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1. There is a little mouse who grows up gradually and his mother always says to him and wants to be a polite child. 有一只小老鼠慢慢长大了。他妈妈总是对他说要他做一个有礼貌的好孩子。

2. On a road covered with flowers, the little mouse bows to a girl across the road, “Hello!” 在开满鲜花的小路上,小老鼠弯腰向小路对面的小姑娘鞠躬。“您好!”

3. The little girl loves the polite mouse, and takes the bow off her head and gives it to him as a present. 小姑娘很喜欢讲礼貌的小老鼠,就摘下头上的蝴蝶结送给他做礼物。

4. The happy mouse ties the bow on its tail tip quickly and he runs to and fro on the grass with a smile on his face. 小老鼠马上就把蝴蝶结拴在尾巴尖上,他满脸笑容地在草地上跑来跑去。

5. The mouse sees a little girl sleeping on the grass beside a glass bottle with a bow in it. 小老鼠发现草地上有个小女孩在玻璃瓶旁边睡觉。那个瓶里也有个蝴蝶结。

6. The mouse runs to the bottle curiously and he is surprised. “Oh!It’s a real butterfly!” 小老鼠十分好奇地跑到玻璃瓶前,他大吃一惊。“哇!原来是一只真蝴蝶呀!”

7. Without freedom, the little butterfly is crying sadly.“I want to go back to my flower house.” The mouse unscrews the bottle top. The butterfly flies out. 小蝴蝶失去了自由,哭得真伤心,“我要回花房子去!”。小老鼠把瓶盖打开。小蝴蝶飞了出来。

8. The mouse says to himself, “When the girl wakes up, she will cry.” He takes his own bow off the tail and puts it in the bottle quietl. 小老鼠想到:“小女孩醒过来,会哭的。”他摘下尾巴尖上的蝴蝶结,悄悄地装进玻璃瓶。

9. When the girl wakes up, the mouse hides himself at once. He finds the little girl see the bow and dance for joy. The mouse smiles. 小女孩醒了,小老鼠赶快藏起来。他注意到小女孩见到蝴蝶结,乐得手舞足蹈。小老鼠开心地笑了。

10. In the grass the mouse looks at the beautiful bow and goes to sleep. 小老鼠躲在草丛里,看着美丽的蝴蝶结。不知不觉睡着了。

11. Time passes quickly. When he wakes up, he is surprised to find another bow on his tail. 时间悄悄地过去了,当小老鼠醒来的时候,他惊奇地发现尾巴上又扎上了一个小小的蝴蝶结。

12. It is a beautiful fringed iris.“It must be a gift from the butterfly,” smiles the little mouse. 原来,那是一朵漂亮的蝴蝶花,小老鼠甜甜地笑了。“这一定是小蝴蝶给我的礼物。”