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It was a common day in 2005. Zhao Yong was waving his golf club at the ROYAL Melbourne. He arrived here the day before for a busy day’s work. Now he was going to enjoy his spare time at the expansive green by the sea.

ROYAL Melbourne is one of the top golf clubs worldwide and the pinnacle of over 1,400 golf courses in Australia. Zhao Yong was alone with his golf cart and not followed by caddies, as were others playing here. “Back home, you are always surrounded by caddies, the better the course, the more so. But at here, you just want to enjoy the fun of golf, and golf alone.” These two approaches each represent a different definition of luxury. As a creator of luxury lifestyles, Zhao Yong prefers the latter.

Unlike many golfers, Zhao Yong does not make a point to fly around the world to play at famous courses. But he does bring his clubs along wherever he travels to. “I would play if there happens to be a good course, especially after a busy day, to relax and to return to nature. And that is more luxurious that flying around just to play golf.”As he travels to various countries, he has played in many world famous golf courses. He prefers to keep it natural, to live at a “constant speed”.

He has not accelerated his constant pace of life, even after he purchased his private jet, a Gulfstream 550 in 2011. Apart from family travel, he used it mostly as a transport vehicle for business meetings. After business in one city, he would visit popular local sites, play golf, or go to local museums. He says that enjoying life is not about intentionally pursuing and showing off a luxury lifestyle, but sparing time out of busy work to experience different things.

In his spare time, Zhao Yong travels around the world. Once in Europe, he noticed that the hotel prepared buckwheat pillows for him. Buckwheat pillows are commonplace in China and are said to be good for rest and eyes. Such dedication to details of the hotel provokes him to think that a top class hotel does not necessarily need to pursue extreme luxury, but could also offer more lifestyle choices with efforts in details. His understanding of luxury lifestyle today comes more or less from his reflections on those pillows. “In everyday life, luxury is about having the right to choose the most comfortable lifestyle.”

What he finds comfortable is a simple and comfortable life, like the Kent & Curwen suit he was wearing for the interview, low key but luxurious. It probably speaks of his attitude towards life, not showing off, but comfortable and at ease.

Luxury goods ultimately serve everyday life, says Zhao Yong, if we lead a comfortable life, we would not be so crazy about luxury goods. But as one of the pioneers of private clubs in China, he had to know “a little bit” about luxury in order to offer premium lifestyle for the members of Chang An Club, which draws China’s top rich including Lee Ka Shing and Henry Fok.

But that “little bit” represented the most luxurious lifestyle in China back in those days as he explored the way forward for the Chang An Club and Jinbao Street. But he never ceased his pursuit of happiness, spending his spare time observing and exploring culture at different places.

In 2004, Zhao Yong visited the Fifth Avenue to seek inspirations for Jinbao Street. Located in the center of the borough of Manhattan and home to prestigious luxury brands and upscale lifestyles, the Fifth Avenue is ranked as one of the top 10 most expensive shopping streets in the world. He was impressed at its focus on details. For example, the street was paved with polyvinyl chloride tiles, on which sightseeing horse-drawn carriages travelling around with tourists.

“I wanted to copy and paste it to Jinbao Street”. But the idea didn’t come through. “It is not culturally rooted in China. Without which, it will just be a showing-off of wealth. True luxury is not superficial, but rooted deep in culture.”

To him, cultural root means consumption habit and traditional culture. No matter how extravagant, European horse carriages can never be identified with by the Chinese. Traditional culture is what makes luxury lifestyle “stick”. He finds a sense of cultural belonging in rosewood artworks. Every day after work, he would return to his home at the Rosewood Museum and reflect on the lives of his countrymen.

He bought his first business jet two years ago so he could fly around the world more easily. He does not want to pursue a so-called business jet lifestyle, but the jet does bring him comfort and convenience when he travels with his family.

At some of his business trips, he would also bring along his family. Travel is tiresome, “but all kinds of odd things keep you excited”. He has taken his family to observe wild animals in Kenya, watch glaciers in Argentina, ski in Hokkaido, and more some. Each trip provokes new thoughts in him.

Apart from the family business, family is most important to him. At home, he would turn off his phone, forget about luxury, and leave work behind. “Sometimes happiness is very simple, as simple as dining together with your family.” What makes him happy is not growth of his business or his fortune, he says, “to me, the happiest thing is to embrace my son after a day’s work. Family is my biggest achievement.”

On August 2012, his daughter came back from the U.S. for summer holidays. Seeing the rare opportunity of family reunion, he planned a family trip to the Maldives. “It is not easy to get everyone together”, but his business jet provides the biggest convenience, “The schedule of my family is for me to decide. We left in the morning, and returned home at night.”In trips like this, business jet is not just a vehicle, but an “adhesive” that holds the family closer. And to him, family is the biggest luxury.

Zhao Yong:

I am more a designer than a businessman


What’s your view of business jet lifestyle?

Some buy jets to exhibit personal value, but I don’t think so. We don’t need to mystify business jet. It is just a vehicle, a convenient vehicle, that’s all. I bought my jet only to meet my needs for convenient travel, for privacy during business talks, and for creating experiences that help me communicate with my clients.

You build the Jinbao Street and bring in a full range of luxury brands. But what are you like in everyday life?

I am not a luxury person in everyday life, which is quite different from the lifestyle I have created. But just as an architect does not necessarily live in the houses he designed, I do not necessarily enjoy the lifestyle I created. Like an architect, I have built many buildings, but I will leave then to the judgment of those who enjoy them. If they speak high of my creations, I would be more than pleased.

Some say you are a “Confucian businessman”, is it reflected in you cultural pursuit?

For example, I want to integrate many good things into one nice creation, and that integration requires understanding of the culture core. Personally, I prefer going to various foreign cites to experience and feel the culture core by studying its architecture, thoroughfares, shopping malls, parks, and museums.

You have a wine cellar in your basement, do you understand wine?

Understand is too big a word for me, but I do appreciate wine culture. Wine is an important media in social networking. Your knowledge of wine could reflect your taste. The more you know, the more you have to discuss with others. If somebody asks you why a wine is good, you would know it is because of the soil or of something else. It takes time to understand wine. I collect wines from various wineries, but not simply for the sake of collection. The point of collecting wines is to taste them.