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摘 要:






Plant leaf recognition method based on clonal selection algorithm and K nearest neighbor


ZHANG Ning, LIU Wenping*


College of Information, Beijing Forestry University, Beijing 100083, China英文摘要)


To decrease the time of classifier design and training, a new method combining the Clonal Selection Algorithm and K Nearest Neighbor (CSA+KNN) was proposed. Having the image preprocessed and getting the comprehensive features information from geometry and texture feature, the CSA+KNN was used to train and classify the plant leaf samples. The plant leaf database with 100 leaf species was applied to test the proposed algorithm, and the recognition accuracy was 91.37%. Compared with other methods, the experimental results demonstrate the efficiency, accuracy and high training speed of the proposed method, and verify the significance of texture features in leaf recognition. CSA+KNN method broadens the field of plant leaf recognition method, and it can be applied to create digitalized plant specimens museum.

To improve the design of classifier and training time, a new method combining the Clonal Selection Algorithm and K Nearest Neighbor (CSA+KNN) was proposed. Having the image preprocessing and getting the comprehensive features information from geometry and texture feature, the CSA+KNN was used to train and test plant leaf samples. The plant leaf database which had 100 leaf species was applied to test the proposed algorithm, and the recognition accuracy was 91.37%. Compared with other methods, the experimental results demonstrate the efficiency, accuracy and higher training rate of the proposed method, and verify the significance of texture features in leaf recognition. CSA+KNN method broadens the field of plant leaf recognition method, and it can be applied to create digitized plant specimens museum.

英文关键词Key words:

plant leaf recognition; Clonal Selection Algorithm (CSA); Artificial Immune System (AIS); digital image analysis; geometry feature; texture feature

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目前,基于图像分析的植物叶片识别方法有着以下三大类:基于关系结构匹配、基于统计学和基于机器学习的叶片识别方法[1]。近年来,国内外学者在基于图像分析的植物叶片识别方面有一定的进展。2007年,Du等[2]提出了一种移动中值中心超球分类器(Move Median Center Hypersphere Classifier,MMC),提取15个植物叶片特征用于识别20种植物叶片。2009年,中国科学院合肥物质科学研究院提出一种鲁棒的监督流形学习算法进行植物叶片分类,降低了识别算法的计算复杂度[3]。在2010年,阚江明等[4]将纹理特征运用到叶片识别中,实验证明纹理特征可提高植物识别的准确率。Daliri等[5]在2008年运用动态规划算法对瑞士叶片数据库进行识别检索测试,实验证明此算法的表现优良。2010年,Singh等[6]采用基于二叉树结构的多支持向量机(Multiple Support Vector Machine based on Binary Tree,SVMBDT)方法识别32种植物叶片,实验结果表明此识别方法优于概率神经网络(Probabilistic Neural Network,PNN)分类器和傅里叶矩方法。2011年Sixta[7]利用形状上下文内部距离进行叶片识别。2011年,Rossatto等[8]采用体积分形维数和朴素贝叶斯分类进行树叶图像识别。