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The Analysis and Possible Solutions on the Problem of Female Undergraduate Stude

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[a]Master Degree, Lecturer, Secretary of Youth League Committee in Law School of Changchun University of Science and Technology, Changchun, China.

[b]Master Degree, Lecturer, Deputy Director of Students’ Affair Division in Changchun University of Science and Technology, Changchun, China.

*Corresponding author.

Received 12 February 2014; accepted 26 May2014

Published online 26 September 2014


The global financial crisis, which burst out in 2009, had caused great decline on global economy. The employment problems in every country are extreme severe. Chinese economy has grew in a relatively lower speed in recent years and the amount of undergraduates has been increasing all along. The employment issue for undergraduates in our country has been into a dilemma. Under such circumstance, the problem of female college students employment has been much more serious. This article will fully illustrate the status quo of the difficulties in employment for female college students and analyze on the causes and reasons of the employment difficulties for female college students as well as further come up with some possible solutions to release the situation of employment difficulties.

Key words: Female college students; Employment; Causes and reasons; Solutions

Jiang, L., & Wang, J. H. (2014). The analysis and possible solutions on the problem of female undergraduate students’ Employment Difficulties. Higher Education of Social Science, 7(2), -0. Available from: URL: http:///index.php/hess/article/view/5547

DOI: http:///10.3968/5547


As the high education has been transformed from elite education to mass education in recent years, the college students are no longer the favored and blessed ones in the “tower of the ivory”. With the increase of the amount of college graduates, the problem of undergraduates’ employment difficulties is increasingly prominent. Meanwhile, the problem of the weaker position for female college students in the employment market has became more and more server and obvious, which has already caught much attention from all sectors in the society. Although many groups in this society have made the appeal of the equality between women and men in the employment market, some employers are persisting their old ways and put on the label of “Men Only” publicly in all kinds of recruitment fairs. According to related surveys, the signing rate for men is clearly much higher than women’s though they are under the same circumstance. If things continue this way, the problem of the weakness for female college students’ employment would be more and more serious. This article especially analyzes the reasons for the female college students’ employment difficulties and further comes up with some possible solutions to solve this issue.


According to the research data of employment supply and demand on human resource market in the first quarter published by The Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security Hall in Jilin Province 2010, the female college students employment rate in 2010 has been lower than the male undergraduates by 8.5 percentage points, the labor market has more demand on male by 12 percentage points than female.

The research on the female college students employment and entrepreneurship published by the All-China Women’s Federation pointed out that over 90% of female college students have been experienced gender discrimination during their job searching process. Furthermore, there are 90.2% of employers have been claimed clearly that there is definitely no gender discrimination during the interviews, however they also admitted the recruiting females have a lot more difficulties.

According to the research report from MyCos Corporation, the rate of female signing contract with the company was much lower that the male from November 23rd 2011 to February 21st 2012.

Due to the above data, it can be easily figured out that there is the gender discrimination issue indeed among female college students in our country during their job interviews at present. The employers would rather hire some males who are less than superior than hire some great female college students. The employment for female college students is much more difficult than male at every aspect, for example the employment chances, the employment rate, the salary and treatment and the post level. The female college students may usually come across more obstacles and less choices or chances on employment. The employers would always use the label of “male only” or some other conditions which are more invisible and vague to make the female college students lose the chance to compete even if they have the same qualification of application than men.


2.1 The Effect of the Out-Dated Value of Gender or the Gender Discrimination

The stereotype of patriarchy value in the traditional culture of our country is very solid and strong. Although today is 21st century, the thought of males are supposed to be worth more than females is still existing. The over-emphasizing on the negative effect of women’s physiological features has no good for the female employment. During the process of hiring and job interviewing, not only the obvious but also the veiled gender discrimination has appeared frequently. The employer would always chose males even if the females are of the same qualification with men. The employment standard for female is obviously much higher than male’s which cause the problem that men and women cannot be competed on the same and fair level. In addition, due to the pillar effect that the male role is played on today’s society, most of the females are stay as the position of accessories. As a consequence of that, women are always considering themselves to be the key for the family, and they usually paying more attention on that. This kind of idea may cause a long-term effect, which makes women to think that they should marry to a great person than doing a great job, which could cause them to lower their sights and standard for both jobs or careers and finally lead to the influence on their own work performance.

