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关键词:跨国公司 新兴市场 威胁


More multinational companies are looking forward to building up relationships with potential partners in emerging markets. Nevertheless, not all of these multinational companies can win in the new environment. For instance, the following can be attributed to the failure of some Japanese companies making investment in emerging markets: the lack of strategies on market segments; the reluctance of mergers and acquisitions with local businesses; the lack of financial commitment to necessary investment on emerging markets and the shortage of excellent human resources (Ichii, Hattori, & Michael, 2012).

II.Possible Threats of Emerging Markets

1. Cultural conflicts

Many companies not only export their products into emerging markets, but some of them are also considering making foreign direct investment in the emerging markets. In other words, they are willing to invest in building plants, hire local employees and supervisors, and sell the localized products or services. From this perspective, more threats will be derived from the combination of different cultures and management styles.

For example, when companies in western countries, like the US, make direct investment in Jordan, where centralization and hierarchy are focused on, they should be able to shift their management style which favors the delegating and independence to the local management style which should be accepted by Jordanian employees and supervisors (Sawalha & Anchor, 2012). Otherwise, if local employees and managers do not understand the difference between these two management styles, they will mistakenly believe that the leader is not qualified enough. For example, they will assume the delegating indicates the incapability of the leader. In the long run, this misunderstanding will definitely result in a non-harmonious environment which is not good for higher efficiency. Therefore, investing in emerging markets requires international managers to cautiously cope with cultural conflicts and make some necessary adjustments in their overall strategy to fit into the new context.

2.Differences and dynamism

As emerging markets are in the process of fast growth, there will be more differences within the market itself between consumers’ purchasing power and buying characteristics than in developed markets where the whole economy is more stable and balanced. For example, China is an emerging market with nearly 150 cities. Besides some big cities, like Beijing, Shanghai, Wuhan and Shenzhen, there are still some “submarkets” in China. While submarkets do not have the most competitive environment, they have strong potential and rapid growth rates (Atsmon, Kertesz & Vittal, 2011).

Thus, by realizing these current situations of emerging markets, companies can execute appropriate strategies in both market segmentations and marketing campaigns. Otherwise, they will probably lose their opportunities and fail in this complicated environment.


In order to help international managers better handle the emerging markets, this paper makes an analysis on emerging markets’ threats in recent years. These possible threats consist of cultural conflicts and inflation. To sum up, before stepping into the emerging markets, international managers need to take into account the existing problems and then make comprehensive strategies in management.


[1]Atsmon,Y.,Kertesz,A.,& Vittal,I.(2011).Is your emerging-market strategy local enough?.Mckinsey Quarterly,(2),50-61

[2]Ichii,S.,Hattori,S.,& Michael,D.(2012).How to Win in Emerging Markets: Lessons from Japan.Harvard Business Review,90(5),126-130

[3]Sawalha,I.H.,&Anchor,J.R.(2012).Business continuity management in emerging markets:The case of Jordan.Journal of Business Continuity & Emergency Planning,5(4),327-337