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吃你个头 Eating Portrait

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“你闭上眼睛,按住眼睑,如果你能做到涤荡内心,不让任何情感、渴求、情节或执念出来干扰 , 你的想象力会自动启动。你不再是一个人类,你变成了纯粹的思想和永恒。同样当别人看到你的作品也会被这种情绪贯穿头脑 ,他们会暂时忘记困苦、政治、剧变⋯⋯对于生活这些都会变得微不足道,即使梦想永远不会成真。” STOYN广告的创始人Sergey Starostin如是说。

1. ZEST:说说这个系列的由来

Sergey Starostin:我们决定组建这样一个创意机构,它以独创的理念为先而非彻底遵从客户的意思。创意不仅是增加销售的途径,它也带来乐趣、快乐和惊喜。这个冰淇淋概念游走在流行文化、艺术、搞趣等几个领域的边缘,本个为庆典准备的,后来我们把它制成实物并录制了视频。我们希望这个作品能成为一个标签,让人们记住我们的机构。

ZEST: where is your beginning ofthese ice-cream project?

Sergey Starostin: We decided to organize an indie-agency that does not follow the brand’s guides but invents ideas in the first place. Create ideas that do more than just increase sales ideas that bring fun and joy, surprise people. The concept of our ice-cream was on the edge of pop culture, art and fun lifestyle concept for the festival, our own self-promo. We wanted to create a project that would become remarkable and memorable project of our agency we composed a brief for ourselves and played with it.

2. ZEST:说说你们这个作品的创作主题

Sergey Starostin: 想要集中精力地完成我们的设计实验,就必须克服俄罗斯工业设计基础设施的绝对缺乏,这对我们是非常重要的。我们想表明,环境设计、通信设计是可以通过许多新的方式实现和推广的。我们新鲜的有机口味提高内啡肽的水平,并能使人心情愉快。而它的表现形式是90年代、80年代末、70年代、60年代不同世代的著名人物,他们已经成为时代的标签和文化遗产。环境营销的核心思想不是基于销售的统计数字,而是让人在获得资信的同时有愉快的体验。我本人惊讶这次的作品能够收到世界各地这么多人发来的电子邮件。

2. ZEST:please talk aboutthe central theme of your work?

Sergey Starostin: It was important to us to overcome the absolute absence of industrial design infrastructure in Russia, concentrate and complete our design experiment. We wanted to show that ambient design-communications can be realized in many new ways and a promo can be so versatile. Our fresh organic flavors elevate the level of endorphins and make people happy. The forms carry cultural legacy of heroes who were important to different generations of 90s, 80s, 70s, 60s. The key idea of ambient marketing is based not on sales statistics but on awareness of things that make people happy. I was personally surprised to get so many emails from excited people all over the world.

3. ZEST:一般来说你们如何完成作品?有什么有趣的经验可以分享么?

Sergey Starostin: 我们花了4个月建造了一个机器,它类似于阿列克赛•托尔斯泰的著作“工程师加林的双曲面”中的描述,吐出的形状就像雷射光雕琢的一样。

3.ZEST: Generally, how do you complete your work(from idea to finished)? Is there any interesting experience to share?

Sergey Starostin:It took us 4 months to build a machine that is similar to one from the book of Alexey Tolstoy “Hyperboloid of engineer Garin” that spits out the forms just like lazer.

4.ZEST: 创作时最重要的是什么?

Sergey Starostin: 许多想法落空,所以我始终保持精神集中,考虑生产的过程,但不放弃尝试超越限制和边界。

4.ZEST:What's the most important thing when you creating ?

Sergey Starostin: Many ideas are left unrealized so I always stay concentrated, consider the production process but try to exceed limits and boundaries.

5. ZEST:有人说:吃什么,像什么。你怎么看?

Sergey Starostin: 我们的团队成员都没有使用精神药物、酒精、香烟或。我们大多数人是素食主义者,因为我们相信没有暴力因素的纯粹能量。你需要衡量生物的价值,才能感受美丽世界的价值,并形成有责任感的文化,也可以说你正是你观察到的世界的体现。我住在 Lobnya,旁边就是森林,在那里我夏天倒立,冬天游泳。

5. ZEST:Someone said that you are what you eat,what do you think about it?

Sergey Starostin: None of the members of our team uses psychotropic substances alcohol, sigarets or drugs. Most of us are vegetariansbecause we believe in pure energy without violence. You need to value the life of one creature to value the beauty of the world and forms culture of responsibility. I can also say that you are what you observe. I live in Lobnya right next to the forest where I practice head-stands in summer and winter-swimming.


