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1. Sand and Fur Coat(沙子与皮大衣)

Tom: Last week a grain of sand got into my wife’s eye and she had to see a doctor. It cost me thirty dollars.

John: That’s nothing. The week before last a fur coat went into my wife’s eye and it cost me three thousand dollars.



2. Coincidence(巧合)

A woman was singing. One of the guests turned to a man by his side and criticized the singer.

“What a terrible voice!” he said. “Do you know who she is?”

“Yes,” was the answer, “she is my wife.”

“Oh, I beg your pardon,” the man said. “Of course her voice is not bad, but the song is very bad. I wonder who wrote that awful song.”

“I did,” was the answer.





3. No Hoes(没有锄头)

A 24-year-old young man was sitting on the sofa watching TV when the telephone rang.

“Hello, my son,” it was his father’s voice. “What are you doing?”

“I am watching TV, Dad.”

“Where is your mother, then?”

“She is working in the garden.”

“What!” barked the father. “Your mother was ill last week and is not well enough to do hard work. Why aren’t you helping her?”

“I can’t,” was the reply. “Grandma is using the other hoe !”








4. Ten Cents(十美分)

Robert asked his mother for ten cents. “What are you going to do with the money?”

“I am going to give it to a poor old lady,” he answered.

“You are a good boy,” said the mother proudly. “Here you are. But why are you so interested in the old lady?”

“She is the one who sells ice-suckers.”




5. Are You Going to Dance?(你要跳舞吗?)

Everybody was dancing while a young girl sat alone in an armchair. Just then, she was happy to see a handsome young man coming towards her.

“Are you going to dance?” asked the man politely.

“Yes,” she whispered.

“Good,” he said. “May I have your seat then?”





6. A Hundred Per Cent(百分之百)

Patient: Doctor, please tell me the truth. What are my chances to recover?

Doctor: Just a hundred per cent! Statistics show that only nine out of ten die from the disease. Now nine of my patients have already died from it, you are the tenth!

