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【典例1】A group of___________on horseback attracted a lot of ___________.

A. policewoman; passer—by B. policewomen; passer—bys

C. policewoman; passers—by D. policewomen; passers—by

【正解】 D

【链接】复合名词的复数:lookers—on, prisoners—of—war, sons—in—law, fathers—in—law, women doctors, editors—in—chief, grown—ups, go—betweens等。


【典例2】She said her uncle had some___________and five___________on his farm.

A. sheep; head of cattle B. sheep; heads of cattle

C. sheeps; heads of cattles D. sheep; heads of cattles

【正解】 A

【拓展】单复数形式意义不同的名词:manner(方式); manners(礼貌); custom(风俗); customs(海关); brain(脑子); brains(智力); work(工作); works(作品); good(好处); goods(货物); sand(沙); sands(沙滩); wood(木头); woods(树林)等。

【牢记】sheep, cattle, people, police总是表示复数意义,它们的单复数形式一致。


注意点:名词的“双重所有格”= “of+名词的—’s型所有格(或名词性物主代词)”。例如:a latest work of my mother’s, a schoolmate of my father’s, a friend of his, that car of Peter’s, the dog of Tom’s等。

【典例3】My grandfather used to be a general in that famous army. Look! Here are___________ .

A. some pictures of his B. some picture’s of him

C. some his pictures D. His some of pictures’

【解析】 A some pictures of his = some pictures of his (pictures)


【典例4】___________ car broke down on the way home, but luckily they knew how to fix it.

A. Tom’s and Jim’s B. Tom’s and Jim

C. Tom and Jim’s D. Tom and Jim

【正解】 C


注意点:名词作定语时一般采用其单数形式,而名词parent, sport等作定语时一般是使用其复数形式。另外,man, woman作定语时,如果中心词是单数则用其单数形式;如果中心词是复数则用其复数形式。

【典例5】Now that women have broken through in the field of medicine, we can expect more___________ doctors.

A. woman B. women’s C. woman’s D. women

【正解】 D

【链接】少数名词作定语用复数形式的有:a customs officer, a clothes shop, a sports meeting, a sales department等。

【拓展】注意点:数词与单位名词构成复合名词作定语时,单位名词用单数,且他们之间要用连字符连接。例如:an eight—day holiday, a two—hour plan.

【典例6】It took us quite a long time to get to the amusement park. It was___________journey.

A. three hour B. a three—hours

C. a three—hour D. three hours

【正解】 C


【典例7】——I find it very difficult to read___________novel you lent me last week.

——Yes. It’s necessary to have___________good knowledge of history.

A. the; 不填 B. a; 不填 C. the; a D. a; a

【正解】 C have a good knowledge “对……很了解”,这是抽象名词具体化。

【链接】抽象名词具体化类似的词有:winda west wind, snowa heavy snow, luncha rich lunch, weatherwhat a fine weather.


【典例8】To make members of a team perform better, the trainer first of all has to know their___________and weaknesses.

A. strengths B. benefits C. techniques D. values

【正解】 A

【典例9】I knew I shouldn’t accept anything from such a person, but I found it difficult to turn down his___________.

A. offer B. suggestion C. request D. plan

【正解】 A

【典例10】Our country has devoted a larger national to agriculture than most other countries.

A. resources B. budget C. potential D. economy

【正解】 B

【典例11】In Rome, it’s a common___________to have a shot of espresso after breakfast.

A. practice B. taste C. sense D. custom

【正解】 A




