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①Alice seems interested in English.

②Tom is good at playing basketball.

③The soup tastes good.


①Mr. Zhou, an English teacher, works hard.

②His brother gets up very early every morning.

③The old man died last week.


①We live a happy life.

②Bob likes playing basketball.

③Mary has a large collection of stamps.


①Mr Green often tells us many interesting stories.

②My mother bought me a new coat this morning.

③Our English teacher gave us much advice on how to learn English.


①We call the boy a little angel.

②The news made all the students happy.

③He found the house broken into last week.




①What he said was right. (主、系、表)


②That he will come makes us happy. (主、谓、宾、宾补)


③It is clear that he will buy the car. (主、系、表)

(形式主语) (主语从句)


①We all know that the earth is round. (主、谓、宾)


②I think (that) we should buy the computer. (主、谓、宾)


③The students hope that they will have a school bus soon. (主、谓、宾)



①The news is that he himself will attend the meeting.(主、系、表)


②The problem is which bike I should take.(主、系、表)


③This village is where I was born. (主、系、表)



①The news that he will visit America makes us excited. (主、谓、宾 、宾补) (同位语从句)

②The fact that he is a good teacher is obvious. (主、系、表) (同位语从句)

③She has no idea how she should solve the problem. (主、谓、宾) (同位语从句)

根据以上内容,我们可以看出,从句充当的成分是可以转变的。试看下面的句式变化的关系。设x是一个完整的句子,拥有五大基本句型中的任意结构(例如:The earth is round),则可得:

1.We all know that x.


2.That x is known to us all.

由于 that x 充当主语成分,可能是很长的成分,为了达成句子平衡,可使用形式主语it, 即:

3.It is known to us all that x.


4.The fact is that x . (表语从句)

5.We all know the fact that x. (同位语从句)


6.x, as we all know.

在上句中,as 引导的从句也可以调整到句首,即:

7.As we all know, x.


8.x, as is known to us all.

9.As is known to us all, x.


10.What we all know is that x.

11.What is known to us all is that x.



1. _______ we all know, Guilin is a beautiful city.

A. What B. That C. As D. Which

2. _______ is reported in China Daily, a famous newspaper, Ding Junhui has won the game.

A. It B. What C. As D. That

3. _______ is believed by many people is that the grass can be used to cure cancer.

A. It B. What C. As D. That

4. _______ is suggested by Bai Yansong, a famous journalist, that the Chinese government should pay more attention to environmental protection.

A. That B. What C. It D. As

5. I can’t believe the news ________ he has won the game.

A. which B. what C. that D. as

6. The news ________ he will come back makes us happy.

A. which B. what C. that D. as

7. ________ is often the case, some students can’t write articles well though they have a large vocabulary.

A. That B. What C. It D. As

8. No one knew ________ the professor said meant.

A. that what B. it what

C. what that D. what what

(参考答案:1. C 2. C 3. B 4. C 5. C 6. C 7. D 8. D)

