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Meet the million-selling solo artist who was once told that she was “too shy” for the limelight!

一个拥有百万销量单曲的歌手,竟说她曾经站在镁光灯下非常 “害羞”?!

5岁加入艺术院校学习音乐,12岁开始自己创作歌曲,15岁时已经拥有了自己第一张Demo录音盘,这就是被誉为“玛丽亚・凯莉和惠特尼・休斯敦综和体”的Leona Lewis。Leona 2006年参加了英国著名选秀节目“The X Factor”,以近乎完美的歌唱表演和绝对的票数优势最终夺下总冠军!她的抒情嗓音淋漓尽致,轻柔间又透着张力,在低音与高音间游刃有余地滑动,让我们知道,这就是冠军的实力!

Leona Lewis, 22, has every reason to be a first-class diva. While a long hard slog to the top is a good way to remind stars what they’ve got, overnight success has a habit of turning normal people into nightmares. Since winning the X Factor in 2006, Leona’s had a number-one single, record-breaking over her gorge voice. But when we meet the Hackney-born singer, it’s just like having a natter with a mate. A mate who has some smart advice on how to make it in celebdom.

1. Don’t let the haters get you别让憎恨你的人打


If people are being horrible to you, it stems from their own insecurities. Jamelia said some nasty things about me, which hurt, as I’ve never met her. I don’t know if she definitely said it, but if she did, it’s sad.Us girls should support each other. I still think she’s good and I wouldn’t say anything bad about her.

2. Don’t give into pressure不要陷入无边的压力中

I’d never do something I’m not happy with, like sexing up my image. Luckily, I have supportive people around me who would never put me in that kind of situation. If people ask you to change, you shouldn’t be around them. I’m never going to change. I still live with my parents in Hackney, London, where I grew up , and I still do all the normal things I would usually do when I’m at home, like going food shopping and tidying my room.

3. Embrace your individuality坚守个性

I think everyone experiences some bullying and usually it’s just because you’re different. I was teased at school for being tall. But what’s different about us also makes us unique and we should embrace that. It’s about maturing and growing up.

4. It’s all about inner confidence只是需要保持自信

I don’t think I’m shy, I’m just not loud and lairy. I have quiet self-confidence. When I’m around people I know, I come out of my shell. But I’ve always been the kind of people who goes within myself if I’m in a room full of people. Now if I get nervous before I go on stage, I say to myself, “Come on Leona, you can do this”. I’ve learned to draw on my nerves to add to my performance. It’s like an adrenaline rush.

5. Ignore the grim pictures忽略那些糟糕的照片

If I worried about every bad pap shot taken of me, I’d be studying every blemish. Every girl worries about her body, but as long as you’re healthy, it doesn’t matter what shape you are. If you eat sensibly and exercise regularly, the odd treat doesn’t matter. You have to accept your body and learn to love it.

6. Stand up for your beliefs捍卫自己的理想

You have to have the courage to stand up for what you believe in―no matter how hard it is―as your beliefs make you who you are amid all the celeb madness. I’m a vegetarian and never wear leather or use products tested on animals. When I was just starting out I’d get gazillion freebies thrown at me, so it was hard to know what contained what. Now, I’ve made sure that before I get to a photo shoot people know my stance on that.

7. Dress for success为成功而装扮你自己

I’ve always done whatever I want fashion―wise. Clothes can make you feel good, but it comes down to what you feel comfortable in. When I feel good in an outfit, it makes me more confident, especially if it’s a nice dress that gives you a great shape.

8. Beware of toxic friends清楚哪些朋友是有害的

Most of my friends are people who knew me before I was famous, but I’ve learnt to work out when people are genuine and when they’re not. A guy I knew when I was 14 lied to the papers. He said that we went out when we were 16 and got, you know, physical―which was so nature. It made me sad. Obviously, I’ve moved on, but when people say stuff that’s untrue you don’t get a chance to defend yourself.

9. Focus on the positives关注积极的方面

You need to put negative feelings to a positive use. That’s why I called my album spirit―it stands for hope and strength. My cousin, billie, was 14 when she died, shortly before I went on the x factor .My nan also died not long after I’d won, so my album is in memory of them. On the show I sang over the rainbow, which I sang at Billie’s funeral .The emotions made the song special.

10. Learn from your mistakes从失败中汲取教训

I don’t have any regrets as every mistake I’ve made along the way has led me to this point. It’s about learning from those mistakes, rather than regretting them. There have been times when I’ve felt low about my career. I’d audition and if I didn’t get parts I’d feel down. But my mum encourages me. Give yourself a pep talk if you feel down and start again.
