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April Fools’ Day, while not an official holiday, is a day when kids and pranksters[顽皮的人] shine. Kids just can’t seem to resist pulling off[努力实现] a good joke on Mom, Dad, or best friends. Even adults like to get in on[参加]

the action and will come up with elaborate[精心制作的] schemes[阴谋] to prank[开玩笑] unsuspecting[不怀疑的] friends and family. So, how did we come to celebrate this day? Here is a little bit about the history of the beloved April Fools’ Day.

History of April Fools’ Day

You may think that April Fools’ has been only celebrated more recently, but that is not true. In fact, April Fools’ Day has a longer history than some other holidays celebrated, such as Mother’s Day.

While the origin of April Fools’ Day is not exactly known, it is clear that this day of pranks has been observed since around 1582 in France. When Charles Ⅸ ruled, the Gregorian calendar注1 was introduced and New Year’s Day was moved from April 1st to January 1st. People continued to

celebrate on April 1st, either not knowing the calendar had been changed or not caring. Those people were often referred to as “fools” for celebrating a day that no longer existed. Still, they set a trend known around the world and April Fools’ became commonplace in many households.

Who Celebrates April Fools’ Day?

It is interesting to note that many countries celebrate this day of pranks, but pranks and jokes do vary from country to country. For example, if you are in Portugal, don’t be surprised if your best friend throws handfuls of flour at you. Morning time is when the best pranks take place in England. If you fall victim[受害人] to a prank there, you are called a “noodle[傻瓜],” and if you forget to play your joke on someone in the morning, then you must remember not to do so after noontime, or bad luck will fall on you.

Of course, in the United States, April Fools’ Day is an all day affair. Pranks and jokes can range from very mild to very elaborate. There are actually many accounts of elaborate pranks that have made the news. One story tells of a fast food restaurant

taking out a full-page advertisement in The New York Times, declaring it had purchased the Liberty Bell注2 and renamed it Taco Liberty Bell in an effort to help reduce the national debt.








注1:现行公历即格里高利历,是由意大利医生兼哲学家里利乌斯(Aloysius Lilius)改革儒略历制定的历法,由教皇格里高利十三世在1582年颁行。