Apart from that, due to the restriction and influence of the conservative and out-dated value, the women are usually taking teaching, serving and nursing as their careers. The company or the firm would have to consider their own interests and benefits during hiring or recruiting, so they thought the female college students may face the issue of getting in love, getting married and then giving birth to a child as well as raising the child, all these issues may affect their work, thus many employers would not like to hire more women into their companies.

2.2 The Fierce Contradiction Between the Supply and Demand of the Market

China enterprises would reduce their staff in order to improve their efficiency, the government offices would compress their formation and cut some departments and the speed of economy development are all the causes for the decrease of labor demand on the market. However, in recent years, the amount of undergraduates has set the new high from time to time. In 2013, the college graduates were 6.99 million, which was called as “the most difficult season to get a job” by the media and press. And the amount of undergraduates in 2014 will be reached 7.27 million. The huge contradiction between the both sides of supply and demand on the employment market would directly affect the ability of taking in more labors. The fierce competition on employment has fostered the discrimination on applying for an occupation, which has provided the possibilities for those companies and units to raise their standard for employment and further set a gender limitation.

The dual structure among urban and rural areas in our country has caused the huge distinction between urban and rural areas, different places, even different careers. Due to different work places, the salaries and benefits, also the development space is of huge difference. Once the work place or the career is settled, the cost for changing them to another one would be a lot. Therefore, under this circumstance, most undergraduates would choose the work place and the career which can get them the maximum benefits as well as chances. Then the east side where the economy is fully developed and big cities would be the top priority to chose for the college students. However, this kind of situation has also caused a problem which is the competition in those kinds of areas is extremely hot, and plus the limited job positions that these areas could offer, the female college students who are already in the poorer situation would be in a more passive position at the same time.

2.3 The Imperfection of the Employment Rules and Law Has Made It Difficult to Guarantee the Employment for the Female College Students

The protection and the attention for ensuring women’s rights have always been very poor in our country. Varies security policies for women’s fertility and work have been established slowly. Besides, there is no funding compensation system established for female staff. The salary and the benefit should be afforded by the employers during the maternity leave of those female staff, which has increased the burden and the labor cost for the companies economically. Under that situation, many companies which has only sight for their economical benefits will not willing to hire female college students.

In recent years, some relative preferential policies and rules about employment have been carried out in our country for those undergraduates. However, compared to the developed country, the situation in our country is far from enough and perfect, and even in the situation of falling behind to some extent. The undergraduates don’t make fully clear about their obligation and rights with their employers. Some policies are relatively weak on the aspect of enduring the female’s main consciousness and the unbalance of the female college students’ employment. Any employers or employment units could find the excuse to avoid the above policies and reject the application for the job sent by female college students.

Nowadays, in our country, the lack of a clear set of complete and detailed law or principle to guarantee the employment for female college students as well as the lack of the relevant supervising agencies to ensure the implementation of some laws and rules are the key reasons for causing the difficulties for female college students.

2.4 Some Personal Reasons From Female College Students Would Affect Their Employment

The traditional value has always regarded female as a role of an understanding wife as well as a loving mother. People in the society would always have higher expectation for women’s family roles than their social roles. Although the situation has been improved recently, the traditional value has never been disappeared in reality in our deep thoughts, which have weakened the desire for women to be successful in their careers to a large extent. And the circumstance has also made many female college students have much dependent on employment, they would rely too much on the help of their parents or friends. Some female college students may also hold the opinion that good marriage is more important than a good career. Besides, many female college students would focus their employment onto those government offices, large and medium enterprises, foreign companies etc, and have high requirements on the salaries, benefits and work environment, even they are at their first employment, which are all affecting the employment for female college students a lot.

Some negative ideas that the female college students hold for themselves would also block the way for expanding their careers as well as improve their own competitive power. For instance, many women would think they may be more suitable for work on preschool education or service job, or they may want to go to institutional organizations and government departments to seek for a job which is relatively stable. This kind of idea makes them give up countless employment chances by themselves. Thus, the female college students should have a creative idea and thoughts, do not be stumbled by some traditional value like men are greater than women, and use the real action to prove themselves for those people who are looking down upon them.


3.1 Establish a Complete Employment Policies and Law System

Establishing a complete employment rule which can fulfill the social reality is the basic measure to solve the problems of difficult employment for female college students. The phenomenon of gender discrimination has been taken very seriously in our country at present. There are lots of laws and regulations among the national legislation which have been explicitly stipulated the gender discrimination is definitely prohibited. For example, among the general rules in the Employment Promotion Act, it is clearly pointed out the labor worker must deserve the equal chances of employment and the right to choose by themselves legally. Laborers shall not be discriminated against in employment, regardless of their ethnic community, race, gender, or religious belief.