Sergey Starostin: 你闭上眼睛,按住眼睑,如果你能做到涤荡内心,不让任何情感、渴求、情节或执念出来干扰 , 你的想象力会自动启动。你不再是一个人类,你变成了纯粹的思想和永恒。同样当别人看到你的作品也会被这种情绪贯穿头脑 ,他们会暂时忘记困苦、政治、剧变⋯⋯对于生活这些都会变得微不足道,即使梦想永远不会成真。 当他们看到创新的东西 , 就会感受到更美好的生活诞生了,并且渴望去分享这一发现,新事物就像新鲜果汁。创新是我们的风格,我们创造一些新鲜的东西和氛围。

6. ZEST:what does imagination and innovation mean to you and how does it affect our life in your mind?

Sergey Starostin: You close your eyes and press the eye-lids as if you never had any feelings, needs, character or ideas your imagination automatically turns on. You are no longer a human, you are a pure thought and eternity. Same emotions run through the mind of someone who sees your invention they forget about difficulties, politics, cataclysms, about life that flies by and dreams that never come true when they look at innovations and something new they feel a birth of a better life and are eager to share this discovery. New things are like fresh juice. Innovation is the style of our agency. We create atmosphere of something fresh and new.


Sergey Starostin:理念、最高使命、神圣的思想、信仰和爱国主义。当你足够理解你所做的一切,明白你牺牲了什么。

7. ZEST:What is good work?

Sergey Starostin: Idea. Supreme mission. Sacred thought. Faith and patriotism. When you are aware of everything you do and understand what you sacrifice.

8. ZEST: 说说你们的灵感缪斯

Sergey Starostin: 我们从很多艺术家身上汲取灵感,比如来自俄罗斯建构的第一个图形、工业设计师 、 摄影师Rodchenko和诗人马雅可夫斯基!德国的包豪斯;中国的高氏兄弟也很棒。

8. ZEST:Give us some names of the artist you like.

Sergey Starostin: We gain inspiration from Russian constructivists and first graphic and industrial designers photographer Rodchenko and poet Mayakovsky ! And German Bauhaus. Brothers Gao from China are also awesome.

9. ZEST:What is your next step?

Sergey Starostin:

We plan a vast world expansion of our ice-cream line with distribution chains in Europe, Asia nand the US. We are working on new forms and flavors for our ice-cream and will introduce new characters soon.

Our next project is very complicated it’s a fashion concept on the edge of poetry, music and lifestyle. A project that combines design, music, branding, illustration, video-art, web, architecture.It’s an album of my own poetry and a line for Russian Fashion Week everyday clothes for designers clean, simple and laconic transforming pieces. Every designer is to express his vision with one track one designeer, one track - poetry and minimal music one look. My poetry is about a designer as a new formation of a human a superhero, the new intelligence, the voice of the generation, the spirit of time. Time of the new culture, when the designer can not be lazy, violent or false.

Another great and complex project that we have been working on rebranding of the city of Lobnya new identity, new fonts, art-centers, gallery spaces, parks and festival spaces.The environment that changes the human being.


we invent experimental and innovative ideas in advertising

Sergey Starostin, Founder of STOYN Advertising

fotos - payload.省略/1/2/70161/1530683/0001405300316_o.省略/obrazanet)

founder of creative collaboration obrazanet.ru (8yrs old, 250 members musicians, poets, artists)

recorded 4 albums as a frontman of FLUGI band(flugi.ru)

STOYN is a nickname given by friends almost 20 years ago

Viktoria Mamikonova, art-director, STOYN Advertising


born in 1983

artist, illustrator and print designer (www.省略/photos/vikamamikonova/page2/)

is currently working on an social art series of paintings, STOYN Ice-Cream brand-book and Lobnya rebranding project and a cover for poetry album