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“Fine wine born and raised at home”

桃乐丝家族早在17世纪就开始在巴塞罗那南部宾纳戴斯地区古老的加泰朗镇酿造葡萄酒。时至今日,由米高・A・桃乐丝任公司总裁和酿酒师的桃乐丝公司已成为西班牙葡萄酒的楷模。桃乐丝葡萄酒目前行销全球超过120个国家,而且桃乐丝家族也非常荣幸地成为Primum Familiae Vini组织的成员(该组织由十一个历史悠久,声名显赫的葡萄酒园家族组成,成员包括Mouton Rothschild, Antinori, Vega-sicilia等)。在1999年,桃乐丝酒园被世界权威葡萄酒杂志《WINE SPECTATOR》评为西班牙最重要的酒园。而2002年,米高・A・桃乐丝先生本人因为将西班牙葡萄酒推广向全世界的娇人业绩以及他将终身奉献给葡萄酒事业的敬业精神,被另一本世界权威葡萄酒杂志《DECANTER》评为年度风云人物。2006年,《WiNE ENTHUSIASTE》杂志评为Winery of European.桃乐丝家族对自己能在中国这个遥远的东方国家传播葡萄酒这种流传近千年的代表西方文明的美食文化而感到非常自豪。

桃乐丝家族在3个国家(西班牙、智利、美国)精挑细选最好的酒园和葡萄用来酿制 最优质的葡萄酒。今天抱着同一理念来不同葡萄酒产区里具有代表性的葡萄酒家族酒庄的优质葡萄酒。

The Torres family has made wine at least since the 17th century in the Penedes region, south of Barcelona. Today Torres is the model of prestige Spanish wine, headed by Miguel・A・Torres, president of the company and winegrower. Torres wines are to be found over 120 countries and the family is proud to belong to the renowned Primum Familiae Vini (a special association of eleven traditional and historic wine families (Mouton Rothschild, Antinori, Vega-Sicilia, etc.). TORRES winery was chosen by the wine magazine with world authority WINE SPECTATOR as the most important winery in Spain in 1999. And in 2002, Mr. Miguel. A. Torres was chosen by another wine magazine with world authority DECANTER as the Man of the Year for his proud merits of extending Spanish wine to the world and his perseverance spirit.The Torres family is proud of its presence in this Far Eastern country for it allows us to propagate wine culture within a faraway society with a great gastronomic culture that is thousands of years








































Vino Vogue: How Long have you been in China?

Alberto: Seven years.

Vino Vogue: Seven years, and all the seven year you're working in Torres? It's a long time.

Alberto: yeah。

Vino Vogue: Before working in Torres, what area do you focus?

Alberto: Before coming to China, (I worked) 6 months for Torres in Spain, in export department. And before I worked in Torres, I sell wine in Australia for three years.

Vino Vogue: You've been in China for seven year and worked with wine for ten years. Why do you focus in this area?

Alberto: It was by chance. When I finished my studies in Spain I went to Australia with a working holiday visa which allowed me to visit Australia also to work, part time. So I got a job working in a wine shop. They offered me a job for three years, I was working with Spanish wines, Australian wines, Tsingtao beer, Champagne. I worked there for three years then went back to Spain. Then I applied for a position in a winery's export department because I don't want to stay in Spain. I want to do something outside Spain. Then I got this job in Torres. They saw my resume, not many people're so young but already have 2 year experience working with wine. So I started working for them. They're the largest exporter of quality wine in Spain. It's the best company you can work with wine.

Vino Vogue: In Australia, and Spain,there are two different type of wine(the new world and the old worlds). Which do you like better?

Alberto: Of course I like Torres wine because it's the wine that I worked for so many years. In China my job also gave me chance to taste wines all over the world, some of them I never met before for example wine from New Zealand or Italy. Those wines’re complex as well as enjoyable. All the world's wines sometimes have some disability to express some interesting things. Some wine're more about concentration but lack of elegency. I like "every moment wines". At some moment you like certain wine,the next you'll prefer another. It depends on your mood: what you're on, what you're eating.

Vino Vogue: Now, how about Torres' development in China? What do you think of Torres's market coverage and market share in China?

