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Bittersweet Memory of the Land of Sugar

By Zhang Jiancheng, Chen Xiguang

The art of brown sugar producing in Yiwu, a traditional farming area in central Zhejiang, dates back to the Ming Dynasty (1368-1644). Farmers there began to make brown sugar from cane in the last years of the Ming Dynasty. Today, the county is still the largest sugar producer in the province.

All this began with Jia Weicheng, a farmer who lived more than 400 years ago in Yanli village. Jia introduced the sugar cane cultivation technology from Fujian Province to the sandy red soil field in his village and made brown sugar out of them. The sugar soon became popular with local residents and sold like hot cakes on market. In the last years of the Qing Dynasty (1644-1911), his great great grandson Jia Zhenshu improved cane planting and sugar making techniques and made the specialty more popular. In 1929, a chamber of commerce from Yiwu displayed brown sugar at the first West Lake Expo in Hangzhou and won a special prize. It became a popular food and holiday gift among local residents.

Brown sugar became popular outside Yiwu when vendors from Yiwu visited every corner of the province. As Yiwu was a populous area with insufficient farming land, people there in the past had to find ways to make ends meet. One of the ways was to barter chicken feather and scraps with brown sugar and candy made of it in slack season. For a long while in the province, the rattle-drum was a hallmark of vendors from Yiwu.

When the reform and opening-up policies were enforced in the late 1970s, the wandering vendor tradition evolved into prosperous markets in Yiwu. Today, the marketplace in Yiwu has become the largest of its kind in China. The brown sugar production has been industrialized.

Chen Hongjian and Chen Haoling, a couple who once did wholesale business in a food market in Yiwu, founded Hongtai Company and now do flourishing brown sugar business.

Their first product was ginger candies and ginger decoction. Now the company markets more than 100 products in 4 product lines in more than 20 provinces and municipalities across China and in countries and regions such as Japan, Korea, Singapore, Hong Kong and Malaysia. The company also runs large sugar cane and ginger farms in Yiwu and neighboring counties to provide raw materials.

Today, the brown sugar vendor's traveling utensils are on display in a local museum on the business history. The downtown Yiwu also conspicuously features a statue of a traveling vendor.The local government has designated November 18 as the Day of Brown Sugar in Yiwu. Travel operators in the city have developed tours to promote the local brown sugar industry.

Brown sugar food is still made manually in rural Yiwu. The winter is the peak season for villagers to make brown-sugared fried dough twists, and display their workshops and products to tourists from urban areas. Xilou village in Yiwu is just such a great attraction. A brown-sugar craftsman told us with pride: “one day, nearly 500 tourists came to our village and bought our brown sugar!”And just another day, villagers were amazed to see more than 10 cars come to the village. It turned out that the visitors were all nostalgic of the brown-sugar and drove a long way just to buy the fried dough twists.

(Translated by David)