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Co?hiring a Taxi

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Beijing has more than 60,000 taxis carrying about 2 million passengers every day. Yet, it is still difficult to get a taxi during rush hours. To deal with the city’s taxi shortage, especially in downtown, Beijing traffic authorities(当局) permit co?hiring a taxi whenever all passengers get in the vehicle at the same place and head in the same direction. They also rule that each passenger must pay 60 percent of the cost of a shared trip and warn that taxi drivers who refuse to accept taxi?sharing arrangements will be fined.

Public transportation experts welcome taxi sharing as it not only helps relieve(缓解) the city’s traffic pressure but also reduces waste gases produced by cars. Meanwhile, they say authorities should regulate(规定) taxi sharing to differentiate(区分) between multiple hires arranged by passengers and those arranged by taxi drivers who intend to make more money.

Taxi drivers think the regulation favors them. “For instance, for a distance within 10 yuan, we get 10 yuan if we take one customer. But we can get more if we take two.”

Although some Beijing residents believe taxi sharing is an environmentally friendly way of getting around, many do not seem to share the enthusiasm(热衷) of the taxi drivers.

“I have worries about it, because they are strangers.”

“I don’t like it. It’s against my interests.”

“It depends. I’ll never share a taxi with a stranger at night. But if it’s during daytime and the place I’m going is not remote, I’d like to try this.”

Experts say more details on taxi sharing must be made out. For example, the passenger who gets out of a taxi first will not get the receipt(发票). Residents also worry that the drivers will take circuitous routes(绕路), and women passengers will have safety concerns if sharing a taxi with strangers.

Besides this, Li Zhebing, a lawyer, says the 60 percent of the cost of a shared trip remains open for discussion. “According to related articles in the Consumer Protection Law and the Contract Law, customers have the right to receive a service worth the money they pay. Since these two customers agree to share a taxi, it’s reasonable that each should pay half the cost of the shared trip.”

1. What do the underlined words “the vehicle” mean in Paragraph 1?

A. The car. B. The bus. C. The truck. D. The taxi.

2. According to the regulation, if two passengers take the same taxi for a distance of 20 yuan, how much does the driver can charge for that shared trip?