Alberto: Well I'd say the market is growing. We're now one of the top three leading importers in China .We're specialized in family-owned wineries-Torres wine. We represent all the families, so basically our company is like many families together while all the other companies. The company that selling wine in China just focus on selling wine. We focus on families. Because of this relationship we'll welcome our new partner, Rothschild family. This is very important to us since Rothschild wine is very famous. They've also been in China for more than 10 year and became famous brand. At the same time they have a special relationship with very good wine from ShanXi provice. The project we've been cooperating on is to make one of the best wine in the future.

Vino Vogue: Do you have a specific plan for the development of Torres in China in the coming 5 or 10 years?

Alberto: Yeah, work less. I'll try to work less (laughing). Basically it's to keep expanding our business. Not only in main cities. Not only in Shanghai,Beijing,Guangzhou. There're also people who live in Shenzhen,in Xiamen,in Chengdu,in Xi'an. We have to represent all people in Chinese market place. We also a whole-sale network with agents in different places of China, as far as Heilongjiang or Xinjiang or Kunming or Changsha. It is really important to expand our business, not only in main cities. China's really big, we have to.

Vino Vogue: And also a very big market?!

Alberto: Well, it's big as well as small because wine is expansive, and people don't have the habit to drink wine. I mean not many Chinese like to have wine in restaurant or in hotel or at home, or during meals, you know, it's still something feels like luxury. We believe there'll be a great change when more Chinese travel around world, and get higher income. They'll get more interest in the western drink and buy excellent wine.

Vino Vogue: Torres has a 10-year-history in China and you've worked here for 7 years. Lots of things happened during this time, which moved you most?

Alberto: One of the happy days is the day that we got our wine to China Eastern Airline. And we have meeting every year to get the whole team together, it's very happy for everybody.

And there was also a happy moment when 3 years ago we stopped losing money in China. That was a very important year for us since that year our business even made a little profit.

Vino Vogue: You've devoted to this market for nearly 7 years, it's a very big cost.

Alberto: It took us a few years to get to the business. At first our business has nothing to do with what we're doing now. Before coming to China we were selling only one kind of wine, now we have nearly three kinds of wine. It's very different you know.

Alberto: I think one have to be series about the market, even during the years that the business isn't very good and we're losing money. Secondly we have many professionals in wine business, people have been working with wine for many years in china, this is also important. Thirdly I believe it's the hard working. In China I think if you're serious and work hard the result will always come.

Vino Vogue: Just now you've mentioned your life is busy. Can you describe your life in China in the past seven years, how do you improve Torres' market share in China? Maybe you work into midnight? having meeting all day? Flying from one city to the other?

Alberto: yeah, we say that we're workholics, you know. Besides working for long hours we also work with alcohol.(workholic=work+alcoholic) We have to work till midnight and wake up early in the morning to run the business, to meet all the people. We have visitors every week from all countries and we have events every weekend so basically we have little time for family or friends. As a reward we get to know many interesting people. People who understand wine, also people who understand lifestyle.

Vino Vogue:A lot of people in wine business believe that Torres had a rapid development during the last 10 years. What's the major work for you to do to get such an achievement?

Alberto:I think one have to be series about the market, even during the years that the business isn't very good and we're losing money. Secondly we have many professionals in wine business, people have been working with wine for many years in china, this is also important. Thirdly I believe it's the hard working. In China I think if you're sericous and work hard the result will always come.

Vino Vogue: Some people often describe their companies as a big family. How about Torres, is it the same?

Alberto: yes a big family. We have a thousand employees all over the world and a hundred in China. This is a generation of the company, the next generation may be their sons or some of them will get daughters. They may take up their father's job.

Vino Vogue: How do you think Torres to come with Chinese food? Do you like Chinese food?

Alberto: Of course I like. Chinese food is well. Actually you may find many wines that match Chinese food such as sweet, salt, spicy and so on. And most of Torres wine could assort with Chinese food.

Vino Vogue: How about your life in China? Is your family living in Beijing or Shanghai?

Alberto: Yeah, we are living in shanghai.She ismy wife.,and she is a chinese.We just got married a few months ago.

Vino Vogue: Really?! Wish you have a nice day in china.