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Ground Dog Day 土拨“犬”日

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"Saturday is ground dog day, and so we're going to have a contest," my third grade teacher said. "There'll be a prize on Monday for anyone who can tell me if the ground dog saw his shadow." At least that's what I think she said. I was too busy dreaming of landing a spaceship on some planet to know for sure.

"Yes?" The teacher nodded at Celia, my red-haired, smarty-pants1), next-door neighbor.

Celia twirled her pigtails between her fingers and said, "What if we bring in a picture of him?"

The teacher smiled. "Then you get the prize and five points extra credit."

Extra credit. I didn't care about that. But, winning a prize? I wiggled my ears and thought about it. I was certain to win. My dog, Weener, was so close to the ground that grass tickled2) his belly when he walked. He had to be a winning ground dog.

The bell rang and I tore out3) of class. My purple Reeboks flopped4). Rounding the corner, I planned on all the things I'd do when I won. Like buy an airplane, so I could fly to school in the mornings instead of walking.

Then a terrible thought hit5) me. Our teacher hadn't told us what the prize was. "It better not be something lame6)―like a ribbon," I said.

Reaching my house, I ran inside. "Mom, where's the camera?" I called, huffing and puffing7). "And where's ..."

"Bark! Bark!" Something flew off the couch, slammed into my chest, knocked me to the floor, and licked my neck.

"Umph. Glad to see you, too, Weener." I stroked8) his brown ears, then got up and started searching. I looked in the pantry9). The camera wasn't there. Next, I checked the closet. There it sat, on the shelf.

"Come on, Weener. Let's go see your shadow and get a picture," I said to him, grabbing the camera. As we walked outside, his shadow glided along the ground next to him.

"Weener, look at the camera and smile," I said. He flopped on his back and stuck his paws in the air, looking like he'd been shot. The sun went behind a cloud and his shadow disappeared.

"Come on," I said. I picked him up and put him back on his feet just as the sun came back out. I pointed the camera at him again. "Smile and say 'Cheese10)'."

Weener spun in a circle, chasing his tail and barking. Then he fell to the ground in a dizzy, yapping heap11).

He made me so cranky12). Here I had a ground dog of my own and he wouldn't hold still for one little picture. I lifted him up and set him on the picnic table. "Now, don't move!"

A voice behind me asked, "What are you doing, Kyle?" I turned to see Celia standing there, making weird Celia faces.

"What does it look like? I'm getting a picture of a ground dog."

Celia flipped13) her pigtails around her fingers for a minute. Then she said, "That's a wiener dog14)."

"No fake. Shortest wiener dog in town. That's why I'll win the prize on Monday."

She scrunched15) up her nose in a know-it-all16) way. I said, "He's a great ground dog. You can't get any closer to the ground than Weener." By now, I was wishing Celia would fall into a volcano.

She started giggling, her red pigtails bobbing17) up and down.

"What's so funny?" I asked.

"It's not ground dog," she said. "There's no such thing. It's ground hog. Groundhog Day18)."

I blinked twice. "Groundhog? What's a groundhog?"

Celia rolled her brown eyes. "It's a large, fat rodent with short legs. And reddish fur." She thought for a second. Then she tightened the elastics19) on her pigtails. "It digs a hole to live in. Some people call it a woodchuck20)."

I crossed my eyes, pointed at my head and made circles with my finger. Celia never noticed. She said, "There's a famous groundhog called Punxsutawney Phil. If he sees his shadow on February 2, there's supposed to be six more weeks of winter."

"Uh-huh. Right." I lifted Weener off the table. "Celia, don't you have homework to do?"

"No, but I'm going to go watch the Discovery Channel," she said, walking away and twirling her hair.

I patted Weener on the head as we walked back into the house. "Who cares about that old prize, anyway? And no such thing as Ground Dog Day? Don't listen to Celia Smarty-Pants. Ha! Next thing you know, she'll be telling us there's no such thing as April Fool's Day, either."






























1. smarty-pants: [用作单] 自作聪明的人,自以为是的人,自以为百事通的人

2. tickle [?t?kl] vt. 轻触使觉得痒

3. tear out: 飞跑而出,冲出

4. flop [fl?p] vi. 发出扑通声;猛然坐下(或躺下,跪下)

5. hit [h?t] vt. 被……想起

6. lame [le?m] adj. 差劲的,蹩脚的

7. huff and puff: (因劳累而)呼吸重浊;显出吃力的样子

8. stroke [str??k] vt. (温柔地)抚摸

9. pantry [?p?ntri] n. 食品(储藏)室

10. say cheese: 笑一笑,摄影师拍照时为让人们摆出笑脸所说的话,此处cheese相当于中文中的“茄子”。

11. fall in a heap: 控制不住地哭叫

12. cranky [?kr??ki] adj. 暴躁的,脾气坏的

13. flip [fl?p] vt. 使急速转动

14. wiener dog: 腊肠犬,是一种身长腿短的猎犬,可被驯养来追踪、捕杀獾类及其他穴居动物。

15. scrunch [skr?nt?] vt. 缩紧;揉皱

16. know-it-all: 自以为无所不知的

17. bob [b?b] vi. 上下快速摆动

18. Groundhog Day: 土拨鼠日,是北美地区的一个传统节日,其日期为每年2月2日。按照传统的说法,在这一天,冬眠的土拨鼠会从洞里出来预测春天是否到来。如果这一天阳光灿烂,土拨鼠能看到自己的影子,那么冬天还将延续六个星期。如果这一天天气不好,土拨鼠看不到自己的影子,就说明春天快要到了。

19. elastic [??l?st?k] n. 橡皮带

20. woodchuck [?w?dt??k] n. 【动】美洲旱獭