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1.(长沙)―_______ subjects do you have? ―Seven.

A. How longB. How manyC. How muchD. How far


2 . (河南) There is no difference between the two words. I really don’t know _______.

A. what to choose B. which to choose

C. to choose whichD. to choose what


3.(广州)Mr King has never been to France, _______?

A. has heB. hasn’t Mr KingC.hasn’t heD. has Mr King

析:陈述句含never, hardly, little ,few ,no, not等否定词时,简略问句用肯定式,且把陈述句主语由名词换成代词,故答案为A。

4.(厦门)―The earth isn’t as big as the sun, is it? ―_______.

A. Yes, it isB. No ,it isC, Yes, it isn’tD. No, it isn’t


5.(上海)_______ important information he’s given us!

A. SoB. HowC. What anD. What

析:此题考查“What +adj.+n.+主语+谓语”结构,又因information为不可数名词,故答案为D。

6.(长沙)_______ delicious the food is !

A. HowB. How aC. WhatD. What a

析:本题考查“How +adj. / adv.+主语+谓语”结构,答案为A。

7.(福州)Don’t _______ (嘲笑) others when they make mistake.(填空)

析:祈使句的否定式为Don’t +动词原形,故填laught at。

8.(重庆)A:Stand higher, and you’ll see far away.(找同义句)

B:_______ stand at a higher place, you’ll see far away.

析:祈使句+and / or +简单句可与条件状语从句互换,故填If you。

9.(南京)Hurry up , _______ you’ll miss the train. It’s leaving in ten minutes.

A. andB. soC. howeverD. or


10.(广州)Jony doesn’t sing quite _______ the other boys and girls in his class.

A. so well as B. as good likeC. as well likeD. so good as

析:“not as / so …as”表“与……不一样”,句中sing用副词修饰,答案为A。

11. (南 京) The cars made in Japan are much cheaper than _______ made in America.

A. onesB. those C. that D. it


12.(南京)无论他说什么,我都不相信他。(完成句子)_______ ,I don’t believe him.

析:从句的语序为陈述句语序,故填No matter what / Whatever he says。

13.(安徽)You’ll be late _______ you hurry up.

A. afterB. whenC. unlessD. if


14.(大连)I enjoy learning English _______ it takes me a lot of time.

A. unlessB. thoughC. because D. for

析:because / for意为“因为”,though意为“虽然”,答案为B。


15.(天津)I want to know _______.

A. what’s his name B. that’s his name

C. that his name isD. what his name is


16.(石家庄)―I don’t know if his uncle _______ .―I think he _______,if it doesn’t rain.

A. will come, comesB. will come ,will come

C. comes , comesD. comes, will come


17.(兰州)I didn’t think maths _______ important at that time.

A. isB. wasC. areD. were


18.(兰州)That’s the only thing _______ can’t be forgotten in my life.

A. thatB. whichC. whoD. ×


19.(成都)I’m reading a book. The book is about Bill Gates.(合为复合句)

I’m reading a book which (that) is about Bill Gates.


20.(广州)Mr Johnson’s story _______ by everyone who heard it .

A.laughed at B. was laughedC. laughedD. was laughed at

析:根据题意用一般过去时的被动语态,即was / were +P.P。另外这里由动词+介词构成的短语,介词不能省略。答案为D。

21.(广州)Your sister works very hard ,and _______.

A. so you are B. so you doC. so are you D.so do you.

析:此题考查so作“也”的结构“so+助动词/情态动词/be动词”,此时要与前一句的动词、时态要保持一致。故答案为D。类似用法和结构“neither+助动词/情态动词/be动词”,neither意为“也不”。 如:―Would your brother go for a picnic?

―If youdon’t go, neither will he.

22.(南京)Do you think _______ an American film tomorrow?

A. is thereB. there’s going to be

C. will there beD. there’s going to have

析:根据宾语从句语序为陈述句语序排除A、C。there be的be going to结构为there be going to be。答案为B。