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星尘 第8期

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From the imaginations of best-selling author Neil Gaiman and director Matthew Vaughn comes Stardust, this summer’s one totally original fantasy epic[史诗] that is destined[注定] to excite audiences of all ages. Following the adventures of a young man who sets out[出发,开始行动] on a quest to prove his love, Stardust takes on every fairy tale in which anyone ever wanted to believe. From wicked witches to dashing[精力充沛的] princes, flying pirates to dueling[决斗] swordsmen, it all adds up to a funny, romantic tale of true love and high adventure unlike any other.

Stardust begins in the English Village of Wall, which is named for its cobblestone[鹅卵石] wall. For hundreds of years, the wall has kept the villagers safely apart from the supernatural realm[王国, 领域] that lies just on the other side. It is here that young Tristan Thorne makes a promise to the prettiest girl in the village, whose heart he hopes to win: that he will bring her back a fallen star. But in order to make good[成功] on his promise, Tristan will have to cross the forbidden wall, and enter a mysterious kingdom.

In the realm known as Stormhold, Tristan discovers that the fallen star is not a meteorite[陨星], but a beautiful young woman. Now, she is in terrible danger ?sought after by the King’s scheming[诡计多端的] sons for whom only her secret powers can secure the throne; and hunted by a powerful witch who wants to use the star to achieve eternal[永恒的] youth and beauty.

As Tristan sets out to protect the star and bring her back to his beloved on the other side of the wall, his journey will bring unforeseen[无法预料的] romance, high-flying[雄心勃勃的] adventure, and incredible encounters[遇到] with a pirate captain, a shady[不可靠的] trader, and a unicorn[独角兽] among other surprises. But if he can survive on his wits[才智] and the strength of his newfound love, Tristan will also uncover the secret to his own identity[身份] and a fate beyond his wildest dreams.




特里斯坦打算保护这颗星星,把她送到围墙另一边的心上人手里, 而这趟充满雄心壮志的历险旅程将会给他带来意想不到的浪漫爱情。在这个过程中,他将遇到海盗船长、奸诈商人、独角兽,以及其它意想不到的事情。但如果特里斯坦能运用自己的才智和新爱人的力量度过难关,他就能揭开自己的身世之谜,以及绝对令他始料不及的命运前途。

Characters 角色介绍

1. Tristan特里斯坦

Tristan is a shy and somewhat awkward[笨拙的] boy. On evenings and weekends, he helps out on his father’s farm, and during the day he works at “Monday and Sons”grocery shop. He dreams of traveling the world and reinventing himself, but most of all he dreams of Victoria Forester: the prettiest girl in the village. Tristan has adored[爱慕] Victoria ever since they were both small but, sadly, the feeling seems not to be mutual[相互的]. And now she is slipping away from him and into the arms of other village boys.


2. Victoria维多利亚

Victoria Forester is the most beautiful girl in the Village of Wall. She has always thought Tristan rather sweet, and would not wish to see him hurt, but she feels sure that he understands the situation ?girls like her simply don’t marry boys like him. Not when there are others in the village with so much more to offer a young lady.


3. Yvaine伊婉

Yvaine is an evening star ?one who shines brightly enough to be seen even by day. Like other stars, she eats darkness and drinks light, but unlike so many of her sisters, she loves to gaze down and watch the earth. Seeing the lives and adventures of mankind helps to make her eternal life a little more interesting...and a little less lonely.

Not that Yvaine would ever admit to feeling alone. She is independent[独立自主的]. It would irk[使苦恼] her to admit to needing anything from anybody. Nor would she wish to see man at any closer quarters: 400 years ago, one of her sisters fell to the earth and was never seen again, and the rumor[传闻] is that she met a most terrible fate...



4. Lamia拉弥亚

In a canyon[峡谷] in deepest Stormhold live three witches. Lamia, the eldest, once ruled in Carnadine[麝香石竹] as Witch-Queen, but that was a long time ago, before that city was lost. Even now, though, living hidden from the world with her sisters, Lamia remains the most powerful witch in Stormhold. Time has not diminished[使减少] their powers of sorcery[巫术], but it has withered[使枯萎] their beauty. Consuming[吞下] the heart of a star can give eternal life and beauty. The last unfortunate star to fall into Stormhold did so 400 years ago. And, to their great distress[悲痛], there is very little of her heart.
