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第一部分 阅读知识考查试题

When did the modern Olympic Games begin?

A. In 776 BC. B. In 394. C. In 1896. D. In 1596.

2. Xuhaifeng, the famous shooter, won China’s first Olympic gold medal in the 1984 ________ Olympics.

A. Tokyo. B. Los Angeles. C. Paris. D. Atlanta.

3. Which of the following wonders can still be visited nowadays?

A. The Statue of Zeus. B. The Temple of Artemis.

C. The Great Pyramid. D. The Hanging Gardens.

4. An Indian emperor had ________ built in honor of his dead wife.

A. Pujiu Temple. B. Boldt Castle. C. Paris Opera House. D. Taj Mahal.

5. What is Jupiter’s Greek name?

A. Zeus. B. Helios. C. Poseidon. D. Apollo.

6. Where was Pablo Picasso born?

A. In Germany. B. In Spain. C. In France. D. In Denmark.

7. Which of the following famous paintings was drawn by Picasso?

8. What color did Picasso use to express his sadness in the period of 1900―1903?

A. Black. B. Grey. C. Blue. D. Brown.

9. In which country was the papyrus paper invented?

A. China. B. Greece. C. Italy. D. Egypt.

10. Why were the first paper cuts made?

A. To celeberate important festivals.

B. To make decorations of religious symbols.

C. To wish people wealthy and lucky.

D. To long for a longer life and success.

11. What did Diana want to be when she was young?

A. A teacher. B. A doctor. C. A dancer. D. An athlete.

12. How did Diana die?

A. She died in a car crash. B. She killed herself.

C. She died of cancer. D. She was murdered.

13. From what language did the word “dinosauria” come?

A. Greek. B. Latin. C. Spanish. D. English.

14. What is a scientist who studies dinosaurs and fossils called?

A. Geologist. B. Palaeontologist. C. Archaeologist. D. Architect.

15. The Kennedys have ________ ancestors.

A. English. B. Scottish. C. Irish. D. Welsh.

16. Who is still alive in the Kennedy Family?

A. John F. Kennedy. B. Robert Kennedy. C. John F. Kennedy Jr. D. Edward Kennedy

17. Where is the largest Ferris wheel located now?

A. In London. B. In Shanghai. C. In New York. D. In Paris.

18. Where was the first Disneyland built?

A. In Atlanta. B. In Los Angeles. C. In San Francisco. D. In Chicago.

19. Who was the first child superstar?

A. Shirley Temple. B. Jodie Foster. C. Julia Roberts. D. Marilyn Monroe.

20. Who is remembered in the film history for making the world laugh?

A. Gregory Peck. B. Ingrid Bergman. C. Charlie Chaplin. D. Brad Pitt.

21. What’s the song which became world-famous from the movie Titanic?

A. Yesterday Once More. B. I Will Always Love You.

C. You Raise Me Up. D. My Heart Will Go On.

22. Why are the Nobel Prizes awarded on 10 December every year?

A. It’s the day when Alfred Nobel was born.

B. It’s the day when Nobel passed away.

C. It’s the day when Nobel returned to his homeland.

D. It’s the day when Nobel invented dynamite.

23. Which of the following Nobel Prize winners discovered penicillin, a useful medicine?

A. Alexander Fleming. B. John Nash. C. Mother Teresa. D. Pierre Curie.

24. In which mountain is the Yeti supposed to be found?

A. Kilimanjaro Hill. B. The Himalayas. C. Rocky Mountains. D. The Alps.

25. The following are just physical characteristics of a person Except ________.

A. Looks. B. Fingerprint. C. Hair. D. Personality.

26. Who founded the first university in the world?

A. Socrates. B. Confucius. C. Plato. D. Aristotle.

27. Which of the following pictures shows the style of Sari?

28. When did women begin to wear Qipao in China?

A. In Tang Dynasty. B. In Song Dynasty. C. In Ming Dynasty. D. In Qing Dynasty.

29. Where did the hamburger start?

A. America. B. Germany. C. France. D. Italy.

30. Who greet each other by gently rubbing their noses together?

A. Eskimos. B. Japanese. C. Swedish. D. Frenchmen.

第二部分 阅读技能考查试题



31. The church was carefully restored after the war. Now it opens to visitors for free.

A. rescued B. repaired C. protected D. painted

32. If prisoners behave well they are allowed the privilege of visiting their families at the weekend.

A. majority B. power C. advantage D. reception

33. Wearing her favorite yellow linen dress and pretty cream high-heeled shoes with Jim’s pearls around her neck, she looked so elegant and made the centre of attention.

