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Work It Out

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Productivity begets productiv- ity. When we are productive, we also become more motivated to succeed and this motivation keeps increasing. And this can come from a few minutes of daily exercise. However busy I may be, even if I am working round the clock, I make it a point to workout daily.

Health and physical well being are not constants. When we are healthy we remain busy, devoting little time to staying fit. But it is very important to always keep one’s health in mind, and have the latest aids available to workout and stay healthy.

Many people think physical exercise and performance at work are unrelated, but in fact there is close correlation between them. Regular physical activity improves concentration and productivity considerably. This has been scientifically established – if you stimulate your nervous system, you will function at a higher level. Exercising regularly not only keeps the heart healthy and weight in check, it also makes people smarter and better at what they do.

It is important executives take note of this. Many start working early in the morning and retire only when the day ends, which is most unhealthy. But even 30 minutes of exercise can make up for the time they spend in an enclosed ambience all day where, for much of the time, they practically do not move their muscles at all.

Fitness has been a way of life for me. A combination of weight training and cardiovascular exercises, during which I run for 10 to 12 km on a treadmill, is a daily must. To ensure my own health and fitness, I pay close attention to the kind of food I eat, the flexibility I possess, and my muscle and cardio exercises. All of us need to increase our heartbeats for about half an hour a day in order to stay healthy. As a student too, I was active in squash, cricket and basketball. The idea was not necessarily to become a footballer or a gold medalwinning gymnast, but simply to stay healthy and fit.

I also extend the mantra of fitness to my business. Managing oneself well is a prerequisite to managing people. I expect people working with me to possess healthy minds and bodies. My workouts have helped me dramatically at work – to focus better and even improve relations with my co-workers. You will find qualitative changes taking place in your working life once you make exercising a daily practice (see How Physical Activity Helps the Mind).

To conclude, I would like to emphasise that all of us should strive to instill discipline in our lives, should eat wisely and exercise daily, and an optimal state of well being will automatically follow.

The writer is Chairman and Managing Director, PVR Ltd