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A baseball game was on television, the 1)mechanical bull was waiting to 2)thrash and dozens of women in business suits and heels were 3)partaking 4)liberally of after-work drink 5)specials at Johnny Utah’s, a bar in midtown Manhattan.

On another night, Michael Chow might have 6)swaggered over to the 7)cluster of women doing 8)tequila shots in the corner, sat down and bought them another round. But on this particular Monday evening, Mr. Chow, 30, a commercial real estate broker, was looking to get out of there. In fact, he was looking to get out of Manhattan, out of New York, indeed, out of the country.

With a nametag on his 9)lapel and hope in his handshake, Mr. Chow plunged into the crowd, exchanging business cards during the Chinese-themed happy hour, eager to try out his Mandarin as he prepared to move to Shanghai next year. “I’m learning the basic language now so I don’t feel totally lost when I get there,” he said.

The gathering was organized by Golden Networking, an event-planning company that has been mining the city’s 10)kaleidoscopic ethnic 11)niches by organizing business receptions and after-work mixers in Manhattan. The events, started last year by an unemployed 12)Peruvian-born bank executive, 13)are geared toward Chinese, Chileans, Brazilians, Mexicans and those whose homelands were once part of the former Soviet Union.

At a time when New York’s economy is14)teetering, Golden Networking is trying to exploit growing interest and opportunities in some of the world’s emerging economies. Many immigrants are 15)leveraging relationships back in their native lands, while Americans are immersing themselves in languages they ignored in high school in the hope that the streets of Beijing, Sao Paulo or Moscow might be paved with gold, or at least a currency 16)faring better than the dollar.

“There’s no future in New York,” Mr. Chow said, scanning the bar crowd. “There’s more for me in China. There is economic growth and stability. I want to be a part of that.”

Before rushing over to introduce himself to a pair of Chinese men who were discussing the stock market in heavily accented English, he added, “Any job, really, I’ll do it.”

He may have some competition. Brian Mihelic, 29, who was laid off from his job at an investment bank in July was also planning to relocate to China. “I’m definitely going to go, it’s just a matter of time,” he said. “Hopefully people here can point me in the right direction.”

The economic shift 17)bodes well for Edgar Perez, 35, who started Golden Networking last year after losing his job as a vice president at 18)Citibank. Since then, Mr. Perez has built a database of 25,000 people in New York, 19)gleaned from business schools, cultural groups and industry associations.

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Golden Networking has sponsored two dozen events, including happy hours, career nights and investment seminars, mostly with a focus on developing economies. Success has convinced Mr. Perez to expand to Boston and Washington.

“I don’t hear a lot of people telling me they want to do business in Germany,” he said as he 20)huddled with a group of importers from Hong Kong. “I see a lot more interest in China and Dubai, where, despite the financial crisis, people are still investing in 21)infrastructure.”

Jonathan Model, 28, a high school tutor who lives in Williamsburg, Brooklyn, was there hoping the fluent Mandarin he learned during five years living in China would help him land a job.

A few weeks earlier, at a networking event focusing on Russia that was held in a fashionable Manhattan bar, the English was spoken with a 22)Slavic 23)lilt. Over cocktails, many in the crowd revealed in the fact that their shared heritage was now something to highlight on a résumé.

“International business is leading the economic recovery here, so it helps to be connected to your roots,” said Katerina Vorotova, 24, a consultant at Thomson Reuters who immigrated from Russia 11 years ago but goes back often in search of business opportunities.

Christine Loomis, a senior consultant at Coleman & Company, an executive search firm that 24)places Western-trained Russian speakers at global companies based in Moscow, has found the networking events to be an ideal hunting ground. Ms. Loomis, 59, recently addressed Columbia University students interested in careers in Russia, thanks to a connection made at the happy hour, and will be presenting several of the résumés she picked up there to Russian clients in Moscow this month. “Many connections have been made,” she said. “Undoubtedly, a handful will bear fruit in a meaningful way.”





在纽约的经济环境不佳之际,“黄金联谊”正想方设法利用世界一些新兴经济体所带来的机会,以及人们对此日益增长的兴趣。一方面,许多移民在利用自己在故土的人际关系的优势, 而另一方面,美国人则埋头于他们在高中时不屑的外语课程,希望能借此在北京、圣保罗或者莫斯科等城市淘到金,或者说至少也能赚到走势比美元好的货币。


“真的,不管是什么样的工作,我都不介意。” 他补充道。说完,他就疾步走向两位用口音很重的英语在讨论股市的中国人并作自我介绍。









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