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Hi-tech Fashion

By Alexandra Jennings











A couple of weeks ago, in the midst of moving house, I had a revelation. I realized that I had too many clothes - far too many. Why did I come to this conclusion? I think it may have been the hernia I suffered after moving all those boxes of clothes into my new apartment. I am a hoarder. It runs in my family. My father collects books and train paraphernalia; my mother, paperweights and thimbles; my sister, brooches; and my weakness is clothing. I have trouble discarding anything. The difficulty of finding clothes in China suitable for tall women has only exacerbated this problem. If finding trousers suitable for my 1.8 metre frame is close to mission impossible, then there is no reason why I should ①cast off my favourite pair of jeans, though they bear many indiscreet holes and can no longer be worn in public.

Luckily, I have sympathetic friends who decided that I needed their help. Thus, was organized a late, but desperately needed, 'spring clean' for my wardrobe. This consisted of a few girlfriends coming over, rummaging through my collection of clothing and deciding what I should keep and what I should not. The plan was simple. There were two piles - yes (keep), no (to be donated to a worthy cause). Anything I had not worn in a year instantly went on the 'no' pile. Everything else had to undergo deep scrutiny and be unanimously voted onto the 'yes' pile, or else I had to bid it farewell. Though the process was at times painful, now that it is over, I feel a great weight lifted from my shoulders. Also the knowledge that my unwanted clothes went to people needier than myself gives me a nice, fuzzy, warm feeling. A word of warning though, if I see anyone walking around in my canary yellow, short sleeve safari suit, I will demand it back!

Now with my wardrobe looking rather bare, I gave myself a carte blanche to invest in some more clothes. Oh, what should I buy? A quick surf of the Internet, and I was astounded to discover that the latest fashion isn't clothing; it's electronics. These days, wearing the right clothes is no longer enough, you must also accessorize with the latest electronic gadgets.

Number one on the fashion 'must-have' list is the Apple iPod mini. The iPod mini has revolutionized how we listen to music. It is a small, beautifully designed mp3 player. I describe it as cute. It can hold 80-100 CDs, or about 75 hours of music, which is handy in itself, but it has a vital added feature: it comes in pink, and green, and blue, and silver, and gold. The choice of five colors has transformed a cool and clever electronic device into a fashion accessory.

The measure of how fashionable a product is, is most easily found in Japan. Japan is considered by most of those in the fashion industry as the biggest fashion market in the world. When iPod mini was launched in Japan, 1,500 eager customers queued for the launch and the store sold out within a couple of hours. It was a buying frenzy.

From its not so humble beginnings, the iPod mini has become a fashion icon. In the latest catwalk collection for Valentino, models strutted down the catwalk wearing cute blouses under cropped leather jackets, and a frilly black skirt, accessorized with an iPod slung from the waist (albeit one covered in crystals). iPods were not only restricted to the catwalk. It seemed everyone in the audience had their iPods on display, some even had their iPods personalized. It is indeed the accessory of the year. Get yours before they become passé.

And forget the $US200 iPod Sling bag from Gucci, a purpose made iPod carrying case with leather trim and silver clasps; it's for cheapskates. The ultimate iPod accessory is Fendi's Juke Box; a $US1, 500 belt for transporting multiple iPods. That's right, multiple iPods. Apparently, the designer Karl Lagerfeld personally owns 70 iPods. And these two are not the only fashion houses to introduce expensive and luxurious iPod accessories. In fact, most of the major international design houses sell iPod cases, including Pucci, Dior, Chanel, Louis Vuitton, Burberry and Coach. Coach's $US98 python-skinned case sold out before it even hit the stores. A second batch of cases sold out immediately. Indeed, accessorizing your iPod(s) has become almost as important as owning the player itself.

High fashion aside, (let's face it, it looks good with gym clothes, work clothes, casual and formal outfits) it is a product that does something useful, does it really well, and looks terrific too.

Another handy and fashionable gadget is the new Victorinox Swiss Memory. Victorinox has been producing pocket-knives for the past 120 years, but the Swiss company's latest tiny tool is a giant leap forward for computer users on the move. The new Swiss Memory integrates numerous useful tools such as a stainless steel blade, scissors, nail file, screwdriver, ballpoint pen and for the first time, a USB memory stick. Available with a memory capacity of 64 Megabyte (MB) to 1 Gigabyte (GB) it is able to transport everything from business presentations to mp3 audio files, photos and videos. A frequent flyer version comes minus the sharp stuff they don't allow through security.Both models are as handsome as they are handy and have featured in Vogue and ②a plethora of other magazines (though it has yet to make its appearance on the red carpet or catwalk). They come in a variety of colors, making it that much easier to coordinate with your outfit, though harder to choose at the shop.

Finally, though not quite keeping with the gadget theme, the Tiffany's padlock design has caught my eye as a handy accessory. I'll admit that it's hardly as functional as the others are, but it is designed in the image of a helpful gadget, and that's good enough for me.