In addition to that, the Labor Law, the Labor Contract Law have all clearly pointed out that the phenomenon of gender discrimination is absolutely prohibited during employment. Protecting and maintaining the legal, fair and just working rights for the female employees with might and main.

However, when the above laws and regulations are implemented in reality, the effect is not as optimistic as they should be. The effect of ensuring women’s rights is not obvious. Besides, responsible implementation does not reach the designated position, the effective channels for litigation are lacked when people have experienced the unfair treatment. Some corresponding punishment measures are not strong enough, which has caused the phenomenon of gender discrimination during employment could not be improved properly. The legislative organ should formulate the law which can conform the situation of our country and against the employment gender discrimination based on the reference of those successful experience from law departments in developed countries. The effective and practical social and legal security law should be provided for those female labor and female college students.

In reality, the issue of fertility of female labor would increase the cost of those companies and units, which is also the key problem for those employers who have turned down the employment of female college students. Hence, the society should increase the compensation fee for the fertility of those female labors. Such compensation fee should be co-afforded by society, companies and person. The policies of “same labors, same insurance and security” and some special safeguard policies should be implemented by not only the government but also the whole society. Comprehensively promoting the issue of employment for female college students. Only if some of the social responsibility and social compensation should be taken for the fertility of female labors, and commit to achieve the socialization as well as the collectivization of female labors’ fertility, the burden for the company could be relieved and the cost for them could be reduced and further avoiding the imbalance amount of male and female workers in a company.

Currently, there is no relevant sanction or punishment policies for the enterprises which have been discriminated in the female labor. The relevant law cannot be implemented as well, which is a huge inequality situation for those female labors and college students. No specific supervision department to take charge ofthe supervision, implementation and enforcement, even after the problem of female labors discrimination occurred, no effective channels for women to litigate.

Apart from that, the lawsuit in our country has the problem of high cost and complex procedures. Whenever the issue of female labors has been discriminated, the victim put forward the legal action to the court, they would be at a clearly weaker position compared to the companies or the units, and the fact of malfeasance is not easy to put to the proof as well. The company will not be published by violating law articles of protection to female labors and the cost for the illegal action is relatively low. On the contrary, the female labor who is going to protect their own benefit would spend a lot on this, pay much more time and energy at the same time. Many female labors and college students would not choose such a highly-cost way for seeking legally help, they would rather put their efforts on searching for the next possible job. Thus, the law and regulations should be improved and perfected actively. The procedure and the time cost for a lawsuit should be reduced. The law enforcement efforts and the effect of legal supervision should be improved a lot.

A series of laws and regulation for protecting female’s rights has already been formulated in our country at present. Much efforts should be put to publicize those laws and regulations and strengthen the enforcement of the implementation of those laws and regulations. To ensure the legal rights and benefits of female college students will not be violated in reality. A labor market, which is worked orderly, should be established and developed by the country. The employment mechanism should be established gradually, which can really achieve the fair competition. In addition to that, we should have a clear consciousness about the issue that the employers would have so many extreme requirements for the female college students rather than a just simple problem of gender discrimination. It is true that women’s fertility would bring some negative effect to the companies’ production and cost, however, the practical and effective social security mechanism should be carried out by the government in order to solve this contradiction and further help the enterprises to solve their worries afterwards.

3.2 Eliminate the Effect of Out-Dated Thoughts, Establish the Gender Consciousness in the Society

The idea of “he was in the marketplace, and she was in the home usually” should be eliminated from the traditional value. The righteous gender value should be established in the whole society and further eliminate the social differences between different genders. This is another key issue to solve the problem of difficult employment for female college students. We have to establish the gender culture, which is filled with Chinese characteristics, and conform the social development course by means of improving and publicizing the establishment as well as the publicity of the gender culture and advanced culture. Building the right social gender value all around the community and make every single man and woman in this society to be the main part and developed thoroughly, freely and completely. Moreover, they can make their respective advantages complementary to each other in all directions.