A. proud B. confident C. independent D. attractive

34. Companies publish annual reports to inform the public about the previous year’s activities.

A. yearly B. official C. genuine D. misleading

35. All the police’s efforts to find him were in vain. He disappeared just magically.

A. mistaken B. unsuccessful C. supportive D. helpful

36.Some believe that if you are in a steady relationship, you don’t have to worry about HIV.

A. fixed B. long C. changing D. short

37. When all her other friends deserted her, Steve stayed loyally with her through the hard times.

A. approximately B. faithfully C. comfortably D. logically

38. They use special chemicals to accelerate the growth of vegetables, which might harm people’s health.

A. carry on B. spy on C. speed up D. take up

39. Government officials’ abuse of power is unacceptable and they will be punished.

A. praise B. misuse C.D. increase

40. He served over 27 years in prison for fighting to abolish white-only rule.

A. research B. support C. pass D. end



41. I spent most of my money in the first week and _______ had very little to eat by the end of the holiday.

A. instantly B. consequently C. constantly D. actually

42. Although she had been ill for a long time, it still came as a shock when she _______ died.

A. eventually B. deliberately C. simply D. unfortunately

43. We decided to take rooms in Longwood House, _____ we knew we could not really afford it.

A. since B. as C. because D. although

44. Cotton production was on the increase. _______, it was still a small industry compared to grain production.

A. Tough B. Otherwise C. Whatever D. However

45. Most of the evidence was destroyed in the fire. _______ it would be almost impossible to prove him guilty.

A. Whether B. Whenever C. Thus D. But

46. Progress so far has been very good. We are, _______, confident that the work will be completed on time.

A. however B. therefore C. once D. otherwise

47. _______ you call me to say you’re not coming, I’ll see you at the theatre.

A. Until B. Unless C. After D. Once

48. Of course I don’t mind taking you home ―― I’m going that way _______.

A. afterwards B. simply C. anyway D. though

49. Phone home, _______ your parents will start to worry.

A. otherwise B. however C. and D. so

50. Part-time English classes are offered. _______, students can take classes in word-processing and


A. In fact B. In all C. In a way D. In addition



51. If a boy wants to rent a room, he would send an email to ________.

A. B.

C. D.

52. Mary loves cooking, so she would rent a room ________.

A. in Glebe B. in Patrio C. in Sandas D. in Lading

53. If a student wants to rent a room with own bathroom, he/she will have to pay ______ a month.

A. $280 B. $175 C. $330 D. $ 160

54. _______ will be the best choice if you have a car with you.

A. Patrio B. Lading C. Sandas D. Glebe

55. If you choose to rent a room in Sandas, you perhaps will stay for ________ at least.

A. 1 month B. 2 months C. 3 months D. 6 months




I have always dreamt of becoming a person with lots of money. I need to earn as much I can because there is no security in old age. I want to lead a comfortable life in the future. It’s not that I’m selfish but I want to earn more and more to secure my future. In order to earn more I gave up many things. I lost my friends not in a real sense but they stopped inviting me to events. They know that I’ll be busy with my work.

One day when I was again wondering about my future plan, a sudden thought shook me up. The thought was that even though I would have lots of money in the future, with whom am I going to spend and enjoy it? It was then that I realized the loss I had suffered in my life. I was certain that even if I went back to my friends they would think that there was something wrong with me. I decided to take all my friends on a picnic but I was afraid that they two would not turn up. The only solution was to meet them and tell them my feelings. I called up one of my friends and asked him to plan a meeting so that I could speak with every friend together. He told me that they had planned a picnic this weekend and asked if I could join them. I was more than willing to join them.

