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Theory of Traditional Chinese Aesthetic Thoughts Influence on Ancient Chinese Ar

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Abstract: the Chinese tradition of Confucianism, Taoism and Buddhism thought influence the design style of the building. Confucian, Taoist thought of "the doctrine of the mean" of "nature and humanity" ideology, traditional Confucian thought on the formation of the traditional architectural style vital role. Of ancient chinese architecture is harmonious and peaceful feelings, Confucian, Taoist, buddhist thought deeply, meanwhile, reflect the hand, reasonable aspiration is dependent of the aesthetic, the emotion affects the ancient Chinese architecture planning, layout and construction, formed the ancient Chinese architecture unique architectural style and artistic style and features.

Keywords: ancient; architecture style; aesthetic thoughts

中图分类号:J59 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1005-5312(2014)03-0198-02

The architectural culture of China may call it the symbol of human civilization, every nation has its own way of building, complement each other, the same as there are distinct differences between different civilization. People not only build a shelter for their own survival, but according to the concept of beauty to create their own living environment. In the development process of China's ancient buildings to form the unique architectural style, the formation of this style is closely related to Chinese traditional esthetics thought.

1. "Nature and humanity" of the traditional aesthetic thinking of the architectural style of ancient Chinese

The aesthetic thought of "harmony between man and nature" and appreciation of nature in harmony gradually becomes the core of the traditional aesthetic thought, and created colorful landscape culture, ancient culture, garden culture, corresponding the scenic spot. Breeds, for example, the traditional culture of the ancient northern China famous courtyard, it is the symbol of Chinese traditional architectural culture. The siheyun of Beijing exquisite pattern, exquisite style, exquisite style, attaches great importance to the tradition, the whole yard layout in neat formation, clear, make the person has YaJing comfortable sense. "Open Lv close three thousand zhangs of cloud, mist dark number crunchers millions,", in this case, the "hundreds of thousands" is what we call Beijing siheyuan. Beijing courtyard style neat, very exquisite, have house, have a yard, gate, a second, a veranda, xue, a living room, a screen wall, a warehouse, a kitchen, a large house with garden, car stable. Shut the door, unify its own. Standing in Beijing courtyard atrium looked around, can see the courtyard in the middle stretch, corridor sill twists and turns, are those who have hidden. The essence of courtyard is a "close" word, is to all the members of a family "close" together.

2. "Begets balance "of the traditional aesthetic thinking of the architectural style of ancient Chinese

"Lao zi" once said: "Yan includes processing thought, when it is not, of a device; chisel HuYou thought room, when its not, have a room." This sentence is to explain the relationship between the space of the actual situation in ancient China, "virtual" is only invisible things we see with our eyes, refers to a kind of abstract, does not exist; "Solid" refers to the objective existence, tangible, can touch things. Of Beijing the imperial palace, for example, the hall of supreme harmony, the temple before the square square covers an area of 2.5 hectares, facing the golden halls of 35 meters high, there is a military baiguan pilgrimage places, originally building does not calculate is too high, but by the gate of forward, through this piece of open space, another white marble stone steps, looking up at the palace, just have the feeling of heaven. "Wei" the magnificent beyond, had played havoc say this sentence in the great support. Palaces and clearing by Wu gallery and the wall connection, between inside and outside Beijing has two walls, the outer urban as the imperial city, to be DongAnMen, xi 'an doors, gates and tiananmen gate, the inner city to the Forbidden City, meridian gate, DongHuaMen, gate xihua and creature for the gate door, uniform Huang Wa, red walls, and the palace. The combination of point and line, real and virtual transform, constitutes a unique chinese-style spectacular, HongLi beauty. The pattern of the imperial palace is both ethical and aesthetic, is both historical and ethnic groups. "The actual situation in life" is one of Chinese traditional art in aesthetic creation, from cosmology to life consciousness, to the aesthetic spirit, both runs through a "false or true life" relationship.

3. "Nature" of the traditional aesthetic thinking of the architectural style of ancient Chinese

"Shuo wen jie zi "cloud:" view, scrutinize. Also read, often thought also." View of nature, namely "the overall understanding of nature", is an important part of the world. Chinese classical garden, for example, yangzhou has a garden, cover an area of an area small, in this small space is built scenery of four seasons. A door in the park, bamboo forest, covered with stalagmites, give a person the feeling of spring; Around the garden wall, see the scenery a congested, gurgling splash, numerous shadow show wood, winding, created a Xia Jing; Turn again, rock eventful, narrow and deep valley, the evening oblique, with xiao suo, softness and late autumn; Finally, shaded by high walls, green all disappear, see white stone coping shop size, and has the atmosphere of ice and snow of winter. All classical garden architectural artistry is reflected on the perfect combination of the artificial and natural. In precise sense, build garden is not the purpose of the objective of the nature, but the performance of the poetic nature, the aesthetic relation between man and nature for us is, in fact, a kind of poetic relationship. Chinese classical garden design style and layout of 11 elder brother of the human and the nature harmonious whole, at the same time also showed a strong interest and emotional appeal, is a historical summary of the traditional aesthetic thought and aesthetic.

4. Conclusion

Ancient Chinese architecture is in the plane buildings and courtyard space formed by the further development of the art of change. influenced by the ancient chinese aesthetic thought the Chinese ancient architecture has lasted for over two thousand years, and spread scope is extremely broad, keep the independence of structure and architectural design of unique aesthetic implication, is worth us to appreciate. From the Angle of Chinese traditional aesthetics, consider building design style, should absorb the Confucianism, Taoism and chu, the essence of zen and so on four kinds of aesthetic thought, make it has the function to coordinate the overall beauty, the beauty of natural inaction, design innovation of a warm beauty, the beauty of the context of introspection. Only in this way our country architectural design can obtain the long-term development, the quality of urban environment to gradually improve, to improve the residents of urban life in real sense, make the traditional Chinese aesthetic thoughts continue to go down.


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