3.3 The University Should Improve the Quality-Oriented Education and Careers Guidance for Female College Students Specifically

3.3.1 Improve the Quality-Oriented Education for Female College Students

The universities should base on the mental and physical features of female college students and the present employment situation, then establish some proper specialty and unique course in order to make variable choices of the opening classes and the subject for the female college students. It is convenient for them to design their own knowledge structure and ability structure. In order to foster a strong-based major knowledge and further strengthen the practice ability training for female college students, we should achieve the combination between completed education and individualized education. Making efforts and train them to have power practice ability and creative spirit in order to make them become compound talents among the female college students. Paying more attention and efforts on the mental guidance to those female students, make them to have a strong consciousness on marketing competition and employment actively, which can help them avoid failure during the fierce employment competition.

3.3.2 Targeted for Female College Students Employment Guidance Work

The university should pay enough attention on the guidance work for female college students’ employment. Opening some relevant courses and lectures, training hard on the employment technique, performance and politeness, self-benefits, practice ability etc. Making female college students know how to evaluate themselves, how to set their career goals and which basic abilities they should learn and finally specifically teach female college students to make a great personal career design.

3.3.3 Expanding the Channels for Employment and Creating Opportunities for Female College Students’ Employment

Undergraduates are living on campus, which makes them have fewer chances to get along with the society, and they would hold incomplete information about the policies, news, and systems of employment. Lots of employment opportunities would lose if they themselves know little about the social demand for human resource and then have an employment information blank. The employment guidance department in universities should combine the school’s distinguishing feature and advantages as well as establish an appropriate employment platform in order to provide timely employment information and increase the opportunity for being hired. To start with, the employment guidance department should contact some employers proactively and form a system of long-term human resource supply as well as demand. Schools should show the strength of all the teachers and their teaching skills, combined with the social demand to establish the talent training scheme, in order to make more female college students get employed. Next, the department of employment guidance should be targeted to introduce some units which have more demand for female college students in order to create more employment opportunities for female college students. The special session of recruitment fair could be held especially for the female students if necessary in order to provide the platform for female college students to show themselves individually.


4.1 Correcting the Misunderstanding on Employment

The female college students should overcome the mind of rivalry during the employment, don’t just look for those jobs with good place or good salary. They should also get rid of the mind of dependency, don’t rely on their parents or friends all the time. Never, ever be inferior to yourself, don’t sign a job contract without careful consideration only because you think yourself as a person without good grades, good family background, good appearance or any specialty and advantages. These kind of mental misunderstanding would affect the employment for female college students severely.

4.2 Improve the Comprehensive Quality of Yourself and Show Your Full Potential as Well as Enhance the Employment Competition of Your Own

A proper comprehensive quality is the key to employment success. Hence, the female college students should study hard and enlarge their knowledge, try their best to expand their own ability of study. Also, they have to pay attention to raising their ability of association, communication, expression, social adaptation and cooperation. Women can enhance their employment competition a lot as well if they take full advantages of their natural stronger ability of thinking and talking than men do. It is believed that every employer who is facing an interviewee with high comprehensive quality, they will not reject the because of their female gender.


Break the Traditional Employment Value and Expand the Employment Thought as well as Advocate Female Entrepreneurship. In contemporary society, people are having complex necessities on living, eating, education, health, environment and travel etc., this could bring more new space and chances for female entrepreneurship. The university should pay attention to improve the quality of female college students from every aspect, and build a powerful fundamental for female entrepreneurship. Every local government has also carried out some relevant system and policies to ensure as well as support female college students’ entrepreneurship.


The female college students are the development talents among contemporary social women who have a great professional and comprehensive quality. However, due to varying social and personal reasons, they are in the poorer situation in the fierce employment competition. Their employment lasting longer, costing higher as well as a lower level and salary compared with men. In order to solve the problem of unfairness for female college students’ employment properly, every functional department in society, government, enterprises and schools has the obligation and responsibility to create a wonderful social environment for female college students. To establish reasonable gender division mechanism with policy design and leading. Keeping balance between fairness and equality, eliminating gender discrimination and further improve every protection system. Seeking women’s potentials during work and paying less attention to the stereotype on women’s physical features. The female college students should cooperate actively and enhance their own quality constantly. Establishing a proper value of choosing careers, exploiting their advantages to the full. If so, they can not only handle the daily routine at the office well, but also can take full use of the female’s advantages at every occasion and show the rational and smart aspect of ourselves. The higher social value of the enterprise could be made if the female could better play to their strengths at work.


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