56. Why does the author want to earn a lot of money?

A. He hopes that his father can live a rich life. B. He is selfish and only cares about money.

C. He wants to change his present poor life. D. He wants to get prepared for his future life.

57. The author thought the best way to go back to his friends was to ________.

A. call his friends for a meeting B. tell his friends he was wrong

C. have a party with his friends D. join his friends in a picnic


Easter is celebrated around the time of the vernal equinox (春分), which is linked historically with a pagan (异教徒的) celebration of the arrival of spring. The name “Easter” itself is from the goddess of Eastre who was the goddess of the dawn and the spring. Eastre’s presence could be felt by all in the spring as the newly flowering plants and new births of babies were happening all around. This is where we start to see the formation of the Easter Bunny because the goddess’ pet was a rabbit.

There is an interesting story about the Easter Bunny. It claims that the goddess Eastre felt very bad for arriving late one spring. In order to help make up for this, she decided to save the life of a poor bird and made it her pet. Feeling pity for this bird because he no longer had the ability to fly, Eastre decided to turn him into a rabbit named Lepus.

58. According to the text, Easter was named after ________.

A. a bird B. a rabbit C. a female god D. a pagan

59. According to the text, Eastre was probably a symbol of ________.

A. great courage B. new life C. peace D. pride

60. Why did Eastre decide to rescue the poor bird?

A. She was fond of animals. B. She wanted to mend his wings.

C. She was always warm-hearted. D. She felt sorry for not being on time.




Bob was sad. He had no money. “You have been helping so much,” said Mother. “I want to pay you for all your work.” Bob was happy. Now he could buy a cake for Mother’s birthday.

61. What is the main idea?

A. Mother needed money for school. B. Bob was happy to work.

C. Bob wanted to buy a cake. D. Mother helped Bob with the work.


Les played by the water. A big ball came by on top of the water. “I know what that is,” said Les. “It helps to hold up a fishing net. It must have come off. ” Les took the ball home to show everyone.

62. What is the main idea?

A. Les found a big ball. B. Les went fishing.

C. The ball stayed on the water. D. The ball came off a boat.


“Look at TV,” said Mother. “You will be surprised.” Pat and Ron ran to the TV. The picture showed a teacher talking about her class. The teacher was the children’s older sister.

63. What is the main idea?

A. Mother called them up to TV. B. Pat and Ron watched their sister.

C. They were surprised to see the teacher. D. The sister did great teaching.


A mother animal knows which baby is hers by its smell. The mother puts her nose all over a new baby. She never forgets how her baby smells. The mother can always find the baby with her nose.

64. What is the main idea?

A. A mother animal’s nose is the most important organ.

B. A baby always finds its mother with the nose.

C. A baby knows its mother by its smell.

D. A mother animal knows the smell of its baby.


Many people have not heard giraffes make noises. Giraffes do not use sound to “talk” with each other. When hurt, giraffes make a low moo, something like a cow’s. When frightened, they make a short, high sound.

65. What is the main idea?

A. Giraffes do make noises. B. Giraffes “talk” all the time.

C. Cows and giraffes talk to each other. D. Cows and giraffes are easily hurt.


Everyone needs friends. We all like to feel close to someone. It is nice to have a friend to talk, laugh, and do things with. Surely, there are times when we need to be alone. We don’t always want people around. But we would feel lonely if we never had a friend.

66. What is the main idea?

A. Friends are always around us. B. People need to be alone.

C. Friends are people you laugh with. D. People need friends.


Young Scottish actress Leung, who plays Harry’s crush (迷恋的对象) Cho Chang in “Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire," stopped in Beijing and was headed for Hong Kong to promote (宣传) the film with other starring actors.

Though she speaks no Chinese, Leung, 18, said she was excited to meet “Harry” fans at a cinema near Beijing University.

67. What is the main idea?

A. Leung is Harry’s crush in a Harry Porter film.

B. Cho Chang was glad to meet “Harry” fans in Beijing.

C. Leung was on a trip to promote the Harry Porter film.

D. Cho Chang will learn Chinese in Beijing University.


Last year, the film of The Lord of the Rings won 11 Oscars in Hollywood. But what is the story of the Oscars? When did they start?

In 1929, the Academy started giving awards for good work. The award was a statue of a man holding a sword. The man stands on a reel of film. The statue is 12 inches high and it is covered with gold.