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尊享顶级水疗 上海新天地朗廷酒店 等

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尊享顶级水疗 上海新天地朗廷酒店

上海新天地朗廷酒店 | The Langham , Xintiandi, Shanghai

Add:上海市新天地马当路99号 | 99 Madang Road Xintiandi Shanghai,China

Tel:+86(21)2330 2288




The Langham Xintiandi officially launched its luxurious new Chuan Spa in November, 2011.Chuan Spa incorporates Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM)into its signature treatments, ambience and dcor. "Chuan" in Chinese means flowing water and water is considered the foundation of life.

First, guests are invited to embark on journey by relaxing in the vitality pool, sauna and steam room. Then they will enter Chuan Spa's moon gates where they will experience a Chinese garden inspired ambience designed to nurture one's Jing(life force), Qi(vital energy)and Shen (mind and spirit). In the contemplation corner, while sipping Chuan element tea, guests will meet with their therapist to discuss their treatment plan and also complete a Five Elements questionnaire which is designed to address the rebalancing of their five elements and personal Ying and Yang. Following completion, guests will then be escorted to the spa treatment area where their chosen elemental essential oil and soft Chuan music provide a calming and tranquil environment.

家外之家 北京嘉里大酒店

北京嘉里大酒店 | Kerry Hotel, Beijing

Add:北京朝阳区光华路1号 | No.1 Guanghua Road, Chaoyang District, Beijing 100020, China

Tel:+86(10)6561 8833


漫步踱入酒店的旋转门,当代灯饰设计师Lasvit为酒店踱身定制的水晶吊灯映入眼帘,白色条纹状大理石地面,抽象艺术地毯和现代的水墨装饰画交相呼应。作为此次升级改造的一部分,由享负盛名的日本室内设计公司Super Potato和Salt携手打造的全新餐饮设施,向客人呈现美食与视觉巧妙结合的感官盛宴。全天候餐厅“嘉品”彰显独到的美食理念,选用上乘食材精心烹制各式地道亚洲美食。供应丰盛的自助早餐、午餐,晚餐则呈上近百种零点美食。紧邻嘉品,“嘉味”则是一个度过悠闲时光或品尝小食的舒适之选。自创是嘉味的精髓所在。屡获殊荣的炫酷酒吧也换新装,并增加了一个露台区域。全新的嘉里阁行政楼层占据酒店17层至21层、房间面积从34平方米至68平方米不等。从40英寸LED液晶电视、多媒体数据端口,到镜面内置液晶电视和时钟、全自动坐便器、配有剃须镜的浴缸淋浴分置客房浴室格局,均为让客人感受到“家外之家”的舒适与体贴。

Newly re-branded Kerry Hotel, Beijing has unveiled its new Club rooms and suites, a Club lounge, re-configured lobby, grand ballroom, and is introducing two new dining outlets: Kerry's Kitchen and Kerry's Pantry. In addition, the hotel's iconic Centro bar and lounge has been re-designed.

The hotel's all-day-dining restaurant, Kerry's Kitchen, specialises in authentic Asian cuisine. Serving buffet for breakfast and lunch, dinner is purely à la carte with almost 100 dishes. Adjacent is Kerry's Pantry, a gourmet deli cosy enough to pass time or to grab a quick bite. Self-creation is the key concept. With an enhanced sound system and visual set up, the award-winning bar and lounge features a new addition to its seating. Situated on the hotel's executive floors (17th to 21st), the newly renovated Club rooms and suites, offer a line up of new hardware and amenities, such as an angled 40-inch LED television, Bose SoundDock, central multi-socket panel and a bathroom mirror with an inbuilt television and digital clock.

