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Structures have been the basis of improvement in a certain place or culture. For years,it serves as a shining beacon① for others to see the progress they are achieving. Since ancient times,rulers have made it as their legacy to make magnificent edifice② to remind them of their wealth and power. It also serves as an immortal symbol of their success and greatness. Such things also reflect the amount of knowledge they have at the time of their construction. In fact,we sometimes learn from their technology and incorporate③ them in our time.

Like the great pyramids of Egypt,it was built as an everlasting figure to portray the power of the Pharaoh. Even though it was just used as mausoleum,it served as also a treasury to keep all of the Pharaoh’s riches. Even up to this day,we are all intrigued④ on these ancient people able to build such marvelous structures.

In modern times,we also have magnificent structures that seem to catch everyone’s attention,such as the Sydney Opera House and the Bundoora Indoor Sports Complex where it houses the Melbourne Dodgeball League⑤. Though they cannot match the lavishness of notable ancient structures,they are still beautiful.

The Eiffel Tower in Paris is also a historic symbol not to be left out. For years,it has served as an inspiration for lovers and the romantic people all over the world. The sight itself triggers romance in the atmosphere as people enjoy its view in all perspective.

On the other part of the world,the Great Wall of China is one of the few structures that is humongous⑥and was preserved throughout the centuries. In fact,due to its huge size,it can even be seen from outer space. Originally,the wall was built by ancient Chinese emperors to protect their territories from invading hostiles. The walls were made out of bricks and stones which gave them enduring strength which withstood the testament of time. Workers and soldiers worked together in constructing the walls;legend has it that when workers died,their bones were used as part of the bricks. They believe that the souls of the departed workers will help protect the walls from their enemies.

Surely,there are other notable structures that has something to boast. And I’m quite sure that all of them are fit to be recognized as those mentioned above. Such things were built not just to last,but as proof that we are capable of doing marvelous things when we work together.


①beacon n. 灯塔; 指路明灯

②edifice n. 宏伟的建筑物

③incorporate v. 包含;使并入;吸收

④intrigued adj. 好奇的;迷人的

⑤the Melbourne Dodgeball League 墨尔本躲避球联赛

⑥humongous adj. 极大的

1. To the common people in Egypt,the great pyramids are ______.

A. symbols of the power that they possess

B. good resting places after they pass away

C. a perfect place to store all their riches

D. their history,culture and achievements

2. How does the writer develop his argument?

A. By problem and solution.

B. By examples and comparison.

C. By cause and effect.

D. By definition and classification.

3. Which of the following statements about the Great Wall of China is NOT true?

A. It has a history of at least hundreds of years.

B. It is said to be seen even from outer space.

C. It was originally built to prevent invaders.

D. It’s mainly made of marble stone and iron.

4. What happened to the dead workers and soldiers who constructed the Great Wall?

A. They were sent back to live in their hometowns.

B. They were honored and sent to live abroad.

C. They were buried under the Wall after death.

D. They got promoted and turned guards of the Wall.

5. With the passage,the writer ______.

A. wants to complain about something in the urban areas

B. intends to highlight the importance of great structures

C. urges to have such structures built in large numbers

D. desires to make the public aware of problems involved

6. Who were the great pyramids in Egypt built for?(No more than 4 words)


7. What kind of people will most probably like paying a visit to the Eiffel Tower?(No more than 5 words)


8. How could the Great Wall survive such a long time?(No more than 15 words)


9. What’s the writer’s attitude towards these structures?(No more than 6 words)



1. 答案为D。推理判断题。A、B、C三项都是对埃及的统治者而言的。对埃及的普通百姓而言,金字塔的存在,是他们的历史、文化及所取得的辉煌成就的表现与见证。

2. 答案为B。 推理判断题。作者在第一段着重讲标志性建筑的重要性,然后通过列举世界上几个著名的建筑,来说明其论点的正确性,并在文章的最后进一步呼应。

3. 答案为D。细节判断题。由文章第五段的第四句可知D项与原文不符。

4. 答案为C。事实判断题。由文章第五段的最后两句可知答案。

5. 答案为B。综观全文,可以看出作者认为标志性建筑从多个方面来看都具有很重要的价值并大加赞赏。

6. 答案为“The Pharaohs/ The Egyptian Pharaohs/ The kings of Egypt”。由文章第二段的第一、二句可知答案。

7. 答案为“Lovers and the romantic people”。由文章第四段的第二句话可知答案。

8. 答案为“Because the walls were made out of bricks and stones which gave them enduring strength”。由文章倒数第二段的第四句可知答案。

9. 答案为“He thinks highly of them/He highlights the importance of them/He values them a lot”。由文章最后一段可知答案。