams. Follow your dreams right now. Your dreams will be achieved if you do your best at what you want to do.