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摘要:本文运用会话分析中的话轮交替模式来分析Alexandre Dumas ills的剧本《茶花女》第九章的一段对话,展示戏剧中人物性格。本文中具体分析话轮交替机制主要包括的三个方面,即话轮分配、话轮分布和话轮序列。

关键词:会话分析;话轮交替 ;话轮分配; 话轮分布 ;话轮序列

话轮(turn)是Sack等提出的理论概念,Edmondson,W.(1981)用这个术语来表示两个方面的意义:一是指在会话过程中的某一时刻称为说话者的机会;二是指一个人作为讲话者时所说的话。在刘虹的《会话结构分析》里提出了两个衡量话轮的标准:一是,说话者是否连续,即在一个语法语义完成序列的末尾有无沉默。如有沉默,那么说话者的话就不止一个话轮。二是,是否发生了说话者和听话者的角色互换。如果发生,就标志着一个话轮的结束和下一个话轮的开始。话轮分配(tunallocation)指的是说话者机会的分配,Sack认为,话轮交替可以通过两种方式实现。第一种方式是正在说话者选择下一个说话者:第二种方式是下一个说话者自我选择获得发言权。说话者机会的分配以及说话的长短取决于说话者与听者在话轮交替模式,由此产生了话轮分布(turn distribution)。话轮序列(turn seuences)是指会话中形成的话轮之间前后呼应的序列关系。《茶花女》是著名法国作家Alexandre Dumasfils写于20世纪《茶花女》是著名法国作家Alexandre Dumas fils写于20世纪的小说。我们将选取其中第九章的一段对话进行分析,对话中出现5个人物:Marguerite,她的情人Armand,她的仰慕者Count,以及Gaston和Prudence。最后两者在对话中明显不重要。

T1 Marguerite:Good evening.my dear Gaston,I'm so glad to see you.Why didn't you come to my box at the Varietes?’

T2 Gaston:1 was afraid of being indiscreet.

T3 Marguerite:Friends.friends can never be indiscreet.

T4 Gaston:In that case.allow me to present Monsieur Armand DuvalI

T5 Marguerite:I've already given Prudence leave to do so

T6 Armand:I should Derhaps say,madam,I have already had the honor of being introduced to you.I am grateful that you have forgotten that first meeting,for I behaved quite ridiculously and must surely have seemed very tiresome to yon.It was two years ago,at the Opera―Comique;I was with Ernest de…

T7 Marguerite:AhI Now I remember~It wasn"t that you were ridiculous.but 1 who was a tease.As I still am rather,though less so nowadays.Have vou forgiyen me?It’s true.The fact is that I have this awful habit of wanting to embarrass people I see for the first time.It,8 very silly.My doctor says it's because l am highlystrung and always unwell:you must take my doctor's word for it.

T8 Armand:But you look extremely well.

T9 Marguerite:Oh!I've been very i11.

T10 Armand:I know.

T11 Marguerite:Who told you?

T12 Armand:Everyone knew.I often used to come to findout how you were,and 1 was very happy to learn of your convalescence.

T13 Marguerite:No one ever brought me your card.

T14 Armand:I never left one.

T15 Marguerite:Are you the young man who called every day to ask after me all the time 1 was ill。and would never leave his name?

T16 Armand:I am.

T17 Marguerite:Then you are more than kind,you are generous.You,Count。would never have done that.

T18 Count:I have known you for only two months.

T19 Marguerite:And this gentleman has known me for onlyfive minutes.You always give the silliest answers.

T20 Armand:You were playing something when we arrived.Won't you give me the pleasure of treating me like aD old friend,and continue?

T21 Marguerite:Oh!Gaston knows exactly what my playing is like.It’s all very well when I'm alone with the Count.but I shouldn't wish to put you through such torture.

T22 Count:So you do favour me in this respect?

T23 Marguerite:You are quite wrong to reproach me for doing so.It"s the only time I ever favour you in anything.Tell me。Prndence,did you do what I asked?

T24 Pmdence:Yes.

T25 Marguerite:Good,you shall tell me all about it later.We have things to talk about,so you mustn't go until Fve spoken to you.

T26 Armand:I think we are intruding.and now tllat we or rather I have managed a second introduction to expunge the

memory of the first.Gaston and Iwill withdraw。

T27 Marguerite:1 won't hear of it:what I said wasn't intended for you.On the contrary,I'd like you to stay.

T28 Count:Time 1 was going to the club.(Marguerite did not reply to this.)Good―bye,madam.

F29 Marguerite:Good―bye,my dear Count,must you go so soon?

T30 Count:Yes.IfearI bore vou.

T3l Marguerite:You do not bore me toda~r more than any other day.When shall we see you again?

T32 Count:Whenever you permit.

T33 Marguerite:Good―bye,then!

一、 话轮分配



二、 话轮序列




