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He sat up with his fore paws hung down.We put a piece of meat on his nose.He tossed it up and caught it in his mouth.


fore [f:] 在最前部的paw [p:] 爪

hung down 下垂piece [pi:s] 片,块

meat [mi:t] 肉toss [ts] 扔,抛

caught [k:t] catch的过去式;捕捉

Soon winter came.The front door was now closed all day long.The postman who brought my father’s daily paper did not enter the house.He left the paper at the door.


front [frnt] 前面

postman ['pstmn] 邮差

brought [br:t] bring的过去式;带来,拿来

daily ['deili] 每天的,日常的

paper ['peip] 报纸,纸

enter ['ent] 进入

Sometimes somebody took the paper.

My father was angry,but he did not know what to do about it.



At last he said to us,“you must teach Leo to watch for the paper.When the postman leaves it at the door Leo must bring it in.”

We liked this idea.We began to teach him at once.



at last 最后

watch for 看着,注视

leave [li:v] 留下

idea [ai'di] 主意,念头

at once 马上,立刻

I do not remember how many lessons we gave him.In a very few days he knew his duty well.


remember [ri'memb] 记得

duty ['dju:ti] 责任,义务

After that my father always had his paper.Leo sat near the door and waited for the postman.


wait for 等待,等候

When the postman left the paper at the door,Leo picked it up in his mouth.Then he scratched at the door with his fore paws until somebody let him in.


pick [pik] 拾取

scratch [skrt] 抓,搔

One morning Leo scratched at the door as usual.He brought in my father’s paper.Then he ran away.


as usual ['ju:ul]像往常一样


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