饱览湖光山色 杭州千岛湖滨江希尔顿度假酒店

杭州千岛湖滨江希尔顿度假酒店 | Hilton Hangzhou Qiandao Lake Resort

Add:浙江省淳安县千岛湖环湖北路600号 | 600 Huanhu North Road, Qiandao Lake, China

Tel:+86(571)6508 6666



在这里,您可以选择在全天开放的创意餐厅Eatzi Café用餐,也可以在Spices Bistro 享用风味纯正的东南亚菜肴,还能在中国餐厅Taste品尝到杭州和宁波特色菜,而四面环绕落地窗的大堂酒廊则是与朋友欢聚、远离喧嚣和欣赏湖面美景的理想去处。


Hilton Hangzhou Qiandao Lake Resort located in Chun'an County, on the shores of the stunning Qiandao Lake, the hotel comprises seven grand towers and 349 rooms.

Most of the resort rooms offer lakefront views with private balconies or mountain views, and begin at 48 square meters, with generous work spaces, high speed internet access and luxury bathrooms. The resort offers four dining options-creative all-day dining in Eatzi Cafe, authentic Southeast Asian dishes at Spices Bistro, speciality Hangzhou and Ninbo regional cuisines at Chinese restaurant, Taste. The lobby lounge with its floor-to-ceiling windows provides the ideal location to meet, unwind and capture the wonderful lake views.

Hilton Hangzhou Qiandao Lake Resort is situated eight minutes from the Qiandao Lake bus station and is near to the Hangxinjing Expressway. The resort is approximately a two-hour drive from Hangzhou Xiaoshan Airport, 131 kilometers from the city of Hangzhou.

赏金沙碧浪 神州半岛福朋酒店

神州半岛福朋酒店(喜来登集团管理)| Four Points by Sheraton Shenzhou Peninsula

Add:海南省万宁市神州半岛旅游度假区 | Shenzhou Peninsula Resort District Wanning, Hainan 571528

Tel:+86(898)6253 8838

作为喜达屋中国区第一家福朋度假酒店,神州半岛福朋酒店(喜来登管理)与知名设计师Tom Weiskopf设计的41洞神州高尔夫俱乐部比邻而立。酒店整个以满足客人最大舒适为设计宗旨,共有338间客房,大部分都能看到海景,现代简洁风格的建筑面向蜿蜒在热带园林中的礁湖泳池和碧海金沙,令人心情飞扬。

宜客乐(Eatery)全天候提供美味且充满创意的精致佳肴,在轻松舒适的用餐空间里让我们带领您感受一次愉快的味觉之旅。夜幕低垂时可别错过巴西烧烤餐厅(CASA CHURRASCO)令人垂涎的纯正巴西佳肴,桌边现切的石窑烤肉搭配南美传统甘蔗酒与兰姆酒,在现场演奏乐声与阵阵海浪伴奏下,度过嘉年华般热烈的欢快时光。礁湖吧被繁茂的热带花园环抱,极富南洋色彩,是寻觅透心凉饮料、果汁、酒精性饮料的最佳去处。充实的一天后,莅临装潢前卫轻松的找乐吧,是轻食小吃的最佳去处。神州半岛福朋酒店同时提供了理想会议场所。拥有超过2742平方米的室内会议与宴会空间以及多处的室外弹性空间,高挑无柱的大宴会厅“福朋大剧院”占地1210平方米,适合各种形式的会议宴会需求。加上完整的团队激励活动方案与优美天然环境将为宾客打造每一次难忘的活动。

Adjacent to the Dunes, a 41-hole golf marvel designed by world renowned golf course designer, Tom Weiskopf, Four Points by Sheraton Shenzhou Peninsula combines tropical gardens and integrates funky and contemporary styles to the architecture.

Enjoy the convenience of The EateryFour Points' signature all day dining restaurant, featuring a wide range of a la carte dishes and a large buffet selection of Western and Asian favorites. Sample tasty grills at our beach front Brazilian BBQ restaurant and immerse into an all-night festivity with our live band. Relax with a selection of ice cold beers from our Best Brews beer program in Jive on ground floor after a long day at the beach or sightseeing. The hotel also has over 2742 square meters of indoor and outdoor function space, The enormous pillarless "The Theater", covers 1210sqm as well as 10 other variable sized function rooms all equipped with advancedsystems to perfectly match our guests meeting and events requirement.