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Ricardo: Good afternoon, Eleanor!

Eleanor: Oh, hey Ricardo. Did you have a good morning? Ricardo: ①Yeah, but doing those interviews really takes it out of me.

Eleanor: Ah, I was wondering where you disappeared to this morning. What kind of interviews?

Ricardo: Exit interviews. We just lost a guy from the purchasing department.

Eleanor: Exit interviews? What are they, exactly?

Ricardo: Really, Ellie? You’ve never heard of them before? Eleanor: ②Hey, cut me some slack, Rick! I am new to the business, after all.

Ricardo: ③Fair enough. Well, an exit interview is an interview with someone who is leaving the company.

Eleanor: Kind of like a job interview, only 1)backwards?

Ricardo: I guess you could think of it like that.

Eleanor: I’ve gotta say, though, I’m not really sure what the point is. When I left my last company, they said, “Don’t let the door hit you on your way out!”











Ricardo: Haha, yeah, a lot of companies think about it that way. But really, exit interviews are an important tool for keeping a healthy company.

Eleanor: How could that be? What good is it to know what people are thinking after they’ve already left the company?

Ricardo: Actually, a lot of employees won’t tell you the truth about their feelings until they leave the company. Maybe they’re afraid about their boss getting angry, or their coworkers finding out. ④But when someone is leaving the company, they can speak their mind freely.

Eleanor: Hey, that’s true. ⑤If I didn’t have to come back here tomorrow, I could tell you a thing or two about my supervisor. Why, just yesterday, he…

Ricardo: Whoa, whoa, hold on, Ellie. ⑥If you’ve got something to say about your supervisor, save it for the proper channels.

Eleanor: Yeah, you’re right. But anyway, I can see your point. Hey, why did that guy from purchasing decide to leave, anyway? I hear the purchasing department pays pretty well.

Ricardo: That’s one of the reasons we need to have exit interviews! ⑦If we just let him leave like a thief in the night, we’d still be in the dark about his situation. Turns out, he got a better offer at another company.

Eleanor: Who would have thought! And if you hadn’t asked him, you wouldn’t know about it. I guess we’ll have to give our purchasing people a raise…

Ricardo: Or at least a few extra benefits. When you’re trying to compete in today’s world, you have to know as much as you can!

Eleanor: That’s true! But hey, why wait until you leave to share your thoughts? I have a couple things I could tell you about my supervisor right now. You wouldn’t believe what he did last week…

Ricardo: Hey, now! Save it for the exit interview!











Smart Sentences

① Yeah, but doing those interviews really takes it out of me.嗯,但是负责那些面试真的让我筋疲力尽。

take it out of sb.: sth. exhausts or fatigues someone (让某人非常疲惫)。


The house remodeling really takes it out of us.


② Hey, cut me some slack, Rick! 嘿,放过我吧,里卡多!

cut sb. some slack: give sb. a chance, or give some understanding to sb.(给某人一个机会,谅解某人)。例如:

Helen has only been at the department for a week. Cut her some slack.


③ Fair enough. 有道理。

fair enough: used to acknowledge what sb. has just said, same as “all right” or “that’s reasonable”(用以表示认可对方的话,相当于“all right”或“that’s reasonable”)。例如:

―This grade is not too bad. She had been sick for a month.这个成绩不算差,她之前病了一个月。

―Fair enough.


④ But when someone is leaving the company, they can speak their mind freely. 但是当他们辞职时,就可以毫无顾忌了。

speak one’s mind freely: say what one intends to say, not subject to any restraint(想说什么就说什么,不受外力影响)。例如:

Remember, you should never speak your mind freely in front of my mother.


⑤ If I didn’t have to come back here tomorrow, I could tell you a thing or two about my supervisor. 如果我明天不用回公司,我也可以告诉你一些有关我上司的事。

tell sb. a thing or two: know sth. well enough and feel others should listen to the speaker(了解某人应该知道的事情,值得了解的情况)。例如:

Having been here for 20 years, I could tell them a thing or two about the company’s personnel policy.


⑥ If you’ve got something to say about your supervisor, save it for the proper channels. 如果你想说你的上司,留到适合的渠道再说吧。

save sth. for: set aside sth. for another time(留着以后)。例如:

Jenny, put those decoration away. We’ll save them for the Christmas party.


⑦ If we just let him leave like a thief in the night, we’d still be in the dark about his situation. 如果我们让他悄悄地离开,我们就不能了解实际情况。

like a thief in the night: secretly and without being seen(偷偷摸摸地,不为人知地)。例如:

As an employee, you are entitled to buy our products at a discount. Don’t behave like a thief in the night.


in the dark: do not know anything about sth.(不知情,蒙在鼓里)。例如:

The supervisor was in the dark about the department’s dissolution.
