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Can you imagine a world without music? A recent research shows that public schools across America are reducing the class hours1 for music classes. Schools do that in order to save money. Worse, some schools have never had music classes to begin with.

But, I think, music classes can be very helpful to students’ academic growth and emotional well-being. Music is a universal2 language, and without music classes, our understanding of such a language could become a thing of past. To prevent this, music classes should be mandatory3 for all students in public schools.

Music is a complex language that incorporates mathematics, science, history, physical education, coordination, and mental dexterity4. Recent studies by the famous Brown University have shown that students who have received music education were significantly more advanced in math and reading skills than those without. Students taking music and art classes got 58 points higher on the verbal section of the SAT5.




Music programs in public schools also help to foster a student’s sense of pride and selfconfidence. Teens today carry heavy baggage―not merely their school bags, but the additional emotional weight of family problems, selfconfidence issues, relationship troubles, and choices about drugs and alcohol. All of these can stop them from achieving academic success, but music education can help. The teamwork required for chorus, band, symphony, and orchestra lets students benefit from a setting that fosters acceptance and group strength. Music classes encourage students to work together to produce an excellent performance in a challenging task, and to build confidence with the support of their peers.

Some people do not believe in the idea of mandatory music education classes. A major argument seems to be the cost and additional expense of hiring new teachers. But since it helps develop academic abilities, it cannot be put on a price tag. Others argue that students can lose their individuality6 in group music settings. However, businesses prefer to hire those with experience working in a team. Music education is a wise investment that benefits students during their school years and in their future employment7.

Music education remains a key component in a student’s academic success and in positive social and emotional growth. The gift of music is priceless. We need to make sure that we have mandatory music classes for all students. The first step toward achieving this is community support. Writing letters to school boards and local government officials urging them to create and fund more mandatory music education programs is a great way to start.

The world is losing its music, and putting music into schools is the first step in getting it back.






1. class hour: 课时。

2. universal: 普遍的,共同的。

3. mandatory: 强制的,义务的。

4. dexterity: 灵巧,敏捷。

5. SAT: 美国学术能力评估测试,该考试成绩是世界各国(包括美国本土)高中生申请美国大学学习及奖学金的重要参考。

6. individuality: 个性,个人特征。

7. employment: 工作,职业,就业。