排在时尚“必备”名单第一位的是“苹果iPod mini”。“苹果iPod mini”彻底改变了我们听音乐的方式。它是一个设计美观的小型MP3播放器。我对它的形容是可爱。它携带方便,可以放下80到100张CD的容量,相当于75小时左右的音乐,但它还有一个极为重要特色:它推出了粉色型、绿色型、蓝色型、银色型和金色型。可供选择的五种颜色将既酷又巧的电子设备变成了一种时尚饰物。

在日本,最容易对产品的时尚度进行衡量了。日本被大多数时尚界人士视为世界上最大的时尚市场。当“iPod mini”在日本发售之时,有1500名急切的顾客排队待购,而商店在几个小时内就销售一空。那就是一次购物狂潮。

开端不俗的“iPod mini”已然成为了一种时尚象征。在瓦伦蒂诺的最新T型台展示会上,模特们内穿可爱的女士衬衣,外披短款皮夹克,下配腰悬“iPod”(虽然是有水晶点缀的那类)的褶边黑裙,昂首阔步于T型台之上。“iPod”不只局限在T型台上。似乎在座的每位观众都在展示着他们的“iPod”,有些人甚至对他们的“iPod”进行了个性化处理。它的确就是(本年的)年度饰物。在它们成为昨日黄花之前,去为自己买一个吧。

不要考虑200美元的古琦牌“iPod Sling”包了,那是一款拥有皮革嵌边和银制扣环的“iPod”专用便携袋;它是为小气鬼准备的。而“iPod”的顶级配饰则是价值1500美元、可以携带多部“iPod”的芬迪牌“Juke Box”腰带。没错,是多部“iPod”。显然,设计师卡尔・拉格菲尔德本人就拥有70部“iPod”。而这两家品牌并非是仅有的推介昂贵奢华的“iPod”饰物的时装店。实际上,大多数主要的国际品牌店都在出售“iPod”包,其中就包括普奇、迪奥、香奈儿、路易・威登、巴宝莉和蔻奇。蔻奇的98美元蟒蛇皮包甚至在还未到店前就已销售一空了。而第二批包也是登时销售一空。没错,把你的那部(或多部)“iPod”装饰起来,差不多已经与购买播放器本身是一样重要了。


另一个方便且时尚的是维诺斯公司的新款“瑞士闪存”。维诺斯公司在过去的120年间一直都在生产袖珍刀具,但这家瑞士公司的最新微型工具对于四处活动的电脑用户来说则是一个巨大的飞跃。新款的“瑞士闪存”整合了很多有用的工具,如不锈钢刀片、剪刀、指甲锉、螺丝刀、圆珠笔,以及首次加入的USB记忆棒。已推出的内存容量从64M到1 G不等,使其可以携带从商业演示文件到MP3音频文件、照片和录像在内的各种数据。而为经常乘飞机人士设计的版本则去掉了安检所不允许的利器部分。这两种款式既实用又漂亮,在《时尚》和其它很多杂志上都有刊载(尽管它还没有在红地毯和T型台上亮过相)。它们推出了多款颜色,虽然这使得在商店里进行挑选变得更加困难,但却与你的套装更易搭配。


hernia /`h8nj9/ n.疝气

hoarder /h5d9/ n.囤积者;贮藏者

paraphernalia /p2r9f9`neilj9/ n.全部有关的物件(或项目)

paperweight /`peip9weit/ n.镇纸;压纸器

thimble /`Fimb(9)l/ n.顶针;针箍

discard /di`sk3d/ vt.抛开;遗弃

exacerbate /eks`2s9(:)beit/ vt.恶化;使加剧

indiscreet /,indis`kr1t/ adj.不慎重的;轻率的

rummage /`r7mi_/ v.到处翻寻;检查

needy /`n1di/ adj.贫困的;非常贫穷的

fuzzy /`f7zi/ adj.美妙的;有绒毛的

canary yellow /k9`n39ri `jel9u/ 淡黄色

safari suit /s9`f3ri s(t/ 游猎便装

carte blanche /k3t `bl7H/ n.全权;自由处理权

astound /9s`taund/ vt.使惊骇;使大吃一惊

gadget /`G2_it/ n.小玩意;小器具

frenzy /`frenzi/ n疯狂;狂热

strut /str7t/ vi.昂首阔步而行

frilly /`frili/ adj.镶褶边的

albeit /5l`b1it/ conj.虽然

pass?/`p2sei/ adj.过时的;不再吃香的

cheapskate /`tH1pskeit/ n.吝啬鬼

fashion house时装商店

python /`paiF(9)n/ n.大蟒;巨蟒

batch /bAtH/ n.一批;大量

nail file 指甲锉

screwdriver 螺丝刀

megabyte /`meG9bait/ n.(信息量单位)兆字节

gigabyte /_1G9bait/ n.(信息量单位)十亿字节

padlock /`p2dl4k/ n.挂锁;扣锁

① cast off 丢弃;摆脱

② a plethora of 大量;众多